Be me, be chaser

be me, be chaser

cute boymoder gf

pretended to be gay boys in public

think she's really cute and looks very fem

convince her to start girlmoding

buy her cute clothes

take her out with new clothes

think she looks gorgeous when we get ready

sit in restaurant

suddenly it hits me


how the fuck couldn't I see that before

pretend she's pretty and go on with the evening

she felt great and wants to girlmode more often

mfw I ruined it

What have I done? And let this be a message to all boymoders out there, there is a reason you boymode, and don't let a stupid moid tell you otherwise

lol, lmao even


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there is a reason you boymode

thanks for reminding me



why is there nothing good in the world

It's probably just social anxiety, OP. You're feeling pressure from others, this is why you feelt it suddenly in the place where it is both very public with people around (and you feel they are looking at you) but also intimate in that they are a static group in a shared indoor space all doing a social ritual (eating together).

You can learn to stop letting this rule you and just go with what you want or you can be constantly pressured into being a sheep like those people in the psych studies who would deliberately agree with answers to questions they knew were wrong if others around them all said the wrong thing.

If I like a girl I am going to take her out anywhere she wants to go and she'll be by my side and FUCK OFF to anyone who doesn't like that. It's only me and her that matter when we're together.

lmao top quality rageb8 right there

If you read the story closely you'll notice that it ends with her being happier

trvthnvke so real that im over being a chaser. im going back to fucking otters.

but it doesn’t matter because her boyfriend thinks she’s ugly

Her boyfriend got retarded cold feet due to beta mode anxiety. His own opinion before being pressured was he liked her a lot.

He either grows up and learns to like her and not care about others or she finds a guy who can naturally do it, as many can.

okay but maybe she can’t find another guy, men hate trannies


yeah you notice it after a bit but honestly its kinda cute

I mean that's the most chaser experience. It's not that we find her ugly, it's that from time to time you get this realization.
We just stay quiet about it. It's usually just a short burst of anxiety that comes up from time to time. You just have to shut up, smile and get through it. After some time it normalizes and you see her normal again

okay but maybe she can’t find another guy, men hate trannies

Well the upside is that he obviously had some feelz for her to start with so there's hope he can mature. He's probably still very immature at heart and so more sensitive to social pressure but people can develop that way. I wouldn't say one wobble in the relationship is doom, especially if he can deal with it in his head before she senses or is impacted by anything. It's nice she's feeling better about herself.

I don't think men hate trannies though. I'm a very average guy to most people and I like them same as any other woman.

He's probably still very immature at heart and so more sensitive to social pressure but people can develop that way.

Social pressure is literally one of the strongest drivers for humans because we specifically evolved as a social species. If you don't feel social pressure you probably have some psychological disorder.

Anxiety from being an outcast is a very normal feeling. You can't really grow out of it, it is evolutionarily engrained deep inside.
And it's not like it's unwarranted. If you've ever been thrown out of a shop for her being a tranny, if you've been spit on or beaten up, you learn why this feeling exists and is part of your self preservation instinct

okay, that makes sense, thanks for explaining the chaser brain to me

thank you for treating trans woman well but i’m pretty sure you’re in a small minority of men for that

after some time it normalizes

It's a reaaaally gross pang of, "fuck, this is worse than gay" but then you manually suppress and realize you get some assplay later

I wouldn't be so crass as to dismiss the exprience or pressures of actually being trans and living that. I can though speak from the view of being a male and hanging out with others and doing what I want to do and not letting stuff get to me. The pressure is is there but limited for me in that I don't let it totally rule me. My own compass and desire to make people I care about happy is stronger, especially for those I love like my closest friends or a lover. Remember OP's post is the BF/male POV too so it is a different situation or perspective. I'm not going to get beaten up and thrown out of some shop.

If caring more about my friends or loved ones I am with rather than having some anxiety panic attack meltdown is considered a disorder be it. I embrace it. If I was OP and I had made a friend or loved one that happy I'd have been happy without question myself and I'd have done it in clown shoes an a wig if I had to to keep it going. I couldn't count the number of times I've been happy to make a fool of myself to break tension, make a friend comfortable or to distract from them making some goof and feeling all the pressure.

Maybe not all, but I think a lot of guys feel similar to me. Certainly would about their wives or kids.

Nah if anything it's that you see her differently when you're alone. If you're out you see her as a social being, you see her how she'll be perceived by others.
When you're alone you see her on an emotional level, you see her as what she means to you.

It's the same when dating a conventionally ugly person. When you're out you feel how others perceive them, and it can partly overwrite how you perceive them.

This is how a real fucking man talks. If we were in the same room I'd want to have a drink with you.

thats a lot of words to tell us you're a beta embarrassed to be publicly dating a tranny. you don't deserve her. just go date ciswomen instead coward

The mature and decent and loving thing to do is to acknowledge (1) the feelings are real and (2) the feelings are not acceptable or feelings you should allow to stay.

It's in the same category as feeling jealous when a friend accomplishes something that matters to you and that you've been failing at. It's human and understandable to feel that feeling, but when we're at our best, we immediately go "whoa, that's an inappropriate and unsupportive thing for me to feel. Time to work past it."

Maybe that's where you're at and I'm making an assumption, in which case I'm sorry. But it sounds like you're suggesting that OP's feelings are valid in the sense that we should respect them and endorse the moral virtue of their existing (not true) vs. valid in the sense that they're real feelings and need to be felt/dealt with, but not valid in the sense that the emotional motivation behind the feeling is immature and a character flaw to work on (true).

It can be helpful to ask: "if I took this feeling to its natural conclusion, what would it call me to do? What is the feeling suggesting be done?" If the action the feeling would call for is something unacceptable or wrong or immoral, the feeling was wrong too.

It seems to me like the natural conclusion of "I'm anxious and self-conscious because my girlfriend is visibly trans in public" is "break up with her." Not cool. What else would be the point? Simply to be aware? For what purpose?

I think OP needs to take more responsibility for growing as a person. His GF deserves that.

this is my nightmare. i want to die

Those are boys, not men. No disrespect to their journey and their need to grow, but mature human beings with empathy and compassion don't talk that way about others.

These are the same men that would demean you, mock you behind your back, fail to defend you to their shitty friends bagging on you when you're not around.

Less than nothing lost. Forget about them and go find the man who will sit with you in the reality of your appearance and the things you struggle with in it, and make you feel better about them by speaking the truth lovingly.

You're a beta if you care how you are perceived by others

You will be perceived as lesser if you care about how you'll be perceived by others

If you want to be perceived as an alpha male you must not want to be perceived by the public in any way

That's literally an unsatisfiable condition. You either care about being alpha/beta whatever you incels come up with, but then you must necessarily also care about being seen with a hon in public. Or you don't, in which case, congratulations you're autistic

Well said. Red flag behavior often shows up in other aspects in someone's life. Part of improving oneself is spotting these things internally and dealing with it. It's a good exercise to think it through to conclusions. If he learns the mental tools you suggest to spot and deal with it he can do a lot better and go far with his development. Otherwise you get poisoned with jealousy and other petty stuff instead of being able to take joy in important things and probably end up with a lot of regret or confusion.

Some go for otters, others go for bears.

Ok yeah, we've all been there. But the real question is, how do you unsee her this way?

Short version - Get over it.

Long version - What this anon said

I hate when I make a ragebait thread and people start taking it to seriously

real men do whatever they want without crying about whether they're being judged. do you like trannies? then own up to it and date them openly without being a little bitch about it. you only feel a tiny fraction of the judgement she does.
if you think she's a hon, and have a problem being seen with her, then she's probably better off without you. break up and let her find someone that makes her happy and supports her wholeheartedly. it'll hurt her, but not as much as if she knew how you actually saw her

Truth nuke for men. You are either in or out. The worst thing is to be wavering in the middle not sure what to do or where you're going. Make a choice, live with it.

This thread is a transbian psyop, anon. They're trying to get you to give up before you even try

Yeah the reality is that if you keep trying you can find a bf who will appreciate you and have no feeling of shame or concern for others as you're his world and hopefully he is yours, loyalty and love for life. It can be a case of spending time and effort to find and build it though.

I took a passing trans girl out on kind of a date in the wild and when her makeup washed off she looked less feminine but I didn't say anything. I would still annihilate her bussy all day I guess I'm just not as straight as I thought or she turned me by just being an amazing person. But if she never wore makeup I probably wouldn't be as into her.

Is this you

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vaccinated as fuck

why do they all look so onions?

t. boymoder projecting her dysphoria into an invented boyfriend

Just girlmode it'll be okay

Can you stop sniffing your own farts for a second you soiyish pseud? The reality could be that honestly she doesn't pass as well as initially thought. Being a man is not about denying reality but knowing when to shut up and accept someone but not lie to them or delude them. It's called having tact.

I want to crush this faggots lightbulb head. Fucking pencil necked beard-oil guys, I hate them so much.

hot bf material

psyop thread

actually kind of hot I want a transbian to groom and manipulate me

Many transbians are saying this