Qott: Do you like women?
/Chasergen/ Women Edition
I like shrimp cat
I like men
i like women but not romantically or sexually. Other women are kinder to me than men are and i trust them more often.
Just Jewish?
Thats why the twinkfucker simps for you
woah new Caitlin Doughty. she's dropped the "Ask A Mortician" branding, maybe that's good for the style of content she does now
yeah they're alright
yeah and even i am bi
just in a wlw relationship
I love when women, it's the best aspect to them
however i asked some women for dating advice. a few days ago and like 60 odd women told me im naive, have low self worth, and im going to get raped, and then said a bunch of victim blame-y things, so i mean..
Not tattooed Tiktok skanks
Trying to promote her OF too I bet
I am a twink killer to the dismay of many
Ooh! I lover her!
Theres nothing i can do to change how ugly my body is. Like why didnt i just kill myself instead of thinking i could mitigate the damage i caused by waiting
Women are OK
Transwomen are a delightful treat
even the twinky honnish ones~
IWN be as beautiful as her
I think you're beautiful mwah
she doesn’t know she already is
im half ashkenazi jewish half broadly european. Like little bits of english french russian polish german etc just not irish or italian afaik
my family doesnt do ancestry, or atleast they dont share their ancestry stuff with me
It's so fucked up that she just walked in, flashed kirby's asscrack at the camera and then crushed him.
Silently promoting your OF by posting yourself as the op image of a chasergen thread is like 17-dimensional chess
Why does it feel like im already in hell being tortured
ma'am, that is murder
You got more ass
anons how am i supposed to feel about a woman saying this to me and then several other women agreeing with her?
im so jealous of her hair, mine is never this well behaved
Maybe listen to the real women instead of being malebrained and insisting you know more than what actual women are telling you from experience.
I am to you what a fly is to a bird
transbian hon bickering gen fuck off.
literally my wife
in what world is mwah a transbian
I am a worm
Disgustingly based
You wish I was a tourist. You don't want to acknowledge I'm right.
shut up, me asking for dating advice and being told im going to get raped is not okay
They said assaulted, retard. Stop fantasizing about rape for one minute and spend the slightest bit of effort not disregarding women for once.
If it happens everywhere you ask then there's only one thing in common.
Qott: Do you like women?
I love them
you have no lips giant forehead plus balding and giant midface.
Do you think at 30 i can give up without people being too upset or am i stuck until 35
impressive hair
I'm sorry that happened, what is it that you were asking them ?
dude I fucking love women
i am aware
When people say "assault" they mean "rape" 99% of the time, its just a softer word. Getting your butt grabbed without consent is sexual assault but also its hardly something bad enough that youd completely avoid dating (like that person was saying). Rape is, and rape is clearly what they were implying and also the word a lot of other women were using and describing
I wish autumn were my gf
You're hopelessly retarded. Leave those poor women alone, stop talking to them and exposing them to your sub-50 IQ takes.
Never noticed how pretty Autumns eyes were
thank you
what is it that you were asking them ?
What im supposed to do when men on dating apps ask to go on a first date in private locations. i dont want to say no to them but i need to find a way to decline or suggest alternatives that doesnt feel like im being nitpicky or controlling
im naive,
have low self worth,
and im going to get assaulted,
there are those that will be more pushy, not know when to stop, and more
ya gotsta protect yoself (without going full trauma catlady, mind you)
and then said a bunch of victim blame-y things,
such as?
When people say "assault" they mean "rape" 99% of the time, its just a softer word
more the other way around, it's modern internet women we're talking about here, so harassment = assault = rape = 1 in 6
not that you want to go too trad and veer into the "he beats me because he loves me" territory either
yeah pretty eyes too bad about everything else lol.
What im supposed to do when men on dating apps ask to go on a first date in private locations. i dont want to say no to them but i need to find a way to decline or suggest alternatives that doesnt feel like im being nitpicky or controlling
tell em you're trying to be a responsible girl and prefer a more axe-murderer-proof location
I wish i looked good enough people cared about me.
perspective distortion
my niggies don't forget to get a selfie stick or some other way of taking pics further away (and to not put your face too close to the edge of the frame)
i dont want to be passive agressive like that and make them think i dont trust them
you gotta keep in mind these guys are like 18-22 STEM and business university students and most are even more immature than me a lot of them clearly just expect me to be some kind of ditsy doll
Good morning beautiful
I understand, their reaction might've been too strong, it's not really my place to tell you how to live your life but i feel like if a guy asks you on a first date in a private location when you haven't hinted to being cool with that beforehand could mean that he's not taking in consideration how it could make you feel and that could mean he's just not worth your time.
Good morning. Did you handle your disaster from last night?
no need to be passive-aggressive, but you're abuse-bait on account of your circumstances, so it's the responsible thing to ask (in an appropriately apologetic way to make you feel comf, e.g. "sorry, would it be ok to do something a bit more public the first few dates?" or w/e) for a safer setting at first
noooo i fucking need to do that. i am eating right now & waiting for adderall to kick in. unpleasant
thank you. But the issue is that its like literally ALL OF THEM. Like every single time ive talked to them enough they ask me out on a date they want to meet in an unsafe place.
again like i said 18-22 year old men, its hard to expect them to understand that a frat house is more dangerous to me than it is to them
i can try that
thank you for being more understanding than these women were
hey there angel
they probably meant well but didn't have the perspective of a girl who has all these circumstances stacked against her (it'd be like upper middle class white women giving the "you go girl just be uppity" stuff to some immigrant girl that has zero stability or support system)
the softer more empathizing ones will probably understand you better if that gets understood a bit more
If they do it out of pure naivety you could just slide an info and see how they react to it like "Ow tehre's this movie/art expo i've been meaning to see, would you like to come along ?".
i'm unsure, frankly those are most of my dates, it doesn't really sound fun to spend an hour or two face to face with a stranger in their house.
Guys ask me to go to a restaurant or mini golf or stuff, what creeper dating site do you use
i wish i had health insurance
it's another "june shows us her femcel side" episode isn't it
welcome back from your ban, i guess.
I'm so tired of being around cute chicks all the time, i need to incelmaxxx
transbian agp whore who got dumped by cuck bf for being too much of a needy whore online lol.
I have a dress that's pretty similar to this
If any trans are reading this thread and want a chaser, add me
Disc: gone221.
You should wear it and do that, just saying
it doesn't really sound fun to spend an hour or two face to face with a stranger in their house.
"so uh, you come here often?"
have you tried not being disgusting blob man?
Ellie you have people that talk about you when you arent here. The only reason im here is because nowhere else wants me
You guys are made for eachother
I don't have a Kirby plush
Do you have pictures of every girl on here ?
Good luck. I hope you do better than you're expecting
I dont think a guy has ever asked me on a date
thank you anon <3
i kind of hate US hours chasergen
That's okay I just want to see you in a dress like that
I like women a lot. On a day to day basis, I pretty much exclusively interact with women, some people have assumed I am a misandrist. It has really impacted my dating life (aka, no dating life)
t. ranner
NTA but it sucks doesn't it? It was good to have you here during comfy EU hours earlier.
i think the fact i said im 20 and in college but not elaborate on why im further behind on dating and relationships turned some of them off and made them think im really weird. If i said i was like 17 they probably wouldve been more gentle instead of saying that im too naive.
Like they dont know that im a virgin thats been in community college, some are probably too old to realize that i was 15-18 during the pandemic, nor do they know im trans. They probably just thought "why does this junior that gets a bunch of matches on tinder not understand frat houses? does she want to get pregnant in a hookup or something?"
If they do it out of pure naivety
if you guys think im naive you should see some of the conversations ive had on tinder these men have zero situational awareness
it doesn't really sound fun to spend an hour or two face to face with a stranger in their house.
few days ago a guy offered to let me meet him in his frat house. I know objectively this is a very very bad idea and i should not do it.. but it sounds really intriguing. ive never been in a frat house and i want to know what they look like
i use tinder lol
midget golf
cool date idea ngl
i have a lil kirby collectible (he's v nervous bc i gave him a kiss)
kind of same, all my friends are women & my major is majority women & my school is majority women & all my classes are majority women, i'm in a male desert :/
ya euro hours are really nice. just chill & cozy
can you please share an unflattering image of me?
don't post other peoples nudes anon
Ellie can you not do that pls
nah. you are cool.
oh yeah you can sprinkle in some of the
behind on dating
15-18 during cockdown
and maybe even say urtran if you've got good opsec and a burner account, but dw you understand why they went that way given what they were told, and things'll get better the next times as you figure out how to guide the convo in a better direction without having to doxx yourself too much n stuff
unfortunately this has triggered my mouth fetish bad and i need those lipstick marks around the base of my dick
someone's in a bad mood
Oh to be a little kirby kissed on the top of ot's head sitting on a mcbook pro filled with low quality webcam pics
im kinda curious now what this anon's go-to bad pic for me would be. but unfortunately its probably just the pichud.jpg edited pretrans pic and nothing recent. pretty boring. prove me wrong, anon.
No matter what i do im never going to be desired like i want. Do i just kill myself for being so ugly
i have that image saved but i wont post. i actually like you. believe it or not you are good poster here.
Please stop, Jade
Instead of being loved by everyone maybe you can focus on getting that from one person you care about too?
ew. youre negging anon and you like me? ew
I got overwhelmed by tinder because it seemed like way too many matches to be real.
I’d say yes to it every time, it’s among my favorite adventures
yes. you are a real woman sorry bro.
if i said im trans in the post they wouldve just directed the conversation about that, when me being trans is not really THAT important. I mean yeah its sorta relevant but given that i pass to literal frat boys and athletes on tinder i dont think its relevent to me trying to find out how i can safer. Theyd all probably assume that im a midshit or lateshit and give really condescdening advice and say stuff like "welcome to being a woman" as if im not a youngshit thats been harassed plenty of times before
I dont think there was anything wrong with my question, a lot of teen and young women ask questions just like it.
That wouldn't feed the narcissism.
this all depends a *lot* on your face shape
80mm is kind, sure. if you're skinny. if you're fat then it gives you moon face bc the compressing depth brings your cheeks closer to the front of your face. 50mm is the classic portrait length, at least for busts, but i guess passport photo framings start needing longer lenses to lessen the distortion. still seeing the "x" next to it is kinda offputting lol.
picrel (deliberately low res dont @ me) is me at ~6 feet away from the 26mm back camera on my iphone 15, then cropped to what I'd eyeball to be around the equivalent of like 150mm, and it just kinda ruins me. i'd rather have the front camera distort me in a slightly flattering way.
I really need a DSLR so I can play around and experiment with this stuff without having to borrow my dad's one
for me it's always that one mirror selfie, which is sad, there's way worse pictures of me out there.
Each player has a dedicated midget they command by ordering them around and the midgets play for them.
You can order your midget to assault another on a 5 min cooldown.
how did you not get banned for posting someone elses literal uncensored penis a few minutes ago?
June's personal Q&A
negging anon switching between negging and goonposting/simping in the most pathetic way
Absolute state of this place bruh
Need a gf that will teach me Melee and play with me
I just don't have the lore to fully udnerstand anything about this neggiing anon shit, i'm too much of a casual round here
uhhhhhhh what?
like actually what the fuck?
i've spent the last 15 minutes writing about camera optics lmao i've not posted or even seen any penises
I think negging anon is the dude
??? eui didnt do that. stu posted her own
fat paul dano.
is here during every hour he's awake
calls everyone transbian hons or some variation of it
always types in lower case letters only
has pretrans pics of every tranny saved
pretty much that. super sad person
omg who me? (etched out my ex bf's hands)
The negging anon is a janny, but I don't know who they are
im genuinely so disappointed that negging anon is being nice to me
like. i dont think i have the words needed to properly express this disappointment
Negging anon wasn’t around when June was banned I wonder why? Conveniently shows up within the same hour as June after being gone the same number of days?
that would be a super unexpected heel turn but i dont think so. thedude isnt bitter, hes just a little overly wet cat
yeah that's the usual one. thank you for helping me demonstrate, anon
lol kiitti :DD
The sadness is only going to stop if i make it stop forcibly and permanently
I dont care about anyone but me if im being honest. Love from someone else is never enough to make the self hatred go away no matter who its from unfortunately
The most built for bbc tranner in chasergen. Imagine the backshots.
love her hair!
lipstick isn't usually my thing but the darker shades are hot
yes he was
wait what?
im so sorry i got you two confused cause your names are both 3 letters
Low quality pics in terms of resolution, high quality in terms of content
they only have one common letter LMAO
Yeah that sounds like a shit life
negging anon is just some terminally online guy which explains why he knows all the gaygen lore too. he's been here since day 1, literally day 1 of the board. he'll watch a lot of people come and go and stay lonely forever. tragic but not surprising he's bitter. maybe a repper too
I dont care about anyone but me if im being honest
we know, it's as plain as the day is bright.
I remember my first months on HRT...
depends a *lot* on your face shape
yup basically allows you to shrinkify or zoom the center and sides of your face separately
I really need a DSLR so I can play around and experiment with this stuff without having to borrow my dad's one
wish my life was fixed enough that I'd be able to finally cut my teeth on the shitty d3200 (with kit lens obvs) I got
you still look super good there. how long did it take you to get that good at makeup? were you practicing pre-hrt?
Why does it fucking matter if i dont care about other people when other people dont give a fuck about me. If you want me to give a fuck give me the attention i deserve lmao otherwise jump off a bridge
oops trip was posting in Anon Babble
ikr how can you not love that game
I’d say yes to it every time, it’s among my favorite adventures
good, clear out your saturday we're going midgeting
the first time i posted ass ever igot told i had manass this is bringing back memories
manass is glorious
i wish i was this skinny
manbutt is so much better genuinely
i've been looking at used A7S Mark IIs recently, I haven't really spent any time with mirrorless cameras before and those are rapidly coming down in price now. Plus they're good for video, which is nice, and it has has clean HDMI output too which would help, I sometimes have to do streaming video stuff for hobby projects and such.
nobody wants to see manass on a tranner tho
The answer to your problems is dancing in front of you like keys jangling in front of a baby and you tell the messenger to jump off a bridge. lol. lmao even.
yah, im a gay man
i have twinkbody but not twinkhon face & it's a kind of unpleasant juxtaposition
You have a nice butt. It's not a man butt.
that good??? are you kidding me??? it was horribbleeeee
I did not practice pre-hrt that was one of my first times
in which direction
i wish god gave me a big dick so i couldve been a gay top instead of this humilating troon shit
i've spent the last 15 minutes writing about camera optics
oh crap you actually put in effort, my bad it was disrespectful to not autism it up
50mm is the classic portrait length, at least for busts,
nifty 50 innit
but i guess passport photo framings start needing longer lenses to lessen the distortion. still seeing the "x" next to it is kinda offputting lol.
tbf it's not so much the focal length as it is the distance, right?
picrel (deliberately low res dont @ me)
good choice given the current weather itt
is me at ~6 feet away from the 26mm back camera on my iphone 15, then cropped to what I'd eyeball to be around the equivalent of like 150mm, and it just kinda ruins me. i'd rather have the front camera distort me in a slightly flattering way.
horses for courses eh, imo it's the wise choice besides the timeline pics for own use with exactly the same setup if you're into that level of tism
I'm still being hipster boomer luddite about the evf thing since I presume they'll have sufficient lag to piss me off (or at least I'll nocebo my way into that), but maybe I'll change my mind after I've tried them and I'm not a clueless noob about both (plenty of pros on those too after all)
rapidly coming down in price now.
sweet, makes it even more enticing (especially if the situation with adapters for dslr glass isn't too fucky or if the mirrorless mounts aren't being used to overcharge us)
good for video, clean HDMI
sounds pretty sweet especially with the hobby stuff. how does it feel like, something doable for this christmas or a bit more thinking and saving?
what do you look like sobe?
Did you transition just because you're small?
5'9 is not small, but tiny cock and fem voice and kinda androgynous face
not too late for me to give you a big dick though
thank you shaitan
what a peculiar thread.
having a big dick sucks, I hate having to walk very slowly when I’m in pajamas because otherwise my family will here my fat hog slapping against my thighs
is this a meme or do you actually have a hammer autumn?
it's a curse, I don't want this 14 incher slapping against my ankles either but god had other plans for me
blonde, prominent browridge but otherwise model features, thin frame, small but spectacularly shaped titties, and a cute butt
thank you but i fraud hard when posting it. hoping pio helps & want to get back to the gym
that's really crazy i must just have an unsteady hand because i've been practicing for a bit & can nooooooooot do anything that neat & symmetrical
what do you mean?
i'm the blonde neanderthal anon. here's an unflattering video i took the other day. earrings make my face look even longer than they are but they were a gift from a friend so i still like them
Autumn's 9 inch flaccid dick spinning around while I give her ruthless backshots
imagine posting this agp rapehon cuck shit when you are supposed to have a bf lmao.
on what level do you think you dont have twinkhon face
You're cuter than almost every other trip here
they call it the Zweihänder
i'm the blonde neanderthal anon. here's an unflattering video i took the other day. earrings make my face look even longer than they are but they were a gift from a friend so i still like them
oh you look very ethereal, like some kind of winter ghost
np babygirl
You look like see through Ariana Grande like if she had her anorexic features without being anorexic. That's a complement, I think.
I like women but am also scared of them
can i help it live up to its name?
It's not small, but not that big flaccid. I don't think she posted it hard. 24 strength required
it's masculine in the wrong ways. it's kind of rounded instead of angular & has ugly "grounded" male features instead of the ethereal ones twinkhons have. it's like youthful & honnish but in a way that's not twinklike. i guess
thank you anons
i think im the most twisted here because i shouldnt be a tranny and its frying my brain
Most trannies will never post themselves in motion like this with no anglefrauding and no makeup. Very pretty
you look like a targaryen broad in the face idk
You have some of the most delusional bdd, but it doesn't make it any harder to talk to you. Other tranners should take notes.
tbf it's not so much the focal length as it is the distance, right?
yeah, true, or really both. well if you're just gonna crop then the focal length doesn't really matter at i guess. but yeah i get what you mean
horses for courses eh, imo it's the wise choice besides the timeline pics for own use with exactly the same setup if you're into that level of tism
oh yeah deffo, that's another part of why I want an actual digital camera and not just my film cameras + phone. it'd be nice to have a standardized setup at home, mark points on the floor for the tripod with tape and write down the angles that i'd set the head to and then always use the same lens and the same lighting, it'd just be nice to have that kinda consistency
sweet, makes it even more enticing (especially if the situation with adapters for dslr glass isn't too fucky or if the mirrorless mounts aren't being used to overcharge us)
honestly haven't looked that deep into the lenses since I don't really have any modern lenses to begin with, so i'd kinda have to start from scratch anyways. the sony E mount lenses don't seem *that* expensive honestly, not as bad as I was fearing at first. though of course there aren't as many used ones floating around as there are with Canon EF mount lenses and such.
how does it feel like, something doable for this christmas or a bit more thinking and saving?
honestly not sure. it's doable with the christmas bonus we're gonna get, but i'm not really sure if i wanna blow it all on just one thing like that. idk
Updated and complete ethnic census of chasergen trans trips
LB: Italian-American and French-American
June: Jewish-American and mixed European-American
Pichu: British-Polish-German-American
Sarah: British-American
Mariemoder/krissu: Anglo-American and Finnish-American
Sobe: Swedish-American
Jade: Polish-American
Stu: Italian-American
Venus: Jewish-American
Triss: African-American and Latina
Koshka: Jewish-American
Nadia: Polish
Eui: Finnish
Clown: English
Autumn: Latvian-British-Canadian
Lizzzy: British-Canadian
Jennie: Irish-American
Snurly: Irish and English
Violet: British
Cunty: German
Mina: unknown
MWAHnon: Czech-Canadian
AVA: British-Australian
Spicebag: Irish
VampireAshe: Irish
Pura: English
Rabbit: Arab-American
Camo: Mexican-American and Anglo-American
Wren: Italian-American
Kat: Dutch
thank you
i try not to be too invasive with my selfhatred posting because i know it's really unpleasant for others & plus i know i'm not literally the ugliest ever, i'm really lucky in some ways so being too harsh on myself is kind of cruel to other trannies
youre actually updating this huh? Why?
How tall are you?
5'9 but it's winter & my boots have a bit of a heel so 5'11 in practice
stop posting these, clearly no one fucking cares
You may need a new hobby
And you got at least one of them wrong
and the polish american stuff, its awful
you recolonized my 1/4 Irish side under British rule I noticed ..
Bored at work
Literally me
Lose weight you fat fuck
you are obviously majority british due to no lips. real latvians have lips. plus you are an agpedo, all british are pedos.
but yeah i get what you mean
cool cool, wasn't sure if I'm too clueless or only on the details, since I was running on gut feel and stuff I read ages ago
standardized setup at home, mark points on the floor for the tripod with tape and write down the angles that i'd set the head to and then always use the same lens and the same lighting, it'd just be nice to have that kinda consistency
based, a woman after me own heart
E mount lenses don't seem *that* expensive honestly
nice, treat yoself in that case
not really sure if i wanna blow it all on just one thing like that. idk
I was going to say to give it a bit of time after christmas to feel smug about being disciplined and stuff, but on the other hand it is a nice season for taking pics, so the question becomes what would be the pros and cons of doing it with the bonus vs later? mainly what else would you use the money for and if you have a sufficient safety buffer financially
real latvians have lips
thing heating up in the baltics fandom
interesting comment from someone with a literal folder of pretrans underage boys
Was Kat the one with all the mtfg drama, and how much is true vs social sabotage?
Will change
I am thanks though
i dont think you ever been to latvia transbian polyshit.
really? cuz you look like 30 year old rapehon in that pic?
pls sort it's taking me too long to find nadia nvm i found her
Bro just posted in the group chat about their vocalist leaving
Are you bro?
No but it’s why I posted it. My friend sent me the news
Sorry I was being too harsh. I just hate Samwell Tarly.
really? cuz you look like 30 year old rapehon in that pic?
this response doesn't even make sense, you got nailed to the wall you pedo retard
That nolife faggot never makes any sense
oh yeah the big thing here is that i'm kinda terrible with money. like, I have enough saved and a good enough safety net to never really be at risk of any proper financial trouble, but, i tend to spend most of what I get my hands on. so it's kinda like. i don't know what the smart thing for me to do with that christmas bonus would be. i wanna do something nice, not just save it. but that means either buying something big with it, or making it dissappear to pubs and restaurants and small short term purchases. and i don't want that, so really I gotta use it for *something* big and concrete and long-term nice-to-have. but i'm just not sure if that should be a camera or something else. idk
transbian polycule
terrible with money
Oh yeah, that complicates things. Looks like you have most of the things figured out. What other things might be big, concrete and long-term nice-to-haves? What other hobbies or interests do you have, either current or on the backburner? Or even things you could do for yourself or friends/family?
you are projecting your own agpedo fantasies on me. nothing sexy about that pic of you before hrt. you look straight out of the sex offender registry.
You're saving pics of a bunch of teenage boys pedo nigga
How is it when entertaining to them still lol
Contemplate the stench
i'm not autumn, just an anon who thinks you're a fucking loser
you need to stay away from schools agpedo transbian hon. clearly you have a problem looking at ppl below age 18.
ok fail male.
Keep in mind that neggingfaggotanon has been on this board since its creation which likely means he's at least in his late 20s. Guy has a whole folder of teenage boys. Hell naw
She's almost 40
honestly? there's a lot of things. but the plans I have for my other hobbies aren't nearly as straight-forward. like, i want a better piano than the crappy electric I have. but i'm not sure if I should get a better electric, or an acoustic one for free (cause ppl are constantly giving even ok condition ones away for free) and then have it tuned. is the apartment too breezy for an acoustic? etc etc. same kinda things with a lot of other intrests i've been thinking about spending money on. just feel really indecisive about it all. but getting a camera is something i've thought about for ages and kinda planned through already, which is kinda the thing that's swaying me more and more into that direction.
most likely the lawyer being a lawyer but in fairness most people seem fine while high on adrenaline, then the next day everything hurts
camera it is then
That’s what car insurance is for, you’ll be ok that’s pretty standard
Negger anon's tiny circumcised cocklet leaking as I rape his hairy ass (wholesome 100 award)
Qott: Do you like women?
No lol chasers are gay they only like femboys with tits
You can't be making mistakes when your family has money the poors will always try to take a piece of it whenever they can
They going to sue your insurance not you. You will not pay him don’t worry.
none of you know any shit. best you are doing is throwing your stick arms around like useless transbians.
Fuck off lesbo
nigger anon is a transbian false flag im calling it
Post circumcised cocklet
neggeranon do you like chasers
Hi lagoloaf
lol guarantee you are a fat shrimp dick loser
olive's not here
I sure hate neggers. God damn neggers always doing their negging.
circumcised dicks are nastyyy
negging anon is a coordinated attack inside twinkchan's discord
Its normal to make the person pay for medical bills. I didn't sue but they sure as fuck paid for my MRI.
Huge bump in insurance premiums because of it, her dad will pay over time
What usually happens here is they extort you individually because they can get a 1-time lump sum from threatening the individual to go to insurance if you dont fork over cash which will be more expensive for you in the long run, happened to me once for backing into an already fucked up truck and leaving a small dent
honestly don't believe this theory, she's mostly just kinda stable and normal, too stable and normal for this shit at least
Her dad sounds like a fat greasy loser though. Her mom is going to be the one paying.
his butt is so pretty, janny couldn't bring herself to ban over it. jan likes boy butt too
cuddling my cat and daydreaming about dick
i need a boyfriend this is embarrassing
i am twinkchan. uncircumsized 8 inch bbc. seethe.
rare janny w
I talked to my ketamine therapist and i broke down crying about how i want to kill myself still
Cope lies from circumcised cocklet slave
i think they look nicer
How come you went from tongue-in-cheek jokey villainy to actually being a cunt that's crazy
I kind of did the same thing to them I thought I was ok at first but I wasn’t. But I didn’t sue I just wanted to check why my leg wasn’t healing and I couldn’t walk on it. Turns out I almost broke form my knee hitting the dash
likely story, shrimpy
bigguymandude made me do it.
It's not her
t. knower
omg yass queen poor taste pride
Jews be like that
oh yeah baby lay that pipe on me
not an uncommon opinion honestly
in usa only
u have never seen a cock irl
Yeah genital mutilation cultures are fucked up in the head, cut pussy countries love cut pussy too
It's not twinkchan, it an old mtfg hon
Bro i think she has one
im sorry im just more attracted to that. Circumsized looks filthy cause i know most men are not washing under that fold thing
shes not gonna fuck you bro she a transbian hon.
yes they do
cut dicks do look weird. i want srs
no, but a lot of boys send me pics of theirs and thats good enough i think
such a financially evil medical system tbhon
Justice for the fallen foreskins!
I cant fucking believe im that ugly
Based af
Did you do your stats hw?
So real
hol up wasnt you a slutstitute or am i mistaking you with another one
i'm working on it. doing poorly because i missed a bunch of class a few weeks ago when i was in the pits
dont talk to me abt dick until uve had one or several in fact
99% of the time its under tape and the other 1% of the time i refuse to look at it. I get a little shocked sometimes when i see it and then i start getting sad and teary. Im going to stop talking about it i dont really want to keep thinking about it
what is a slutstitute? Substitute slut? Whatever that is, im not a slut.
How are you even supposed to jerk off a cut dick they have barely any skin on there to move
I know they're not all always using lube but then how do they stroke, they got like one-to-two inches of shaft skin mobility at most
Maybe but also whiplash is the most common one that is faked. So I’d say there’s also a good chance they just want money. For context my accident totaled both cars and we hit going fast
maybe maybe not. you and I are in our twenties, we bounce back. after 30 those little dings become more permanent
Tucking is real? I thought that was staying relegated to performers in the new generation
Free the bulge etc
i want dick real bad im afraid what im gonna do in near future ; - ;
Probably sitting on a dick
free the bulge? Absolutely not. I tuck everytime i leave the house even for work or exercise
ru never
I took the wooooooock, to Poland
t.chaser that's about to wine and dine you once I get my real money exchanged for your monopoly money
This but about fucking trannies. There should be a 1 tranny fucked rule in chasergen and if a chaser hasn't fucked at least one he's permabanned until he earns his stripes. This policy would improve post quality.
i find the ones esoterically attracted more interesting personally
There's literally only 1, maybe 2 transbians in this gen out of what, 90 active posters?
90? There's 12 of us.
I need some bootyhole so bad rn
If your esotericism is truly strong you act on it, you don't just talk about it
So the way i did it was I payed cash and invoiced the insurance. It went from being like 20-30k to like 5 for cash. Its insane how it take like 30 mins and it cost that.
There is not 90 people here
Some guy collected the data a while ago. There was 95 or so
there's alreadya dearth of chasers in here
how much risk should i be willing to take to get a boyfriend?
If you're not at risk of becoming a storyline in an Ethel Cain album you're not trying hard enough
I wouldn't mind, it would thin out the competition. Direct the transbian flirting to the designated gens too and it'll be paradise.
he's permabanned until he earns his stripes
Fuck I'm in danger
Damn I always thought it was much lower.
pretty please reword this, i dont know who that is
Silence June you're annoying
I knew it was love when I drove home crying thinking about him fucking other girls
How come a woman can say that and it's empowering and relatable but if I say it as a guy it makes me a beta cuck
a longshot but if you're ever single when you turn 25 I will run to Alaska if I have to, I'd be 32 by then so I hope my knees aren't fucked lol
i cant post boobs anymore so this is what you get
Didn't you have a trans gf? wtf
You should be willing to meet men in the woods during a full moon at midnight. This is the only guaranteed way to find a bf who isn't gay.
Need a girl like you to give you this talk
It's not quite the same. The material and top half look nearly the same but the bottom is different
No my history is all cis women
shut up cuck. june is basically one of the only hsts women left in this general. stop ruining it.
You might be thinking of Mr H
ironically she tanks more threads than any of the transbians
just come here NOW i'm sooooo mature for my age & so on. twenty-six is not too old that's an age that i could introduce to my father without feeling like he's gonna kill us
How'd you end up here then?
post a pic ;)
Don't care + you have no foreskin + plenty of straight trannies around if you know where to look
it should be obvious, no?
my least favorite part of rewatching twin peaks
i dont care. she actually belongs here. plus shes hot. shes actually attracted to men. even if shes annoying she belongs here. cope and seethe cuck.
told you bro i have 8 inch bbc and uncut.
For me it's the lolcows like June and Nadia. The girls who want to blogpost about how their third toe isn't feminine enough, and that's why they need 50 chaser replies make it better, are dead weight.
june isn't gonna fuck you you're 40 years old negging poster
i'm sooooo mature for my age
thanks scandinavianon, cracked me up, this was reverse-pedo/10
(nta btw, stay safe and lure knees anon to your snow kingdom)
This. She's the trans Ken M.
how normal are we being today on a scale of 1 to 10
lmao hell no, even with as cute as you are. I feel like at 26, 22 should be the minimum I go after, but once you're both 25+ it's pretty even-sided
maybe its time for me to leave for now
see you all soon. Going to therapy tomorrow looking forward to it now i actually have a therapist that i like
i did not make fun of you
i was crying because they said the gen is now all transbians
also you forgot your triptag
Jade, you have to challenge her to a fight to the death now.
i was crying because they said the gen is now all transbians
Shut the fuck up you insufferable pickme
Why does no one call her out and tell her to stop why does no one care why am i not good enough
Maybe towards the end of this week and I'll try to take pics in my black dress too <3
maybe you should have thought about all this before agreeing to do porn
some needs their bpd meds
plus doing studio porn vs posting some spicy pics online lol
the chad hsts tranny vs the transbian polyfag pornwhore crybaby who invades places they dont belong to.
-100 and I'm about to make it everyone's problem
he’s a tranny now
one they pay you money to do & the other you do completely out of your own volition
I actually have a friend in Fairbanks. Maybe I can ask him if he wants to date a student off of Anon Babble (he will say no lmao)
they only paid jade slade like one hundred usd lol. now there are videos of her brickhon body taking transbian dick online forever.
and one is far more societally accepted lol
Bye and good luck
I saw the thread on the main page and just never left
You know exactly what you are doing june and youre a fucked up person for doing this TWICE in a row you know reacting in that way will give that poster exactly what he wants but you do it anyway because you think youre better than me how about you shut the fuck up and not comment on ANY pictures that arent you, you stupid ugly fucking cow
you stupid ugly fucking cow
Can you people just be normal?
this is what i picture when you type away with incel fail male rage like this. fake trans agpedo. you pretrans. sad!
Its so fucked this retard thinks she can get away with this shit when its so fucking obvious to everyone
Creepy ass got every poster on this board foldered somehow
Trip on faggot
June mentally is 12. That's why even though she's attractive nobody is interested in her.
meant to put my phone down ages ago but this thread's like a trainwreck I can't look away from lmao whys everyone so fucking unhinged today
anyways good night have a fun america hours
unlike you useless transbian hon polyshit pornwhores i have to work tomorrow. try not to be so useless without me here.
He's euro
Down from 38x32 pants in June, to 34x32 and now these are feeling loose on my waist too. Getting called a fat lard by a pretty girl was tough love that worked.
congrats anon...
He never posts during euro hours so doubt it
Plus he always talks shit about euros
I'm a 30x32 and still feel fat :(
Well he's not going to sleep at noon. Maybe he's Aus
I've only ever seen him correct Eui and Nadia on certain misconceptions about other euro countries. I'm not so sure.
all anons have this face card to me idk
he's admitted to being american but he could be trying to throw people off now
Ty sobe, you're sweet :)
Delicious twink
he is perhaps brahmin chad from india.
i love boring ass men oooou i love boring men
If he's European he stays up all night and sleeps during the day in order to have the posting schedule he has. That seems less likely than him just being 'murican.
Im sorry i wanted to buy a gun so i could kill myself im sure you have no idea what its like
i think there's two. one is american and calls rav and eui transbian polyshit. the other is euro, from any country prone to putting a space before punctuation (france?) and is identifiable by that .
If I look half as hot can we date casually?
there are in fact the two, one is an ancient evil and one is a retard
and then theres the troll
i'm retarded
Man this is too advanced for me
that’s nice honey
I hope you're cataloging these in spreadsheets to help identify who they are and where they are from.
Night sleep well
anon i hate my life & i hate scchool & i want to step out of time & lie down in bed for two to four weeks
well i dont live in a country where they let idiots buy guns so no
Spend less time on here for your own good
that’s nice honey
Gotta mellow out a little, girl
this is my only social outlet besides tumblr & one friend i see one to three times per week. i start going crazy if i don't talk to people enough
One angel bro remains and he's dying
diet of cock
i dont have the willpower for that sadly
Voice train girls
very excited to disappoint you babe, and not just in bed ;)
How else would you know who you're talking to, or who is talking to you?
Not good.
so i meant to ask, op video is a cis woman right
asking because im starting to realize maybe me clinging to some of my skeletal blackpills is actually stupid and dumb as fuck
Fine timer starts now
Those are bad thoughts
Anal train girls. If you can't peel a banana hands free using your anal buscles alone, you'll never get the man you deserve.
The San Fransisco death grip
hookups are actually incredibly normal
For broken people who were molested
im still in physical therapy from the last sfdg i experienced.
You should trust someone before you give your body to them.
a little fucked up yeah but anyone familiar with you knows what's up
thank you for your input mr shekelstein
hoping to god for both our sakes that doesn't happen, but I absolutely intend on making do on that haha
you've spent too much time online, the majority of people who use dating apps use them for hookups. theres nothing wrong with hookups as long as both people understand what they're getting into. grow up
They never listen, but you are right
this makes no sense historically
Trans girls shouldn't have a higher body count than 5
I make the rules
Being a whore is not growing up. Establishing boundaries and self control is.
this makes no sense historically
You need to go slower. You need to gain the trust before being this vulnerable with people.
i did but it sounds stupid & bad
i am exceedingly aware. at least my friend is an unbelievably kind & understanding catholic woman. i am thinking of going to her bible study just to have some community
Based autist
i am thinking of going to her bible study just to have some community
Highly recommend. Voice sounds good
It's going well. Keep working on it you sound good.
Yeah that's normal lol
i'm not christian though :/ epistomologically i don't think i can be religious
& thank you
thank you too. i don't really know where to go though i just learned to raise larynx like two years ago & that's it. i have gayvoice too so it works ok but it's just off
You don't have to be christian to go there. I'm not a catholic either. Just do it to get into healthier habits
i just chugged a bottle of wine :)
i have gayvoice too so it works ok but it's just off
Nah you actually just straight up sound like a woman
Same. And pills.
i just feel like it would be weird & awkward. she doesn't know i'm transgender but one of my roommates who attends does, plus i'm clocky so i feel like some could figure it out & i feel like it would be uncomfortable from that angle too. it's an all-women thing. idk. i already do some stuff withthe group, we saw a movie on friday
you sound really great so far, just keep refining and getting used to doing it naturally
she just got banned for posting her cock like an hour or so ago
any trans girls in the santa barbara area?
god autumn was a cute twink guys what the heck
damn that mirc beige kbd crt nostalgia
you have to transition first
i'm a chaser tho
Hi Pichu
id be insulted but ive said this before, i know im immature
the boy that took me into forest for a date didnt want a second one because i was not mature enough
desu he mightve just wanted sex and was annoyed he didnt get any, but still
they already did, long story
based transbians
He just wanted sex. He was a faggot freak
not mature enough for frolicking in the woods with a nerdy cosplayer wearing dbz underwear
oh honey
5 guys or total people
well anyone who wants to date june is, to be fair
thank you anons
5 total people preferably
Trannies are guys
what about cis women
can't convince them to settle down with a husband when there's transbian sex in a 2008 Volvo to be had
Where is Mantra?
your count is 2
dang, cis passing voice too? just don't fall for the usual traps and you might end up with a pretty decent life; also what that anon said about the group, tho don't let them meme you into anything bad for you
I miss lopey what happened to her
excuse me?
as long as you have a dick anyone who wants to date you is a faggot, i don’t make the rules
So are you gonna stop reacting to the anon posting my pictures like its physically hurting you or are you gonna keep doing it so you are one of the good ones?
i love the uhm akshually cats
used to be the uhm akshually kid as a kid but my tism transitioned into fucking me in other ways
please dont make me dysphoric
Trying to resist the urge to buy keyboard stuff
Also give ideas for qott
you're almost 30 get a fucking grip you huge loser
hope the gay men treat you well
Get you a zero-trust bf (I have extensive experience)
I wonder about the backstory to June's lack of social awareness. Was she dropped on her head as a child? Did she have exposure to too much tetraethyllead? We may never know.
well time to go turn in my fucked up failure of a stats midterm. i hate my life
thank you anon. my brain is my destroyer, i don't think i can live a normal life unless something drastic changes there
it’s just autism
Raised by an autist and half-autistic herself
God I wish I was your tism
Dont you think crying at a picture of me would make me dysphoric? You deserve it lmao
i want a straight boyfriend :(
inb4 Junes makes sociality being her special interest for being not autistic
i want a bisexual bf
sry anon im chaser
Too bad youre a man just like jade
Puberty blockers, gen z, pandemic teen, introverted mother
too bad, all you get is bi men at absolute best. as soon as you tell them you can’t have kids they’ll drop you for a cis woman
im not posting my boobs for you get a folderf*g to do it for you
Guys can you try to be a little less deranged for like 30 minutes?
pichu is boomer?
Wow all that and you still are a man thats crazy
Just look at what happened to lis
Do you know where you are?
college men dont want a pregnant gf, they want sex
Post voice
You are a man just like you think jade is and you thinking you are different from her is wrong
Imagine coming from a normal home or a privileged background, and being here. Self own sis.
my brain is my destroyer, i don't think i can live a normal life unless something drastic changes there
you vill join ze social group
you vill be braindewormed by normal-ass women
you vill get a good man of appropriate age
they want someone they can give kids eventually which you can never give them
Ava is French ancestry I think not British Australian
ai has gotten just far enough