trans women have low value in the sexual market compared to women
trans women are mostly lonely
is it much easier to get a trans girlfriend? Why arent incels dating trans women by the millions yet?
trans women have low value in the sexual market compared to women
trans women are mostly lonely
is it much easier to get a trans girlfriend? Why arent incels dating trans women by the millions yet?
They mostly don't pass, and the ones that do can be very demanding because of how rare they are. Also they're crazy.
because trans women are even more temperamental than cis women
and the ones that do pass are convinced they never will
If you can't get a cis gf you can't get a trans one either
Very not true
Someone that's so unpleasant they can't shag a random lady has no business trying to attempt their chances with a trans person
Why arent incels dating trans women by the millions yet?
Because I'm not gay. Simple as. I don't find them attractive. I want biological female who will give me offspring.
But it's not just about kids. I simply can't find someone who is same size as me attractive. I don't like dick, cone/plastic tits either. Mtfs are uncanny looking.
I don't really have anything against them. It's better when they transition because less men = less competition. Women never date troons.
I don't have any issues with them and they can do their own thing in peace as long as they don't bother others. I'm not a chud and I don't think there should be a genocide over trans people.
But I can't date or fuck one.
>trans women have low value in the sexual market
Any semi sexy and passing tranny has hundreds of thousands of followers on twitter and clout
It's bullshit look at this board, trannies are in very high demand girls and guys both want them.
not gay
not into trannies
browses Anon Babble
What exactly are you doing on this board
I'm mostly here to look at ftmgen and femrepgen because I think dysphoric women are interesting.
I sometimes lurk in other threads but meh. I had to reply here because incels are mentioned. Even though I'm starting to think I will lost my incel card soon.
Don't be delusional sis
I'm not your sister I'm not even an ally I want to fuck you and disappear.
(taps the sign)
'trannies are in demand sexually but not socially' is the official line. idk if that's exactly true but it explains a lot
Sorry that was really mean of me I'm just drunk & pissed that I got trapped. Nothing personal against you.
bummerchud what happened with the girl?
I started dating one and told some friends but I'm not real happy about how it happened.
I fell in love with her and my friends think I'm a joke and she will probably leave me anyway because me loving her = chaser and I'll have no friends and no gf. I knew I was getting myself into some shit after our first encounter and I think I was right to be as distressed as I was. Our second encounter was fucking magical and just made me want her more, even kinda gave me a taste for pleasuring her.
because .0000001% of trans women look like your picrel, op and you know this or else you wouldnt have posted this bait
I am a straight cis dude. My partner is a 100% passing MtF Post-OP. She doesn't make me feel gay and sex is great.
I feel bad for trans women. They are superior to real women in every way except fuckability.
yeah, I read your last thread. I didn't think you were really going to hang around this site lol. I wish you didn't. it's a hard situation but I thought you seemed like a decent dude
our second encounter was fucking magical
yeah, those moments are special in my book. most people don't get many
no friends and no gf
I don't know the chud social intricacies, but try to keep your head on straight and focus on yourself and your feelings and values, honestly I hope you recenter yourself instead of spiraling or making snap judgments
sometimes shit doesn't work, wrong time etc, but in my experience the reality is you fell in love with someone for who they were, and the judgment and culture war stuff is worthless. it's noise. might not be very helpful when your friends are chuds but that's what I believe. the sooner you deconstruct the bullshit the freer you'll be
just try to respect her and yourself, if it can't work out
she will probably leave me anyway because loving her = chaser
if so that's a stupid mindset on her part
and dang sorry for the unsolicited advice. I just don't want you to take this board's deranged rambling to heart of context
I said I'd come back to visit from time to time, today I have a bit of time so I'm going to post/shitpost for a few minutes. Don't stress I will never hurt her only ever protect her. If my attraction to her makes me a faggot then it is what it is. Just sucks you know? My friends would not be giving me shit if I'd already known I was this way, we know gays and we have gay friends. If it even means I'm gay that is. Fucked if I know.
just sucks you know?
yeah. I mean trying to put myself in your shoes I'd probably be terrified
I am a straight cis dude. My partner is a 100% passing MtF Post-OP. She doesn't make me feel gay and sex is great
Ok, good for you. You're probably bisexual. I could never do that.
I don't want to fuck a hole where dick was before. I also heard they can get fucked up infections and alot of ingrown hair inside. Why did you chose to fuck a neovagina if you could get real one?
Wtf dude.
The heart wants what the heart wants brother, you don't choose who you catching feelings for unless you're a psycho in which case ins gas kammer untermensch
this ive meant many passable transwomen and the hotter/beautiful they are the crazier they are worse than ciswomen (because they are HSTS and have that gay drama)
Ok I don't know if this will work with a tranny but I just assume they are girl brained. At the first sign of drama, get them to relax and be strongly affectionate in a way that demonstrates "I could crush you" without being aggressive. They get wet and they realise they shouldn't fuck around.
Most trans women are prostitutes in one form or another. And before "but cis women too", no, I mean literally prostitutes.
as a trans woman i would not want to date an incel (how would we have sex?)
i am a girl like your partner and I don't think my bf is gay and it sure doesn't feel gay when we're having sex
I've only ever had normal gyn infections that basically every woman has had at some point and there's no hair inside??
im too sleepy to be a prostitute
98% are ugly as fuck
the rest is in higher demand than your average instathot
they're mostly prostitutes or OF whores (which makes them crazy)
the pretty ones are super bitchy and worse than a regular woman
the mood swings are so wild it's not worth to stick around
good luck having any kind of decent conversation that doesn't involve sex or whatever happens in their gay bubble
higher risks of STDs
Yeah, I wonder why they're all lonely
Why arent incels dating trans women by the millions yet?
because even we don't want them
you're missing out
Trans women are a fraction of the population
Trans women that are dateable are a fraction of that fraction
Even if you put yourself out there and collect up all of the trannies around you you still have to filter out the SRS havers/getters, the porn addict, the mentally ill, and the leech. Now from the one or two people left you have to actually find someone you like who's life trajectory alligns with yours
you're incorrectly assuming i'm single
i just want men to give me money, but i'm not willing to do sex work.
it's quite a challenge.
that's why chasing is dumb but chancing on a trans girl who you happen to like and want to date is completely fine
people are weirdly obsessed with demographics, playing the numbers, and figuring out what kind of person/romantic partner is 'best'
I mean if a woman actually loves you and you can tell she's genuine.. I'm no simp but if you're autistic and can't read people I could see this being an issue.
This is like saying that going out to socialize to meet a girlfriend is dumb. Chasing is fine, necessary even, the chance that you as a chaser are going to organically meet even one tranny, let alone a sample size of trannies in order to actually have a chance at "the one" is insignificant.
What is dumb in reality is trannies who complain about the quality or lack of men when they spend their time rotting and never having anything of value outside of their niche echo chambers.
That being said if you're a chaser who doesn't date cis women you should basically just transition as there is no other hope for you.
Love doesn't prevent someone from being a leech. Trannies particularly tend to date for validation and emotional and economic stability.
Many unironically believe the Chris chan addage of "I'll start my life when I get a partner". I'd say it is the most common negative trait a tranny can have by nature of their identity.
was in similar situation. I lost her and I've never got over it.
idk it depends on the realism of your commitment to finding a trans gf. like is not being a chaser going unduly out of your way to find a trans gf and not just any gf? idk, that's kinda my problem.
going out to socialize to meet a girlfriend is dumb
no I mean chasing like exclusively seeking out a group of people who don't want to be sought out distinctly from cis women. going out just to find a very specific person you're probably not going to find. it's like going out to socialize to meet a manic pixie dream girl with green eyes.
and specifically seeking out a trans gf is the entire problem with chasers because it creates a suspicion that they have other motives than just 'having a relationship'
what is dumb in reality is trannies who complain about the quality or lack of men
they can both be dumb at the same time, let's be honest
I don't do that, I'm just mentally ill and not ready for a relationship. I feel like that's the bigger problem lmao though not from your perspective obviously
What happened, hope you're okay anon
If someone loves me and I love them I will look after them in my capacity and they can look after me in their capacity. Whatever that looks like, someone would have to be deliberately using me for me to call them a leech. A lot of trannies have mental issues and find it hard to get anywhere in society, you gotta try to be patient and understanding with people but also make sure that you look out for your interests and that they respect you.
Please date and marry trans women!
Even incels don't want them.