Have you ever considered de-trans?


Nope. Id rather die than be a moid again.

idk but I wish that were me

never seriously. As ugly and dysfunctional as I am i'd sooner kill myself before going back

not seriously, i'd rather die because im a neverpasser tho

nope, never

yes, challenging your beliefs makes you a better person
it didn't take much consideration to figure out i absolutely do not under any circumstance want to detrans ever

a lot but im a manmoder who’s only considering it due to increasing pressure/hate from family and friends. there’s a chance I might lie and tell them I detransed then cut them off

not directly.
i have masturbated to detrans captions and stuff though, which is kinda related to that?

i've considered it in the same way i've considered suicide or quitting my job or faking my death, as something that would obviously be a terrible idea but also feels enticing when mentally in a bad place. never as an actual thing that would be smart to do, though.

I always forget to do my injections and then I get really anxious and delay it for days lol

yeah. i hate being a tranny and feel a great deal of shame despite "passing". i wish repression worked and I could handle it.
i detrooned for about 3 weeks a couple years ago. but then my boobs shrunk a cup size and I regretted what I was giving up. hoped back on hrt and manmoded for a few months.
then I met my bf that holds me to high standards. if I wanna keep him I gotta 100% be a woman. he's super accepting of all my faults and things not within my power to change, but the things I can change better be at my best. voice, clothes, hrt, laser, makeup, and eventually srs.
i really love him and even though sometimes I still feel the shame for being this way, I don't wanna lose or even disappoint him. idk where I'd be or if I'd still be here without him.

as something that would obviously be a terrible idea

Why are they terrible ideas?

bc no matter how much my depressed brain tries to convince me otherwise, my life is actually pretty good, and completely turning it around would just lead me to a worse place than where I am now.

I guess you could say I did back in like 2015/16 but it didn’t matter, you get off the drugs you put down the bottle and in 3 years you’re back to that manically depressed child walking into traffic praying that you get hit because the options are you die or you can’t feel your body anymore as it’s mangled and get to escape into your mind while the world forgets about you. I dunno, trooning tends to be the objectively better option and I won’t go back

yes, several times daily
i undid my social transition recently and went back to my real name and male identifiers. im told that isn't real detrans though. i consider going further with it most days, though.

honestly I didn't at all for like the first year but in the last month the thought has crossed my mind a few times. futures just looking bleak is all.

yes, and I have determined that I'd rather rope than spend one more minute going through life larping as a man just because my genitalia says Im supposed to

yes but only as self-harm when i think im disgusting and ugly and non-passing and only in the context of killing myself

Fuck no. I'd also rather die.

god no i was forced into detransing for 5 months and i almost killed myself so many times and i didn't even feel any sadness or anything after the first month just hopelessness and apathy and dissociating in whatever ways i could

i will never ever ever ever ever go off hrt again i will even go homeless for real this time if it means i can stay on it i wouldn't wish that hell on anyone (except the people that did this to me LOL)

you're all ill

You probably should Pichu in all honesty. From listening to you talk about it I truly don’t think transition is right for you anymore.

I’ve considered it a lot. Since I tend to have a somewhat masc appearance and demeanor. And I feel like I rushed into transitioning as soon as I found out about hrt without questioning it. But ive been trans for 7 years and I think staying course is the best option. Im scared af of getting orchi or srs though, which I know I will need someday.

As a passing thought when I'm feeling particularly rough. Since I used to self-harm it's like that. Sure sometimes I get the urge to slice my arms up in the shower, but when I actually think about the consequences and how shitty it would be after I just cry about it and hope I feel better tomorrow

Considered, yes. Wanted to? Fuck no

how'd you know im me?
i want transition to be right for me but i just don't think im strong enough for it, with regards to mental and social fortitude. so you're probably right.
partially considering just dying instead of detransing too. being a man does sound worse than dying. we'll see, no rush to decide

I have never considered de-trans in general but in the past I used to do an unhealthy amount of research into de-trans surgeries because I regretted SRS specifically lol

Detrans no but i wish i wasnt trans sometimes

oh really? what do you regret about it? I haven't seen many people with regret issues

in 7.5 years ive stopped twice, one for 3 weeks which was longest and made me miserable, i stopped due to depression and it got worse xd
I sometimes think about it, but it would be retarded, at most I'd detrans socially and stay on HRT, but really Id rather try some surgeries and see if they don't help more than repressing and ignoring problems even longer...

I did de-trans.
I found out my groomer was known child sex offender

yeah but i dont think it would make me any happier. i would probably feel even worse a majority of the time.

oh, this clown is back

Yeah. Im ftm and I've played with the idea so many times in my head, not because I don't want to be a man but because I just so badly wish and try to convince myself I'm normal, ever since I found out I've wanted so badly to just rep and be a woman.

are there black men in animal crossing

Yeah I tried for like 8 months and uhh it didn’t work, I had mental breakdowns damn near daily. I guess im kinda socially detransed in the sense that I just go along with whatever people think I am, but I need low dose T to function

IMG_7771.jpg - 581x768, 163.65K

fuck off with that ACNH porn

kek, fuck off. If you ever considered de transitioning, youre not going to make it.

Back into the closet, faggot. Your presence and stupid opinions arent welcome


I think about it constantly. I’ve been on HRT for 3 years. I’m on injections. my levels are great. but nothing has changed. I just lost a little weight. my body is still undeniably male. it feels like all I did was waste my time. I know I’ll never be happy so why endure the hardships of being a tranny?

Genuinely, no. Even when I'm really in a bad place mentally it never has happened. "I should have started earlier" or "I wish I was born as a real girl" sure, but the idea of detransitioning has never even been a serious consideration, it ranks below suicide on the list of potential solutions.

ive thought about many times, and not because im not trans or not dysphoric, its just such an exhausting existence.
you have to be medicated for life, no matter how long youre on it if you stop youll eventually revert to your old self. you have to fight your biology forever
those same medications are under active threat, proper medical care will only get less accessible and easy to obtain, forcing people to either go deeper underground or just give it up
people will also never accept you. ive been on hrt for almost 9 years and i still have family who pretend its just not a thing. i still get misgendered out in public and at work. ill never be a real woman, and that makes me so fucking dysphoric, its so tiring to have to constantly fight your own biology and also never be accepted and also have your care and acceptance under threat
this is a deep hell for me, i wish i wasnt trans so bad

ever since I found out I've wanted so badly to just rep and be a woman.

That’s funny lol, ever since I found out I knew I needed to transition eventually

I get it as an intrusive thought the same way I get intrusive thoughts about jumping off tall buildings or pushing my mom into traffic.