Are the expectations of the male gender role excessive and unreasonable for those who are not at the top of the...

Are the expectations of the male gender role excessive and unreasonable for those who are not at the top of the social ladder?

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I think most males in that position would either agree or haven't thought about it seriously

No of course not you incel. Now be urself, walk right up to her look her in the eye and ask her out (and don't take no for an answer!). It's easy! Also never glance into the same region of spacetime as a woman because you're a creep, I'm at the gym to work out and film myself dressing like a stripper not to have you exist anywhere in the same room (but sex segregated gyms are bad because men need to control themselves). Women can be landwhales and if you don't like it you're a faggot and should be forced to register as a sex offender but if you're under 6' you're subhuman and you can't question any of it or you're literally Ted Bundy.

Need a list of the expectations.

Have many not thought it over? Is the suffering of males a taboo topic?

yes but it's so by design. remember that historically, only about 35% of males reproduced.

Is calling men incels a way of inciting violence and dehumanizing men who threaten female social domination?

It's a little taboo but I think it's more that many people will say "that's just the way it is" and never really critique the status quo. It takes a lot of self-awareness to do so.

I was born in abject poverty, being homeless for a short time, and I managed to succeed relatively easily once I was old enough to earn my own keep. I don't know what expectations I apparently have, nobody's given me the list of that before. I'm getting by pretty swimmingly for someone at the lowest rung of the social ladder. I've never taken two seconds to think about what my expectations are, I just do things

Yes, but let's not pretend this is a left/right thing, look at how the right is going after mtfs. The left won't admit that it's misandry, because the left is terrified of admitting that a significant share of right wing political violence relies on dehumanization based on amab status. It's not *just* that emmett till was black, it's that he was black and male. Of course, they wouldn't have done it to a white male, but they wouldn't have done it to a black female either. Being amab is a necessary condition for being a recipient of socially sanctioned violence.

No, protect, provide, deal w/ your problems yourself and give a good dicking. It just comes naturally. We're designed to handle a lot of stress, danger/risk, and physical work. You just need to listen out for what you want/need and have outlets. Life is easier than ever as long as you ignore all the noise but people are getting softer because of this.

expectations of the male gender role

idk as a male repper with no desire to have a wife and kids i can just rot and nobody gives a shit what i do

talk well
be aggressive and loud and willing to lead
compete and win
physically strong
stoic, can’t show non-anger emotions in public
can’t ask for help, figure it out yourself
loudly show attraction to females or pair off with one or be shunned
don’t act fem
don’t dress fem
don’t wear bright colors, tight clothes, revealing clothes, in particular showing the upper leg is especially taboo since 1992
don’t wear makeup, don’t overly care for your skin or hair, don’t grow your hair out
care for women and provide for them and help them and never criticize them

have a job, learn some sort of craft

work out occasionally

know how to fuck hard

always understand that women really only want to be choked and held down more than anything

understand that women crave to be dominated even more than you want them so you actually have the upper hand

don't be a whiny naval gazing bitch who languishes around drawing comics about his feelings and nothing else

Not really that hard. Men give priority consideration to other men as far as workplace/career advancement. Any guy could do it, even short guys. Plenty of short guys. Men have it easy fr

i don't do any of those things and i don't see the problem that i don't

Are those unreasonable and excessive?

How strictly enforced they are is, yes. Enforcement of the male gender role only benefits women.

These are not really accurate some of them

loudly show attraction to females or pair off with one or be shunned

loudly show attraction to females *as a category*, don't show attraction to specific females and be under 6' or you're a rapist

Women see all men as rapists when it is convenient for them to do so.

i mean just work in a male dominated field and don't date women and those expectations go away
male issues are more things like conscription or being seen as a threat

glownigger post

People do see you as lesser man if you fail to attract a woman

they're inconsistent, I wasn't made to compete growing up but I was targeted for liking bright colours or smiling or anything 'gay'. it's a grab bag

they don't, you'll find out when you're childless in your 30s or 40s as a male

more like repper post

ok but how is that going to affect my personal life

what am i missing out on besides a second income for a house and some tax breaks
impressing some normie boomers who can't think of a life without kids?

Your personal life would be very different if you had a relationship

they will think less of you as a person and your opinions will not be taken as seriously as a father of three. if you're lucky they will simply pity you, more likely they will be somewhat suspicious of you and you will have to work 50% harder than the father of three to get the same respect

how lol

respect from who tho

I don't know the names of your peers so I can't tell you, sorry. I assumed it was understood that we were speaking in general terms and I was not making a comment about specific individuals who you know

who are my peers i mean
anon i'm a repper who's never had a gf or bf and haven't cared about it

I’m spending my whole life sexually repressing being gay, isn’t that winning if nobody else minds?

They're excessive and unreasonable for everyone

>I’m spending my whole life sexually repressing being gay,

nah i can get a bf if i wanted but i want to have sex as a woman and iwnbaw

Because having sex with men as a woman means not being seen as someone who has gay sex (icky).

I don't know who they are now and I certainly don't know who they'll be 10-20 years from now

care for women and provide for them and help them and never criticize them

You know damn well they can't commit to that lolololololol

As an FtM he is right
Basically all of what he said disappears if you're not straight. Even better, basically all of what they said disappears if you don't give a fuck.
I know, I know. I've met cis men, and they find this very difficult to do.

this reads like an arabman post

oh god don’t summon her back!

males are raised with expectations, but eh, they seem pretty attached to that socialization and the values they were taught, for some reason

AFaB, please, just live your hairy man-LARP fantasy and don't speak on "our" behalf.
Please. You weren't fucking there.

unironically yes

Who benefits from it being taboo?