Hell no

Hell no

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i still get erections also estrogen isn't a very powerful drug it takes years to work and most of its effects are reversible. it's not controlled, either. you want powerful drugs? try testosterone or fentanyl

theres a snake in her boot

say u hate being male to a doctor

ok this is medical now u have hate being male disease, time to castrate u so u can bypass sex segregation

i still think she’s faking being trans and is just a very strange looking cis woman with very strange methods of getting attention

He’s 6’4 and there’s records of his male name and male yearbook photos… as well as people who remember him from his male days

theres a snake in my boot woody

- @myhouseisredd on ig (2019)xv2ka

This, Wu is acting like there is some immense gatekeeping barrier while it's very easy to become trans woman.

anon that believes in segregation is mad i have tits

Passing is the gatekeeping in itself. Let passoids or almost passing twinkhons use the women's bathroom. If people have to check to be sure they've lost the argument, simple as.

It's not so easy to become a passoid. That's enough gatekeeping in itself.

my school doesnt have segregated washrooms

she gets erections

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No such thing as passing. The tranny in OP has a gigachad chin himself.

Fuck androgynous cis women, they should be treated like shit, right?


That's a conversation for cis women to have. I suggest to them that whatever standards they set for themselves, if we meet them as well, we are allowed in.

These standards must be able to be done visually in a bathroom.

RIP ugly cis girls that already look like men, getting the shit kicked out of them for being in the “wrong room.”

Most ugly cis women still look like women, not men.

Not all.

Im old enough to remember when this wasnt an issue at all.

It shouldnt be an issue now. Let people piss

Yeah thats why your kind harass them constantly, fucking retard

all, in person

I don't harass anyone

Your kind. Ive literally witnessed one cis woman accuse another of being trans.

You should be ashamed that you support this

I don't support it

cis women can experience acne, balding, and facial abd body hair. gatekeeping bathrooms doesn't make sense because no one is at the door checking IDs. obviously, you should get HRT and laser and actually live as a woman to use the women's restroom. we don't want random men going in and scaring people. but, the truth is nothing is stopping random dudes from going in the women's restroom. all these bathroom bills do is create excuses to bully trans women, butch lesbians, and women suffering from PCOS, hirsutism, and androgenic apolecia. all it does is harm the most vulnerable women who need safe women's restrooms because they might get beat up in the men's for looking in-between. all TERFism does is ensure gender non-conformers (cis and trans) get beat up no matter which bathroom they choose. and that basically makes them second-class citizes. that's incredibly fucked-up

boomer kelly cadigan finds out that being a pickme doesn't work, in other news water is wet

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Passing isn't only about face

it isn't about practicality at all it's about people feeling uncomfortable. you're never going to reason people into giving up comforts they're accustomed to having, it certainly doesn't happen in America. none of the bathroom discussions ever had anything to do with moral concern or public good. I wonder if it would be better if we just refused to talk about it

well race mixing just makes me uncomfortable and that's how it's always been. anyway, it's been raining a lot lately hasn't it?

fuck that. fuck your discomfort. fuck not talking about it. you could use the same arguments to justify segregation. right is right and wrong is wrong. if you refuse to use your brain before spewing defensive ignorance, then just shut the fuck up.

I mean maybe we could spend less energy feeding an illogical, bad faith discussion with logical arguments.

Transgenderism is illogical and offered deliberately in bad faith.

she's right though, unironically

self ID was a massive mistake because it let every hon and agp change their legal gender without actually being trans

But AGPs are actually being trans

I will now practice what I preach by not talking to this person. it's not about me being logical and you being illogical it's just that this is a likely fruitless discussion and I think society would be better if we could somehow get people not to feed the trolls. answers will be worked out eventually

no they're not, they're porn addicted straight men with a fetish

Are hsts not trans???

Disagree somewhat.
Self Id isn’t an issue. All that matters is that you self id and then transition. If you don’t transition you can’t keep self Iding.

That we’re almost everyone out. Except for the detransitioners who lived as transitioned trans people for years. There should be screens to keep these people out. However traditional gatekeeping does not work as most of them are Truscum pooners like Kalvin garrah who will pass any of the usual tests

you shouldn't be able to transition legally or medically without an actual diagnosis of gender dysphoria

self ID is a huge part of the problem

If they’re living as trannies and happy with it I see no issue.

And again, the trutrans pooners will pass any dysphoria test you throw at them. They usually detransition because hrt couldn’t give them a penis or their boyfriend left them or something, not because they’re not actually trans. But they shouldn’t transition

if you're not diagnosed with gender dysphoria you're not trans as far as I'm concerned, idc if they're happy

gender dysphoria is diagnosed based on self report alone, its a propaganda phrase meaning nothing but justifying mass sterilization

They want to be opposite sex, that's gender dysphoria, doesn't matter if the fetish is a cause or a symptom
Of course they are

all mental health conditions are self reported you retard, it doesn't mean they're not real

that's not what gender dysphoria is you mongoloid

They aren’t real its a way to chemically torture people. Most mental illnesses dont invoving forcing others to accept an invented identity.

yeah I think you might have a disability

Dysphoria diagnosis requires at least two of those going on for at least 6 months:

A marked incongruence between one’s experienced/expressed gender and primary and/or secondary sex characteristics (or in young adolescents, the anticipated secondary sex characteristics)

A strong desire to be rid of one’s primary and/or secondary sex characteristics because of a marked incongruence with one’s experienced/expressed gender (or in young adolescents, a desire to prevent the development of the anticipated secondary sex characteristics)

A strong desire for the primary and/or secondary sex characteristics of the other gender

A strong desire to be of the other gender (or some alternative gender different from one’s assigned gender)

A strong desire to be treated as the other gender (or some alternative gender different from one’s assigned gender)

A strong conviction that one has the typical feelings and reactions of the other gender (or some alternative gender different from one’s assigned gender)

Will you now deny that AGPs have a strong desire to be of the other gender?

It's been entertaining to see the right-wing trannies cropping up over the last few years, I'm not sure they realize just how alone they really are. Every time I see them try to make their point to other conservatives and throw self-ID AGPs or whatever under the bus they get absolutely blown the fuck out as far as engagement numbers go.

AGPs might want to be women but they're not, they are literally porn addicted men

it's literally a fetish

the key part of dysphoria is

A strong desire to be rid of one’s primary and/or secondary sex characteristics because of a marked incongruence with one’s experienced/expressed gender

which AGPs don't have because they are absolutely fine being men and living as men, they just have a fetish

Plenty of AGPs transition, get surgeries, even SRS. Again, if the fetish is cause or symptom is irrelevant, the desire is there and many act on it (and many more would if there weren't confused or afraid).

I don't really care lol, AGPs aren't women or trans and I don't see them as either, I see them as men

The desire is caused by others validating it.

I had it long before anyone else validated it.

Why are they like this?

They think there is a space for "good trans", when the ideology is "all trans is bad".

most trannies do. it's genuinely just people who specifically try to cause it or boomerhons who don't because they're already almost there

self hating gay men who castrate themselves aren’t women either

Most of the time they're conservacucks to begin with and they're desperately trying to reconcile the rest of their beliefs to be "one of the good ones"

Imagine trying to win the approval of people who hate your existence. Why even converse with them.

Might as well try to reason with a drunk crackhead screaming in the street

because the very existence of trans people is changing yourself to appease others who otherwise wouldn’t accept you socially

we're actually feminine and have dysphoria though, unlike you

Funny because accepting i had gender dysphoria opened my eyes to how hateful the people around me were.

It was always about hating the other. Why cant they just grow past petty tribal politics? Just get your hrt and live in peace. Its like they still want to hate the other WHILST BEING the other

internalized homophobia is not a problem of your maleness

you're fucking retarded if you think trans people, currently the most vilified group in Americans politics besides maybe illegal immigration, are somehow gaining acceptance from social transition

Plenty of people want you to do it.

The funniest part is how they say they're against under-18 transitioning, but their revealed preferences clearly show that they only think trans people who pass are the real transsexuals. Yet they're too chicken shit to say it outright and basically lean on the idea that if you have the "right" kind of gender dysphoria you'd basically pass whenever you decide to transition.

I don’t think any of you pass and the concept of passing is a psy-op.

Hypocrisy and conservatism go together so well.

In England they are literally throwing youngshits into prison and rape homes. Its fucked.

Lol the good type of dysphoria, pre-approved dysphoria. Its insane a 6'4 tranner is lecturing to us who is legitimate and funnily enough it includes her

You don't need to convince me, please work on convincing the right-wing trannies instead.

All trannies are right wing thats why you transition.

for god's sake, who? who is encouraging it in any meaningful way? who in the world, what faction? parents? teachers? cis people *do not want or value more trans people*, at best liberals play up the bravery of being trans and the social project it represents as a moral fable to remind themselves to be nice to trans people and accepting of progress and others' differences. no one is invested in transitioning more people, except a tiny handful of pinkpill fetishist groomers on this very board and a handful of delusional post-gender trans parents, in the world.
I'm just really trying to figure out if any of you actually believe this, if it's just a psy-op or if some alt right commentator made you think the Jews are trying to trans the youth

women, they want to make men less aggressive

are you for real? which women? women are like half the population

it's too funny when a chud pretends to answer questions

The wealthy ones who control civilization want low status men castrated.
They see you as sex pests.

crackheads on the street are easier to reason with lmao. I've had one threatening to kill me because he thought I was the devil and I managed to talk him down with a cigarette and bought him a coffee

the vast majority of billionaires and world leaders are men
also, aren't women supposedly the ones who don't like trannies in their bathrooms?
also, if HRT reduces sexual aggression then why are trannies cast by conservatards as the ultimate predators?
none of this makes sense and Occam's rasors holds your probably just hate it when anyone AMAB expresses femininity because you're toxic and sexist

you're not even trying -_-

You rolled a 10 in diplomacy lol.

A new low for the terf movement, outfoxed by scraming crackheads

Women spend the money and have access to it. Women control the social hierarchy.

i am sexist i poo poo my panties because women not suck my penis good and that makes me saddd

Let's wind the hose all the way back up on the spindle and get back to square one.

I want to transition and am doing it. You're saying that's likelier to be caused by a massive global conspiracy between wealthy billionaires than simply my reality as a woman and the fact that I want to transition.

Why is a global conspiracy involving the world's elite a more probable explanation than that?

Others want you to be castrated, you are a meek slave going along with it.

And why is that the only possible explanation?

Why is my agency and the dignity of what I'm doing not at least in the universe of possibilities?

Trannies have no agency you are someone else’s castrated property and you claim to want it that way.

As a matter of fact I've never claimed to want to be someone else's property. That sounds horrid.

I want to be in an equal, committed partnership in which we each recognize and validate the other's worth and dignity and push each other to be better.

Instead of talking to the caricature you've created of trans people, could you please try talking to the woman right in front of you, so to speak?

So you’re not submissive?

I am absolutely submissive, sexually. And when I find the right person, I'll make myself vulnerable to them in that way because I trust them and love them.

In life I would want to have an equal say in things, although my personality is such that I'd probably end up going along with a lot of what my partner wants as long as I see the value in it. I'm just an agreeable person.

It seems like in your mind, submissiveness is some sort of loss of indignity?

Submissiveness in sex and relationships is beautiful. Without it, how would the dominance you seem to to insist would have been better for me exist?

Submissiveness means your needs are weighted less. Slaves are submissive.

The nature of the submission matters.

Do you have a boss? That's submission.

Ever been a child? You submitted to your parents for 18 years.

Ever taken a drug test for work? Submission.

Ever allowed someone else to pay for your meal or drink? Submission.

I'm sorry that you've developed a toxic mentality toward submission, but submission can be beautiful when it happens in the right way and by choice. I haven't found the right person yet so I'm not submitting to anyone right now. But there will come a time.

Did someone poison your ability to see the value in letting someone you trust take hold of you?

I was uh not exactly submissive as a child and rather rebellious.

estrogen and spiro dont prevent erections lmao

And we consider rebellious children to be behaving badly, don't we? And we discipline them? So submission from children is normal.

Some submission, like child to parent, is necessary, and there's no alternative, so it happens whether the person likes it or not.

Some submission is not necessary, like slavery. In those cases, choice matters.

For all the other things I mentioned, we choose to submit and that makes all the difference. We see the value of the submission.

And that's me too. I had a wonderful journey last year of learning to accept that I wanted to be the submissive partner in a relationship. Unless you start from a position that assumes it's disgusting or undesirable to be submissive, which you seem to be doing, there's a lot of beauty to discover in it.

When it's chosen. And I choose it. Does that like scare you or something? Honestly.

Normal =! ethical

Lol so what, children should have free reign and parents shouldn't have authority over them? Now you're just being silly for the sake of dying on a hill that was never worthwhile.

Come on. Do better.

black and white thinking

It was an illustration meant to demonstrate that there are many kinds of submission, some necessary and sensible and some virtuous. Others, like slavery, are evil, because they're forced.

If you really want to grow your thinking, then I don't understand why you wanted to die on the hill that submissiveness is some horrible fate and now want to wriggle out of being shown ways in which your thinking was incomplete.

social pressure can make people do things they otherwise wouldn’t even absent outright physical compulsion to do so

You're right. Social pressure can make people get tattoos and do drugs and lots of other things they wouldn't otherwise do.

That isn't a reason we should become suspicious of autonomy in general and take away people's ability to make their own decisions.

Or in your case, make the assumption that anyone who does something alien to your experience is doing it for the wrong reasons. That's a very sad viewpoint.

It wasn't an issue because the "pass or go to the men's" rule was understood by all the trannies, so there were no controversies that could happen. Then the rapehon menace appeared, started disobeying this logical rule and of course no one wants them in the women's so now everyone hates trannies

it's weird how people talk about public bathrooms like they're a legislative thing when generally, it's a private policy of whatever place you're attending + social convention. if a cis man wants to use the women's room the worst legal charge he's likely to face is trespass, and he'd only get that for refusing to leave if asked - same rules as the entire rest of the building!
they're becoming a legislative thing now because of bathroom bills, but people tend to argue pro/anti that on principle, without first considering that this is a baffling expansion of state intervention, generally by people who claim to be against that.