/mmg/ - manmoder general

What is a man(moder)? edition
QOTT: What's the best vampire?

QOTT: How does it make u feel whn u think about a hot guy calling u a good girl


I think alucard is a pretty cool vampire eh is a girl sometimes and doesn't afraid of anything

I'm the best obviously
It makes me feel good. But significantly less good than if a hot girl was calling me that instead.

furious and stabby

the three keys to success:

one: thesis. accept failure. don't worry about failing. accept that you will fail and that is okay. just keep trying. don't believe you will get everything right on the first try. set your expectations high. otherwise you will be emotionally overwhelmed and shut down and stop trying as soon as you fail a little, leading to total cascading failure. pretend that failing is perfectly fine. this isn't your only shot.

two: antithesis. never accept failure. worry about failing. try to make every shot on the first try. believe that you will succeed otherwise failure isna self-fulfilling prophecy because you won't give that try your best effort, expecting to fail anyway. do not let yourself fail because that isn't okay. otherwise you won't be emotionally invested enough to take it seriously and you will get distracted and stop trying so hard, allowing yourself to fail a little bit more with each distraction and each attept, eventually leading to total incremental failure as other priorities take over your life and you get used to failure and accept it. pretend that success is the one important thing that truly matters and that failure is totally unacceptable. this is your only shot.

three: synthesis. kill yourself, now!

i smell like puke and BO and cum, anyone wanna cuddle?

I smell like weed and potatoes and alcohol, anyone wanna cuddle?

i wish i had bigger boobs

I wish I had a bigger dick

i wish i had bigger biceps

I wish I had bigger hips


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Rolling for all

woken in a panic again. wahoo. everything feels like a nightmare

this film is so boring

Yeah it is. it is really pretty to watch though, i love the lead

lots of fear, lots of worry. everything feels so over. suicidal ideation.

i don't like puke but i could go for a generous helping of esterogenized BO and cum rn
Sounds heavenly. I am horny Indian ma—i mean…cuddly India—i mean…cuddly Asian ma—i mean…cuddly Asian woman. And i am very, very interested. (Plz respond.)


fear fear fear fear. i wanna kms

if i could smoke fear away, i'd roll that motherfucka' up

is it worth manmoding as opposed to repping? i don't care about "being a woman" i just want the dysphoria eased

yup, that's what it's for

even if I'm 28? it's all just suddenly hit me as if I've been in a trance

I sleptwalk through my 20s telling myself it wasn't real and I'd already missed my chance and every other excuse you can imagine, finally realized one day at 30 as a balding neet loser during a pandemic with people around me getting sick or dying that I needed to fucking DO something - so I started looking into what HRT actually does (and doesn't do) and how to get it through my insurance and an informed consent provider, and finally started on a low dose a few weeks before I turned 31

does it make things any better

insanely so but you need to keep your expectations realistic in terms of a wide range of possible outcomes and consider that you might have been putting off dealing with a lot of other shit (maybe related to or resulting from the repressed gender dysphoria and maybe not) that could require being identified, separated, and addressed

what helped me a lot was recognizing that I sincerely just wanted to feel better about myself in ways that are directly tied to physical sex traits, and sex hormones are what make humans develop those during puberty or after, entirely separately from whether I "feel like a woman" or anything gay and retarded like that

based thanks.

I "feel like a woman" or anything gay and retarded like that

fuck faggots

you got a fucking problem? let's take this outside, I will SHOW you a ma'an

sorry, death to all who disagree

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twilight is gay

please never criticize anyone ever again, what a stupid ignorant thing to say lmao. and coming from another “trans” person my god

are you lost, hon? you might be looking for

reading esoteric philosophy but i don't care about western esotericism :3



look in the mirror freak

why are you so mad, hon? do you "feel like a woman" inside?

what esotericism are you reading?
ive been trying to get into orphism and dioniastic text lately still waiting on my books.

clip interrogator didnt call me a discord mod or redditor or trans rights, but it did call me a furry

I feel like myself. i guess you will never know what its like to be feminine so you wouldn’t understand =D

lol wow, you are actually mad at what I said and I love it, keep seething hon

well? are you?

i am offensive and hurtful and it makes me feel GOOD

Evil and sick behaviour wow

thelema i think idk it has a bunch of influence from aleister crowley

offensive and hurtful

I'm actually so fucking confused right now, what was offensive? it's almost like there's someone here who just wants to be mad at me for some reason... hmmmmmmmmmmmmm

"feel like a woman" or anything gay and retarded like that

Why do you find gender dysphoria (not sex dysphoria) "gay" and "retarded" ?

blurph? I mean I have to assume. there's literally only one person I have ever interacted on the board with that has had this consistent level of poor reading comprehension and expressed such severe emotional reactions to quite entirely imagined things that I never said

things that I never said

I just quoted your exact post word for word

you did, and then asked a question that indicated immediately to me that you hadn't actually read the words you quoted in their context (something you love to bitch about me not including)

I'm gonna take a break from this place again if you're really insistent on staying here and fucking with me like this

I sincerely just wanted to feel better about myself in ways that are directly tied to physical sex traits, and sex hormones are what make humans develop those during puberty or after, entirely separately from whether I "feel like a woman" or anything gay and retarded like that

entirely separately from whether I "feel like a woman" or anything gay and retarded like that

gay and retarded

Sorry ugly but what am i missing ?

is english like your fifth language or something?

won't address my point because i am correct


seems interesting, what draws you to read about it?
Ive become more convinced that destroying religion has been a mistake when people should of just been searching for alternatives to Christianity after world war 2

don't make me turn my swag on

fakemoder gets offended and self-righteous over literally nothing



me (see picre)
catch me in my attic taking photos of my dads dick

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just for personal curiosity what is the distinction between a fakemoder and a manmoder

nta but what makes you think that? no religion I've encountered that has any belief in a greater power doesn't require engaging in thought exercises to undo your ability to reason and seek evidence even within the bounds of things you don't or can't yet, or ever, know

fakemoders honmode or use she/her pronouns or a feminine name or are basically girlmoders in literally all but name like /bmg/ used to be

you know the searches your history too right


Hotter than chudette


Everyone else

oh please, pay attention, you don't know what I think is hot or how that relates to who I ree at for being a fakemoder

no, hence the confusion


mogs me


is comparable to or mogged by me

i use firefox
i just repeated the search in a private tab in google chrome
same results
remember to use quotes when googling niche lingo

mogs me

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stay vigilant

i think that's a fair critique i personally find that most people don't engage in rationalism regardless. for benefit i think that Christianity isnt size fits all religion as a result it can damage those it excludes and leaves them without a path elsewhere to guide themselves
i generally believe that religions are just philosophies with a little extra power to hold it together. ive come to realization i need belief and guidance but Christians more specifically Mormons have discriminated against me.

what draws you to read about it?

entertainment value, plus sadie plant mentioned once of twice about so i *have* to read it

*hotter or younger or has even a slightly feminine personality

how do I groom chuddy into being my gf

Stop bulling the forty year old white american man, you are punching down !


Have a vagina and low standards and he's all yours

The inescapable universal hierarchy (tag urself)
Note: the hierarchy is outdated because slaves are much cheaper now than 200 years ago. Traditionally, slaves were more valuable than precious metals. These days, you can buy a slave for less than a gold chain in places like Yemen. However, since slaves and animals are technically still alive, they are considered closer to God than inanimate objects, although they are subhuman.
==> Level 1: Divine <==
=> Sublevel A. God <==
God the Father
God the Son (Christ)
God the Holy Spirit
=> Sublevel B. First-triad angels <=
=> Sublevel C. Second-triad angels <=
=> Sublevel D. Third-triad angels <=

==> Level 2: Human <==
=> Sublevel A. Church <=
=> Sublevel B. State <=
=> Sublevel B. Family <=
Men (Husbands)
Women (Wives)
=> Sublevel C. Outcasts <=
Indentured servants
European slaves

==> Level 3: Subhuman <==
=> Sublevel A. Animate <=
Asian slaves
Animals and African slaves
Plants and Native Americans
=> Sublevel B. Platinum Group Metals <=
=> Sublevel C. Precious Metals <=
=> Sublevel D. Secondary Metals <=
=> Sublevel E. Base Metals <=

hierarchy and the natural order are worthless shit, reject dogma

reject God

That's why you faggots are fit only to be sex slaves. If you are White, you can be an outcasted sex slave. If you are non-White, you can work with animals in the fields or run wild in the forest because you are a savage and part of nature.

the temptation to check my sorry ass into the mento hospital is increasing

Who would ever date chuddie lol?

what the fuck is your problem, bro?

what is pushing you to this decision, i hope you can find help regardless of what you do :(

no but i'd hit

it's pretty pathetic, i want to feel safe and be taken care of and simply not have to deal with the stress of being a functional person, pretty sad innit?

no i get it when i was in the mental hospital it was nice to live in a world where everything was handled for me. Not all mental hospitals are great but if you think you are gonna do something rash and dangerous maybe its for the best.

she would be a strong upgrade over ALL of my previous relationships (the mentally ill homeless drug addict who had sex with other people and always wanted to borrow money, the sexist repressor who's in the military and balding, the FtM who had had a roommate and had sex with other people)
all she has to do is:

not be addicted to drugs (alcohol and tobacco okay)

not be homeless

not ask to borrow money

not be sexist

not repress

not join the military

not go bald

not have a roommate

not have sex with other people

of course, she wouldn't date me because, as you can already tell, i am the lowest of the low, truly the bottom of the barrel when it comes to dating

i feel that. bedrot is enough for the moment for me.

no that's normal, I mean yeah it's sad but that's just fucking life like welcome to the club, if it's actually too much and you think you will be safer in there in the short term it's not a bad idea but you can't stay there forever unless there's something very wrong beyond your control and you will likely not be treated very well over time if you are there for a long enough time

I'm still relatively recently upgraded from sleeping on someone's couch and still noticeably bald, also probably very sexist and probably dependent on weed

i wanna try ECT since i think that might actually be the best thing for me, but they require you to try 6 different meds first which would take 3 years minimum.

okay, looks like you're almost as bad as i am; maybe you really are in my league! i'll hold onto hope (lol)

anyone else awake in the middle of the night and terrified

on occasion

I always wake up either in analysis mode over whatever I was just dreaming before it fades away or a blind fucking rage at my neighbor stomping around and moving furniture at 3 in the fucking morning or whenever

it's me rn. any tips

I am your sleep paralysis demhon

prob once a week, there was one week where it was 4 days in a row and it was fucking me up.
my most recent one was i pitted my e vial and then in fear i just started injecting over and over then i woke up.

why are trannies like this? i say this as a colored, drug-abusing transgender habitual criminal myself... why are we like this?

mogs me

yeah it's been a weak of it for me. kinda fucking me up. goodnight lol

chuddie looks like trans steve buscemi

true, and for some reason this bothers (You) more than it does me

kek so true
do u think xe are Italian?

rocking back abd forth like a retard rn
if you're unbothered why u post here, huh???

I'm bothered by plenty of things, what would that have to do with me posting here?

pov: you caught chudette under the mistletoe