Q1: what do you need to work on?
Q2: why is change so hard for you?
Q1: what do you need to work on?
Q2: why is change so hard for you?
ftmg discord
i need to stop consuming looksmaxx content on tt. will i ever ascend as a chadlet? or is it over? bros...
dude stop now while you're ahead. seriously i never had body problems until i looked into that shit
is your pussy fat?
q1: my posture
q2: i get back pain because of bad posture, but i get back pain from trying to fix it so i don't put the effort since it all hurts anyway
stop consuming cigarettes
cigarettes yummy
no but my tcock is
fuck they made me sideways
what kinda body problems? im just mainly gymmaxxing and ketomaxxing rn
Why all ftms on this site are so fucking ugly and mutilated?
i have gotten obsessive about my proportions, extra fat, etc. i feel like my changes and achievements are minor. i have very unrealistic expectations for what i can physically achieve and can't accept this fact so i feel ugly and puny constantly. i know that all of this is mental illness but i FEEL these intense self-deprecating emotions it's difficult to be logical
How long does it take to get buff without roids? Specifically if I've never worked out consistently in my life?
damn, i already kind of was like that before but i mostly just still want to work out and diet and stuff. but yeah even if it is kinda a joke some of them take it to the extreme. Do you still workout and stuff?
I need to have SRS. After that I'm going to need to learn how to like people so I can have sex.
not as of late. i compare myself a lot to other trans men and it's become discouraging instead of inspiring. i had bad self worth before but i was pushing through it, buy the last couple months i've consumed far too much media and i am feeling detached. just be careful, focus on improvinh yourself for yourself, not others
Post face
just ignore and report, replying to this shit clogs threads
i think i watched too much futa, im obsessed with girldick now
Yeah I don't see why people haven't been reporting these posts yet
reporting shit
on Anon Babble
Prepare for girlsemen and the PLAP
im more than ready bro.. wish i had a top tgirl gf but i feel kinda bad wanting that since its probably just objectifying them
I wouldnt worry about it, everyone objectifies everything all the time. If you arent attracted to someone because of some trait they have or some action they can perform, what's even left?
It's not fair that mtfs get to date old men and have them pay for their surgeries while I have to pay for SRS with my own money.
I need to work towards marriage and buying a house with my girlfriend. It feels like we are stagnant in life but we need to keep growing. I never thought I would make it this far desu, so hopefully I can keep getting better a little at a time.
Do pics of ftm x cis guy couples exist online?
who would date a cis man?
Where? All i see are either ftm x cis girl or st4t couples
Here is the hardest pill to swallow.
If you want to actually be seen and treated as a man and not as a fetish piece or spicy woman in a relationship, you need to be the initiator. And not immediately open with your being trans.
Successful trans men are flirts. Even the bottom gaydens
If you don't want to be seen as a woman or fetish piece, get a vaginectomy.
Right but that's not exactly anything where you walk into a clinic and say oh hey can you gut me? It can take years for even approval
But being trans is my entire personality?
And until then no one you date will see you as male regardless of what you do or how you behave. The moment the underwear comes off, everything else will stop mattering.
Has this ever happened to you
That is absolutely untrue you're clearly not a successful flirt. If you can talk a girl wet she's not thinking about anything
I've had fags flirt with me but "falling in love" doesn't just happen out of nowhere like that.
I don't like women so I can't have an opinion on that but men want more from a relationship than just dirty talk. Sex is extremely important to me and I can't imagine dating someone as it am now.
What if you string them along for ages
Then you're fucked in the head.
I think with gaydens then best course of action is always gonna be going into a vers relationship
Do you think they should know
You're not fucked in the head for being stealth. You're fucked in the head for knowing someone is in love with you and not either accepting their advances or rejecting them.
Fucking someone with a strap-on won't make them see you as a man, men who are into femdom and pegging are into it precisely because the person fucking them isn't a man.
Personally I'm a bottom and for me, I'm just getting a metoidioplasty and then finding a man who likes me.
hear me out, just eat them out with ur clothes and shoes still on
Why shoes
i wear lifts
So, never have actual sex with your sexual partner? What is the point of dating then?
im speaking about hookups, maybe just finger them or strap them and put it on while theyre not looking. this was talked about in stone butch blues
I'm gay and I don't do hookups, I want a relationship.
Also, again, fingering someone isn't sex, and you're not even going to feel anything. Might as well just masturbate.
fingering someone isn't sex
tell that to my uncle
And just like that I won the argument.
put it on while theyre not looking
Yeah cause they won't feel the difference between silicone and a real dick
congratulations, you are the only valid ftm in this thread
caffeine addiction
i need soda to function or my brain shits itself