Why do y'all keep making these ogres your spokestrannies instead of using the hot ones?

I don't even have tiktok

I thought this bitch was a cishon

Fuck. Just another reason to keep repping I guess


you could fit like 3 or 4 afab skulls inside her skull

She's obese. Some obese women look like that.

Because stealthoids want it to be this way

Obesity doesn't make your skull larger. You just aren't skullpilled yet.

Being ugly and being a hon are two different things. She passes. Cis passes even.

But since she's so obese, it's hard to tell what is fat and what isn't. I know morbidly obese women who have heads that look exactly like that. If they were standing next to each other you'd see the difference, but I've only seen her near thin people and then she just looks morbidly obese.

The top part of the skull has no fat padding no matter how obese you are (because brains would get overheated otherwise). You can't get an amab diameter skull from overeating. And in this particular case she makes normal amab skulls look like afab skulls.

download.jpg - 399x599, 56.1K

Because unattractive people are funnier, more genuine, and more memetic
They have to do better because looks aren't doing anything for them, Jools is cool and she's gonna look a lot better in a few years



How? I think she already did everything she could with what she's working with.
She could lose weight I guess but I don't know that doing that would make her look better.

Losing weight will definitely help
If she leverages her meme status properly which she seems to be doing she can keep the income coming and get ffs

Still passes. I've seen worse on my 600lb life.

I swear every famous tiktoker either is either 10/10 or has the same goofy face as Jools with no in between.

more memetic

This is the correct answer
You're only as valuable as the content people can mine from you

Some obese women look like that

My aunt is obese and she looks 1000x times more feminine, have smaller skull and milion times smaller ribcage.
No, biological women arent giants even when they're fat.

wait is her name actually Jools Lebron

Yeah, I'm not a very critical person and am not a fan of schizo nitpicking transvestigators but this particular girl is nowhere close to afab bounds.

lol i thought it was gorlock the destroyer at first

I'm prettier but she probably has way more friends than me. Crying (not really lol).

Archeaologists will find her remains and be like, "This is a demure skeleton."

she's gonna get rounded up during project 2025 because of this and if things ever go back to normal she'll be in your grandchild's history textbook

i feel like people here are too attached to male culture to get why she’s a positive figure, everyone here just kinda assumes ‘being fuckable = good trans representation‘

That's true though. Disprove it.

It's not just /tttt but a lot of trannies online act like men. Sex and male validation is more important to them than any personal characteristics

i never heard of this person before, i wasn't a flamer when i transitioned
its a costume, there are 4 hunter schaefers in there

women can be cringe too

the majority of men still and maybe always will perceive attraction to us as fetishistic in nature and appealing to that isn’t gonna humanise us. interacting with the culture in a memorable way and connecting to people does tho

Obesity is a very feminine trait because women have no discipline. Overeating MtFs brainpass and I mean this unironically.

Gays like this obviously transition for aesthetic purposes and because nobody would fuck them as a man.

Trannies literally saw an increase in rights from the conception of tranny porn up until mainstream trannydom in the mid 2010s. So you're demonstrably wrong. Reality shows that the exact opposite of what you're saying is true. Trannies "interacting with culture" has given you Jazz Jennings, Dylan Mulvaney and TikTok pooners. Before that people had Bailey Jay and shemales to latch onto. They literally had to humanize trannies and view them as women as a way to cope with their attraction.
Aside from everything else people are shallow it is basic fact that people like and empathize with people they find attractive.
The death knell of the trans movement will always be the entaglement with mid 2010s politics.
You can even see it now, people who desperately try to seperate femboys from trannies, the way Anon Babble posts about Hunter Schaffer, that one tweet about turning twinks into concubines by the guy who killed Osama. Trannies drive a stake between themselves and other's and continue to do so with their politics.

if it was porn shouldn’t it be affecting trans rights positively instead of kinda in the opposite direction lol

interacting with the culture in a memorable way and connecting to people does tho

I'm so disappointed at the lack of mtf artists in pop culture. maybe it's luck, maybe it's that trans people like niche or abrasive stuff, maybe it's that most trans women who learn to function like to focus on quietly living fulfilling lives
I see men changing their minds on us one of two ways
one, they emotionally invest in seeing us as people; maybe this could happen with beloved public figures or artists, but it probably has to be personal, like a best friend transing or falling in love with a trans woman at an impressionable time
two, we get subsumed into the evolving 'sacred feminine' mythos. both in the sense of madonna-whore complex type shit and the fairytale maiden sense. could be as a darker counterpart to the traditional magical feminine. many trans women and small artists are bent on both deconstructing and recreating the sacred feminine so if we stick around long enough I can see this becoming a significant cultural vein and us being absorbed as part of this

Already answered this.

You can even see it now, people who desperately try to seperate femboys from trannies, the way Anon Babble posts about Hunter Schaffer, that one tweet about turning twinks into concubines by the guy who killed Osama. Trannies drive a stake between themselves and other's and continue to do so with their politics.

it’s just not gonna happen. are men the one’s that help sex workers stay safe? did suffragette movements have success because of or despite of men? are guys that fetishise asian women the ones that were speaking in favour of campaigns against asian hate? why would it be any different for us when we’re even lower in social capital? men simply don’t support those they’re attracted to

could you actually elaborate on the bit you quoted? I'm not familiar with everything you referenced and I don't completely get what you mean

Yes. Men do everything. Every single movement that has ever been successful has done so off of the backs of normal men. Normal men are the group you need to convince. We have a live and let live temperament which is why civil rights movements appeal to us when their platform is about being equal normal people and not when it is burning down city blocks, hating white men or expecting people to be punished for not thinking how you want them to think.
The democrats have sold this idea that social progress came about because minorities were obnoxious and unmanageable and that was never the case, people won rights by winning the hearts of normal men.
Take the whole Bridget from Guilty Gear thing for example. The creator came out and said that Bridget, a character that has always been a "trap" (feminine presenting male), is trans. People sperged wanting to define her as a "femboy". It's a nebulous point that has no other distinction than the fact that "femboy" has no political association whereas "trans" comes with all of the baggage. It is proof that people have no problem with trannies in theory, it is the trans movement that has cuased all issue.

so much jealousy in front of this plus size QUEEN

ok I still don't understand your point and I'm going to assume it's incoherent (not as a personal slight just because 80% of people here are)

People don't dislike womb feminized males taking HRT to become as feminine as possible, they dislike trannies.

oh ok. I thought there was more to it

we get subsumed into the evolving 'sacred feminine' mythos

honestly real lol. i’m kinda torn on the whole thing since the most common forms i’ve seen recently are either very centered on the idea of motherhood or honestly just straight up spiritually polluted by consumerism but i feel like there’s a lot of potential there.

in the sense of madonna-whore complex type shit

that’s probably a losing game tho, being a tranny feels like destined to be eve while yearning to be maria lol

that's a pretty low standard lmao

There is and it relates to the way in which trannies are consisently baited into participating in culture war bullshit while also letting their movement be primarily headed by bad actors and sickos. It is still the prevailing narrative amongst trannies that they should continue on the same path and people only dislike them because of the right wing.

idk that I have a good lay of the land but you have to be a little critical I think bc it takes different directions in different media. like mass media (like YouTube) is absolute slop bottom of the barrel repeating stuff with no care or personal experience attached, and ya I can see that being a lot of consumerist or like, reactionary cringe new age motherhood type stuff lol. but I think there is a lot of potential in describing a different vision of beauty

that's probably a losing game

I think to a pretty significant extent anything but being loved as a real person is a losing game but yk. we don't seem ready to cross that bridge yet
it's kinda interesting though how people talk about trans women. like that idea being through porn and then places like this and more normie-targeted media. it's kinda like how black women (to use the absolute boilerplate example sorry black women) weren't/aren't accepted within the idea of european sacred femininity. and there was/is a politicized process of integrating and differentiating

yeah but next you're probably going to propose a really unrealistic solution. don't think you're completely wrong but I don't think most trannies are holding that narrative as activists and cultural agitators they're holding it as people who want to be left alone

That's not a clocky name in her culture

Why do y'all keep making these ogres your spokestrannies

Literally how would I change this

letting their movement be primarily headed by bad actors and sickos

Literally how would I prevent this?

The solution is simple, trannies need to seperate non-trans related politics from their movement especially the tankies, they need to start policing their community and the way they present themselves, and they need to shut up and stop trying to push people into liking them. And I don't want to hear any of that we can't shit, trannies are plenty vocal when they want to cry about Elon Musk. Trannies have every opportunity to make themselves look good but they're too busy trying to please their own insular community or leftists who have already shown that they will throw them under the bus when they're inconvenient.
Every tranny that I have ever seen confronted with the idea that the trans movement is rotten has said this exact same thing. Well there's your answer, if you're sincere in saying that you don't like how the trans movement is going and you're not full of shit when you say that it is just a vocal minority how can you not put two and two together to figure out the very simple step you need to take to solve the problem.
When the Catholic church says "don't hate us and say we're all pedophiles that was just a very small minority of bad people" but then the majority of them either passively or actively enable them you don't say "Wow why do people not like the Catholic church?".

yeah that doesn't sound too realistic desu

catholic church

what can you do as an individual Catholic except say 'I understand why people feel that way, I'm not going to defend what those priests did, but I'm not like that'? other than, stop being Catholic or hide it?

You're representing it in a dishonest way. Either there are a lot of "individual Catholics" in which case they can organize and reform or you're simply lying about wanting change which is my belief when it comes to a lot of trannies. Trannies love to pull the "woe is me I totally disagree with these people what can I do!?" card but under examination hold many of the same beliefs.
Even assuming you're sincere there hasn't been a single point in history when this excuse has been considered acceptable. Plus the onus is on you, if you don't like how the ship is being sailed then do something about it or otherwise accept the consquences. Don't sit by and watch as the boat rams into other's and shout "ummm actually I don't like this either don't hate me please" as you go.

it is just a vocal minority how can you not put two and two together to figure out the very simple step you need to take to solve the problem

I understand what you're saying. I should become a vocal minority in the "trans movement" that speaks out against this. I'm asking how, mechanically, I should achieve this.
Let's say, hypothetically, I'm a tranny that looks more or less like a girl, a have a stable professional job that I perform decently in, I socialize normally, I dress conservatively and I have never asked for a pronoun or social concession in my life. Let's say I'm your perfect tranny model minority. Let's say I'm Asian, let's say I've been raised from birth as Asians are knowing instinctively that as a minority you're drafted as a representative of your group and you should conduct your life with respect and dignity so as to not cast your group in a bad light.
Say I don't like Lia Thomas and trans people in competitive women's sports. I'm appalled by her not just on an unfairness level but just that I can't imagine being her. Being given a medal to say I'm the biggest manliest most powerful woman in the world would make me kill myself.
Let's say I want to speak out against her and be a vocal minority. How, practically, do I do this? I post on Anon Babble and I have a discord account where I'm in two online friend groups with say 50 people each. I've told one group how I feel about this but not the other.
What do you suggest I do? Start telling people at work I'm a tranny and explaining my thoughts on trans people in women's sports? Simply make a twitter or youtube account and gain a large following? Scream into the void on this website? How do I become a vocal and influential minority? Are you able to do this? If you post your thoughts on an issue that impacts you does anyone listen? Do you think anyone cares at all what I have to say?

I mean I do want to do something about it but that's a longer term goal. there's nuance as to what that will take and whether you believe I'm saying that in good faith. I think it's reasonable not to be held explicitly responsible for a movement I didn't create or decide the direction of

you're representing it in a dishonest way

I'm not trying to and it wasn't meant to be a perfect analogy. Catholics have a very different situation in that a. they *have* reformed and (simplifying here) broken off into other groups like protestants, though the issues repeat and that wasn't as a reaction to pedo priests, and b. Catholicism is just different on a whole lot of dimensions in that it's a formal and nominally opt-out religion, and the 'transgender movement' is a disorganized proto-political sentiment amongst trans people of 'oh wow I wish I weren't terrified my life is going to be horrible because I'm trans'

there will be consequences and it's up to you to do something about it

that doesn't make anything resulting right or morally defensible. nonetheless ofc I'm going to do things about it bc what else can you do, you're correct in that a direct material sense the onus is on me however I still think your analysis is both lacking and mean-spirited

Yes trannies simply need to splinter from their movement and take it back. It isn't exactly that hard. If a majority of trannies disagree with how things are going then they simply need to be proactive in seeking out other people who agree. It's funny how people will organize for cringe politics or to post some gay trend on twitter but you say "if you don't like something maybe you should do something about it" and suddenly they forget how social media works.
But that isn't the trans movement. When it was things were actually getting better. There was an upwards trend. The movement pivoted to fascistic identity politics and that is when trans rights actively regressed. There is a gully of difference between "we want basic human deceny" and "you should be fired and arrested if you don't agree with us". And you can say that you don't agree with that and we'll be full circle again where I say it doesn't matter because you've let other's speak for you and they do agree with that.
It's not mean spirited, it is how things are. People don't like trannies because of the trans movement. That's reality. Everything else you tell yourselves is cope. There is nothing mean spirited about me telling you this, in fact I wouldn't bother if I didn't feel empathy towards trannies as it is only for their bennefit that it is being said.

I sense mean spiritedness, I call it as I see it, you can think that's because you're telling me a truth I don't want to hear if you like but I think it's more to do with disliking some unrelated social tendencies you've already displayed. you don't come across as well intentioned or empathetic, you come across as moralistic. still a cut above most people on this board and many in society but I don't think you care about people like me, and for me, that's a fundamental impasse. the biggest problem (insert iq bell curve meme) for and with the movement is that tranny lives don't matter and trans people, in turn, communicate and act immaturely and fascistically. it sounds naive but it's a problem of mutual hate and fear, disinformation and disorganisation.

the movement pivoted to fascistic identity politics

there's a problem with that but I think you're way overconfident in diagnosing it as a pivotal point, you overestimate the internal coherence of the 'movement' and desu you sound like you are or were a chud and bought into narratives that seem highly suspect if you've actually lived as a trans person

I wouldn't bother if I didn't feel empathy towards trannies as it is only for their benefit that it is being said

maybe - or maybe, like most such talk, it's some mixture of genuine empathy, virtue-signalling, and self-serving. I appreciate you sharing I'm just not convinced nor do I really trust you're saying anything for my benefit

How am I moralistic? I've not even given my opinion on anything, only the facts of the matter. And I have no reason to give them for any reason but the bennefit of trannies who might heed them.