Why there are so few breedable ftms? Most pooners look like fat ugly women/fat mutilated-by-t women

Why there are so few breedable ftms? Most pooners look like fat ugly women/fat mutilated-by-t women.

Post your cock

Nyyyoooo, ftm chaser has lost faith in the ftm movement
This is how we know we are close to the end times.

You are disgusted by vaginas and therefore they aren't breedable to you

We are only disgusted by vags if they're attached to an fat hairy mutilated pooner or cis hambeasts.

You don't like any of them, man. You repell the "ugly" ones by calling them ugly, and then you also repell all people you pretend to be interested in by calling them tomboy afabs. If you really liked them, you wouldn't be doing everything in your power to prevent them from being interested in you. Every time you make a thread, it's your subconscious trying to get ftms to stay away from you because you hate vaginas

Who the fuck is 'we'

This. Nobody wants to fuck hairy mutilated girls.

I love a good pussy, esp if it's attached to a breedable trans boi

Let him live the delusion that others agree with him, it's all he has

Everyone on this board knows you're a closet fag, no straight man compensates this hard kek

Describe what you like about pussy

Why you girls are seething so hard?

You wouldn't project if it wasn't true desu

I didn't make this thread.
I just agree with OP.
I don't know who sane would stick their dick in hambeast or fat hairy pooner?

I didn't make this thread.

It doesn't matter most of what I said could apply to you too

They are mad that nobody wants to touch them. But instead of losing weight, they decide to mutilate their bodies. Women are fucking braindead.

You're mad I called out your hatred for vaginas
many such cases


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How did polish girls bully you so much that you now obsess with titless girls?

It really doesn't. Maybe you're just feeling like that.

Can you give me his name or socials?
On of most attractive female to twinks I ever saw.

they identify as bois

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You still didn't answer me if polish girl did bully you

ask tranny hater what he likes about vaginas

brain short circuits


I never knew it was so easy

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I will answer if you will post your photo. I need to check if you're fat/mutilated before I will give you any more attention.

Nobody wants to fuck hairy mutilated girls.

I do!

Scars are hot and t-dick is literally the sexiest imaginable thing a human body could have.

If I could be anything on this earth I'd choose to be an FtM, but I'm cursed to be a miserable MtF tranny instead.

Why would a vagina haver want attention from someone who hates vaginas?

I will answer if you will post your photo

I'm a cis guy and it would be pretty gay if i send you a pic of myself

Nobody talks about scars or enlarged clits. We talk about tryhard mutilated hairy AFABs with beards. Nobody wants to fuck these creatures.

No shit you don't want to fuck them, they have vaginas

Then why do you sound like AFAB, huh?

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you're so pathetic it's disgusting. why would any girl want a man like you? your cock's probably microscopic.

Nta but what you're saying is making no sense. This is the same as telling heterosexual woman she doesn't like dicks because she wouldn't fuck balding fat guy but would fuck chad.

AFAB detected. Sorry, but it's not my fault that you're fat.

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probably because you are a polish zhyd who can't tell the difference when a man and woman write on the internet

I'm not interested in making my posts make sense. Tranny haters posts hardly make any either. I got the reaction I wanted and it's funny to me

Why do you sound gay? You're a fag you can't stand pussy

Nobody wants to fuck these creatures.

Nigger, I do.

Why? What's the appeal.

This isn't like a woman refusing to fuck bald men, it's more like she doesn't want to fuck any man which she's too ashamed to admit to that, so she pretends to be into conventionally attractive men while in reality she's disgusted by penis

beard feel good when having your neck and shoulders nibbled

I was talking about fat ones

Why are you so unattractive? Why do you look like a fat sooner with a pubestache?