As a ftm I feel more kinship with eunuchs than tomboys or butches

As a ftm I feel more kinship with eunuchs than tomboys or butches.

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As a ftm, I also feel more kinship with men than women.

As both a eunuch and a woman, I'm not sure which anon to trust. This is like one of those riddles.

be me

post about how butch lesbians are as feminine as flamer fags

ftm suddenly distance herself from butch lesbians

The only ftms who "relate" to butch dykes are old as sin. Zoomer ftms hang out with other men.

This is what happens when you can't stick to 0's and 1's logic.

I hope they don't hang out with eunuchs, if that's what OP implied.

What's wrong with eunuchs?

Someone please hang out with me. I'm a lonely harem guard with no harem, and I don't even have a prince who makes use of me sometimes just for fun.

Nullos do exist, they're just rare.

So what? By definition they still qualify as eunuchs.

I'm a castrated and unmedicated eunuch, but I live as a woman socially, legally, etc. I've met only one like myself, but he kept a male identity. It was nice being able to share my feelings with him, as we both understood the difference not living with sex hormones has on the mind and body. With mtfs I find often they get too, mm, worked up.

I don't even have a prince who makes use of me sometimes just for fun

I can change that.

As a ftm repressor I feel more kinship with cis men than ftms and mtfs.

Isn't it hard to be without sex hormones?

No. I like the way I am a lot!

But you are aware this is a safe way to develop osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease?

It's been many years and I'm in good health but thank you for your concern.

How many years? Is it on purpose? Do you want to slowly kill yourself?

How many years?


Do you want to slowly kill yourself?

To live is to slowly die.

How old were you when you stopped being on sex hormones?

whats enwrench?

Ah you tell me, I know nothing of these... nullos, you say?

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I've never related to either cis men or women very much, I have always felt too different. Almost like an animal or an alien or something similar.
It's hard to "relate" to eunuchs because I don't have much context for their existence in the US.

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I’m “””ftm””” for the sole reason that it’s just my material reality but I only relate to actual guys or mtfs

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You see mtfs as men don't you

why's that? you're still cis and have a testicle left

skinwalking fetishist gaydens do this
"I don't want to be fully masc I just want to have a dick"
then jerk off to trannies while seeing them as men

Never said that. I relate to them cuz I literally have AGP and I did not have a foid childhood

You’re projecting

breast growth (I bind), constant feelings of inadequacy, T levels too low and TRT comes with a high price tag and awful side effects
but also high dating compatibility because I'm never afraid of being judged for it

are you attracted to women besides the AGP thing?

Yeah but I have a ton of trauma with women/afabs so they make me uncomfortable and I don’t pursue them. If I never had a female friend my whole life and I can’t even really converse with them I doubt I could be in a relationship with one. But I prefer guys

TRT comes with a high price tag

even if you diy?

yeah, though it's mostly because I'm Australian and taking speshul snowflake TRT

I only want oxandrolone/anavar because it has the lowest impact on my remaining testicles sperm and hormone production
the DIY cost is the same as over the counter because it's so hard to get

am I really?