Qott: If you celebrate, what are your plans for Thanksgiving? What are you most excited to eat or drink?
Qott2: What fun plans do you have coming up?
Qott: If you celebrate, what are your plans for Thanksgiving? What are you most excited to eat or drink?
Qott2: What fun plans do you have coming up?
my thanksgiving was last month someone invite me to theirs i want turkey
going to my friend's potluck :)
NOTHING except that. i'm flying to wisconsin & then montana though to visit family
i wanna get stuffed…
Been in a deficit for nine months, first time going home to my mom's cooking since and it's during holiday meals, pray for me brothers
i would but they only have one option :(
i wish they had more colors black is somewhat silly for a bra
Explain why autumn should have to get a job? She has social anxiety.
hey, dudelo, how are you, brother?
I have social anxiety and got a job, never give up :3
What kind of job did you get?
because being a freeloader is faggot shit
Qott2: What fun plans do you have coming up?
Lift weights and work
work from home software developer lol
Living the dream
men be like “i want a trad wife” and then don’t own a house or suit
I’m doing ok just having some tea then going to workout. How you doing?
oh lol me too actually
will be the first session
Um I own both
I'm most excited to have the homemade cinnamon and dinner rolls that my sister is making
i feel like spooning me would be exceedingly uncomfortable. i feel like you'd come out of it covered in bruises from my protruding skeleton. i need to get fatter
is straddling the person while they sit down the best position for makeouts?
Are you bringing anything to the potluck?
I lived in Wisconsin as a kid. It was nice. Never been to Montana :( it looks beautiful
Black is classic . Worried about it showing through your top?
real. i get called too bony often.
Alternative solution: fat bf who has enough padding for the both of you
Con: fat bf
recover after light spiral into depressive hell C:
but i will be ok and in therapy and with new dose of meds
straddling my femdom gf's lap while we make out (I'm cis m)
Don't worry we'd be comfortable
Robbing banks and being a straight up menace (I'm cis male)
I need this
i don't think i'm bringing anything, imight figure something out though
ya, MT is super beautiful especially where i'll be. itw will be fun family might just be difficult
black is cute for lingerie i think but i just need normal underwear. i have the bra & it fits better than any i've ever had before but it does show through certain tops :/
fat men can be cute!! but if i had one i'd probably end up making him not be so fat by taking him biking & stuff with me all the time. i need to fatten up anyways though my hips are too narrow & ass is too small
hi chasergen. i did a lot of reflecting on the responses i got last night to the filtered photo. and ive decided that i should be better and stop hiding behind filters. so with that said, here you are. that photo without the faceapp man filter.
Mrs. Pikachu looking so stunning and natural, yes qeen
*borat voice*
ma waif
Why do you always run shit through filters 10 times over
yessss go off qeeeen love you sm
I will cook for you so you fill out, then we'll both have athletic bodies from all the biking
I would play with it no more or less than you wanted
Now you just need to say no ;~; when people call you cute
Pichu looks so good she filters herself worse. She literally looks too good to post a normal picture of herself and say she looks like a man.
need food to grow my tiny ass
you have to let me cook tooooooooo it's such a fun & special activity to do together
rabbit can't stay away from here she is too broken
I am not sensing rabbit at all I guess my qplussy sensors are broken
mayb i should ask my mom to get me some bras for christmas
those things r expensive
I have fun sharpening the knives and chopping up the veggies, you can do most of the wooden spoon action if you want as long as I get to also have nibbles throughout :)
sorry, here's an unedited one. with this thread and passgen, it's a lot of pressure to maintain appearances, you know? got a reputation to uphold. so i always run all of my photos through the feminizing filters and the makeup filters before posting.
You're so full of shit. These insane mental gymnastics just so you can continue to deny you pass.
Beautiful scarf/sweater hybrid color-coordinated with the hair
Fashion diva
i wish there were cis f chasers
no you’re right, rabbit isn’t here
enough what?
of that
My qplusso sensors are going crazy rn they're back online
If I were a girl I would be
but i want a cis gf
That's not qplusso
i'm gonna go make lunch byebye
Cuddling works as long as your not both boney
Damn I’m sorry. I hope the therapy and meds help you not fall down another one
well i was going to but now i don't want to
yes it is
This is why twig guys and fat girls always want each other
Thanks anon :)
imagine being too pretty to doompost
thanks, it was custom made for me
checked, but also suspicious sideeye at your post number overall
delete your cookies
not a possible state of affairs
Pretty girls are doomers too
yeah, me
bye, I love you
when they cant get Chad, yes
being a pretty doomer would be fun
quality post
Louis belt around my neck
Paycheck after paycheck
Trannies on deck
Lick your bussy on the fucking main deck
Get my dick licked while playing Yu-Gi-Oh!
From troons that don't know
That I'm high from this dro'
Same with them too, people who are attractive are harder to find serious relationships
Her thighs could still fix me
his dick could break me
see if you layer your hot girl dooming in ten layers of irony and self deprecation, you get to detrans all you want and the simps love it. They tell you, 'babe please trip on, I'd recognize your autistic mannerisms and inflections anywhere, babe. please' and you can just play coy and say you don't know what a pee chew is
Yes I will play along when they're not actually detransing
When they actually do it's just sad
90 days of pio later im goated.
Her dick could break and fix me
They say I've got the sauce cause I'm goated like curry
they say i’m nice because uh i’m rice
Rat-tat-tat-tat, late at night with my gat
In the threads of CG
Wonderin' where the bussy at
Pure chaser, looking for a hoe
Hangin' out, rollin' in my six fo'
i just want to make something clear. i was always, always very explicit about it being a social detransition while staying on hrt. and that the core of it was more giving up on the dream of "successfully transitioning" part, while also staying on e out of convenience
now that thats cleared up, back to our regularly scheduled something
I don't simp for any tranny but I think Pichu's simps are pretty based and wholesome. I respect their patience
I like her chao posting
vim or emacs?
vim! though i dont use hjkl
I don't think any careful language or clarification will soften the statement that you've given up on passing
Holy fucking MIDFACE
You were right Pichu, detransitioning was the smart choice. Sorry for doubting you.
emacs for everything.
First time, she was in my math class (Uh-huh)
Long hair, twinkhon with the fat ass
sorry I meant "successfully transitioning"
What fun plans do you have coming up?
none ;~;
neovim for development, emacs orgmode as an alternative to obsidian ez question.
wet dreamz about Mina
Based for catching my reference and good choice of tranny too. Based af dawg
lmao thank you
She's so hot
jetbrains, clearly
Yes she is
Based and manmoderpilled
I think you stick out more and bring more attention to yourself to look like you do and ask people to call you a man.
fuck thedude is so transbian coded
who is?
The faceless is transbiancore?
You know, her
He just wants to be cuddled by the kind of woman who wears a suit
He wants to be the little spoon
someone get this fagzilla out of here so the girl i like doesn't see him
i will never call pichu a woman because that’s what he wants, what a strong manly chad pichu is
can we get rid of pichu too?
You trying to get rid of me?
for sure it is kek
basically transbian thing only
this is the gayest thing I’ve ever read. lol
Thedude bottoming for his strong boyfriend Pichu in a polo
gay hands typed it so
i need help finding a trans gf for a russian chaser friend in moscow. i would apply for the position but i am american.
how do i find russian trannies
check the catalog.
Check the gulag or the graveyard
I wish clown was my gf so I could cook Thanksgiving dinner for her
i wish chasers had jobs. i couldn't live with myself being the sugar mommy. it just gives me the ick
i have never met a single chaser in my life who makes 6 figures
6 figures are for cis women. You get 5
i’m col…
uh back to r*ddit pls
Damn, telling all my bros they're transbian reppers for loving planetary duality back in the day
They probably already all found someone
Best I can do is 6 inches
no you don't
still aint got me on that gawdang list
Stfu bitch
I'm going to troon out on you anyway regardless of how much i make
yes I do. I'm gonna fix her
i already make 6 figures. he needs to match me
kms you're right
yeah this is why i don't date chasers
I don’t mind sharing what I’ve been fortunate enough to earn in this world with my chaser. I don’t want a mooch and I respect a guy with a career or purpose more, but who cares it’s just money and if he wants to be spoiled and he deserves it I’ll spoil him.
what's your ethnicity and location
I'm telling you. Cis women get men who make 6 figures. You get the scraps, you get 5 figure men.
but do you doubt that thedude is transbian?
I already make 6 figures
Rejected! Think I'll chat up the local Starbucks barista instead.
I think he's just a soft-hearted bisexuelle
i can fix thedude
you can't
thedude wrote it.
thanks bud
Are you telling me Michael Keene is fatdog? Amazing
If I never fix her, then she never loses that I can fix her appeal. It's win win
Bros, I dont think I can get a tranner GF in this dating economy. The triple-6 rule was bad enough, but I cant deal with the quad-7 rules
must be 7ft tall min.
have a 7in hog
make over 7 figures
be over 700lbs
This shit is ridiculous
Idk if I’m fixable or not
I’m not anon posting atm
Not think he’s gone for good after his wife died. Dude need to clean up his act my friend met him and said it’s bad
if you knew how broken he is you'd lose that "I can fix her" appeal, or any appeal
somebody make me a mother pleeeease
NTA but you have guys lining up for you
this, everyone loves clown a lot
Waiting at the barbershop, I feel sick with anxiety it's a lot worse lately
I don't
That's not true many people don't fuck with someone using bigotry as a cope
Me when my trans gf tells me she's getting SRS
Fuck off homo
It’s time to give up on him he’s clearly insane
I'm willing to try as long as it takes
who is it and about what is webmrel?
*a beautiful new mushroom sprouts up in the thread*
Jewish, Nigeria
i feel like my dating pool is like maximum 2-3 people
*photographs it and identifies it without plucking it*
It's almost as beautiful as you Autumn
the male urge to start hitting yourself because you never learned how to express anger
it's not a cope
He should have hit her
desu i never learned how either i just get up & start walking away until they stop following me & then cry
he should have hit me
You were molested
The dude in the gif tried to hire a hitman to kill his first wife and this is him with his third. It’s more than just anger isuues
That's is expressing anger you dumb broad you stupid fucking hole
The dude
in the gif
But...you're the dude? You're saying you hired a hitman?
It'll be alright. What are you nervous about?
learn how to do it without thrashing around like a fucking toddler youre a grown man
*a pixie reveals itself and thanks you* *pixie dust be sprinkled upon ye*
*you feel blessed and full of life*
I wish TheDude would make me his third wife
The dude can’t be fixed because the dude craves trans female validation, the same way the trans female craves male validation, regardless of sexual attraction. Is the dude even sexually attracted to trans women or does he merely crave their validation?
need the dude to hire a hitman to come kill me
Hitting yourself is badass. It's like you're totally out of control with rage. Very masculine.
okay my Nubian kween, we will buy a villa near Lagos and celebrate kwaanzukkah soon <3
Sometimes a man just needs to toss a table, okay? You wouldn't get it.
is thedude meta attracted?
I wish thedude would be meta attracted to me, that would be awesome
i can fix him
Autumn I will destroy everything you've built in minecraft as punishment for refusing to let me sniff your butthole let's see who's laughing then
I think you may be mistaken but I appreciate the kindness
imagine getting punched so hard you just immediately die. sigh
You're saying you hired a hitman?
Not yet. His name is tim lambesis
If your willing to wait for a wile
I crave female validation I will admit it.
I can’t afford that I’d have to do it myself
I miss Ava.
i keep asking about meta attraction to women and nobody ever wants to discuss it
i more think about trans women being meta attracted to women, but a man being meta attracted to women is also a valid topic
I don’t play minecraft because my computer can’t run it :/
also ewwwwww
I'm not mistaken at all beautiful
Force-twink her into becoming a cute e-boy again instead.
You’re just a little attention whore you don’t actually even want to catch anyone, you’re not a chaser you’re a trapper or something a trap idk
it’s because it’s not real and the moment you realize it applies to most relationships it can’t be a weapon against trans women
that would happen to my heart the day I finally move to Alaska and find out you've got a boyfriend and I was too late..
these are so cute omgg
best hurry up then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ava misses her wang dang doodle
happens more often than you’d expect, which makes Batman quite the hypocrite
“i miss my dang weenis. shucks.” - ava from 4 chan
You are right. I want the attention without the risk of actually putting myself out there. I understand the problem an am trying to address it
art by Brian Froud <3
Batman isn't a doctor and never took the hypocritical oath so it's fine
visciously circling california like a shark, patiently waiting for thedude to leave its borders so i can strike
I got on an antidepressant that works, and now instead of learning about politics, all I do is watch stupid videos like rich white guys interviewing gangbangers in the hood. Is this what having a normie brain is like? Just being dumb as fuck?
He is too bland for me. Like unsalted Saltines that go resalted but then had their salt licked off
i wish i was hot enough for thedude and also i wish i more genuinely wished i was hot enough for the dude and i wish i was attracted to thedude
two-way meta attraction hookups are either based or dangerous
I try to but usually can’t due to work, I’ve been invited to four separate Thanksgiving’s but this year I’m catching up on sleep and loading snow tires into my car to have them put on Friday after work. Not really anything I’m looking forward to in general ¯_(ツ)_/¯ I had bad tummy issues earlier today that involved blood but it do be like that
You should just take practice gf up on her offer, she wanted to give you a safe low risk relationship to grow in and make mistakes safely in before leapfrogging into a new relationship with your dream girl.
fooling thedude into getting me pregnant so has to marry me
ithink there's a balance to be struck
learn but learn about something that matters, not politics. also WHAT ANTIDEPRESSANT
Go back and look at all of my posts from this thread, notice no posts end with the number 2. Everything is planned and every action has its purpose . I’m miles ahead of everyone
god is telling you he loves you
thedude leaving me for a cis woman because he was only meta attracted to me this whole time
i like soft-hearted guys like thedude
i would treat him so good he would be my little prince
how can i entice a chaser to come to alaska. i need some sort of bait beyond my body. i need a cool car or soomething
what can i get for dinner that’s less than 9$
meeeee >_<
Between moving to Alaska and losing an arm I would be armless.
Ava used to pitch her wang dang doodle all night long
any russian trans girls here tonight?
Cooking for yourself
It's venlafaxine, generic for Effexor, an SNRI. I'd had no luck with Prozac, Welbutrin and a couple others as background. And I didn't just read about politics lol
a wawa classic italian hoagie
yeah but what from the store i got no food
hi bro
I had to look up the meta attraction thing I usually stay away from all that stuff. I don’t think I have that.
Ya maybe. It still feels odd to start a relationship where you know it has an end.
If you have land to maintain up there I may just move
You're worth at least $15, anon. Have you seen this economy?
he’s buttering me up no less. he knows one day I’ll try to overthrow him
All I can eat
i deserv i lil sex as a trear
if youre a russian trans girl and you want a bf who is gonna shower you in love and affection and not murder you add @gardy. on discord
Going to Alaska just to hike and see all the nature seems like fun. Going out basically being on a 24/7 date in a beautiful environment would be really romantic. Obviously you're one of the prettier posters, and you seem normal. There's lots of upside. The only problem is that it's in fucking Alaska.
thankss c:
Fudge you autumn..don't make me cause a massacre
You do, anon. And soon you'll get one for most improved spelling too, look at you go
me and WHO
do you mind bro, I’m tryna do standup here
relationship with clown where you don't push her to be too physically intimate until she feels emotionally safe
oh to be held like that
don't rape a bitch
what kind of lame fantasy is this
i'm not the antichrist i'm just not one of the elect. i will be shunted direct to hell
i eat fried rice every day
one cup rice dry
two eggs
two scallions chopped
two teaspoons onions sauce
three tablespoons butter
one & 1/8th teaspoon sugar
3/4th teaspoon salt
quarter teaspoon white pepper
quarter teaspoon msg
parboil & steam rice
beat eggs with 1/8th tsp each salt & sugar
melt teaspoon & half butter in wok, medium heat
scramble eggs for a minute, scooch to side
melt other teaspoon & half butter in wok/
toss rice in butter then mix with egg & fry one minute
throw in onions sauce
fry minute
throw in teaspoon sugar, 5/8th tsp salt, 1/4th tsp white pepper (i use whole mortared & pestled) & msg
fry minute
toss in scallions, mix
it's so cheap
and she calls you a flaming faggot after your first kiss
Please anon, I almost made it through November
does that extend to just looking at her?
i really want to get molested by a (n attractive) stranger
Best I can do is unshowered FUB
three tablespoons butter
no onions sauce
Metalcore band guy who was in the news for hiring a fake hitman to kill his wife and going to prison for 6 years has been out for awhile and is in hot water again for his new wife releasing abusive behavior clips
Real swell dude
It only ends when you practice the breakup dude, it’s not like she’s going to kick you out.
Nothing in particular I just have an anxiety disorder
I look fresh now so it's all good
you're weak
aww i've tried that one :/
i'm really really glad it's worked for you anon!!!
maybe in 5-10 years but by then i'll have moved on from Anon Babble or killed myself or something. oh well
he didn't like that...
thank you anon it means a lot
winter is not so bad if you can romanticize it which i think would be not so hard in a relationship
i need this but also i need to get fat which makes this impossible. hmm
you could use less butter if you had a different wok but mine is literally just bare aluminum. also there's two teaspoons onions sauce!!!
Onions sauce sounds pretty good
Trying to figure out exactly how desperate you are is funny
abusive guys have no problems getting girls
That's it, I'm buying a practice gf (a punching bag)
if i had a boyfriend there would be penis in my mouth one to four times daily
i’m selling one (is me)
AGP moment
damn bro this girl wants to have sex with men she's a total lesbian
this post doesn't bother me because my conception of AGP is incompatible with yours
former bf haver insider here i cant say too much and dont have that much time but i will confirm that there are several oral and even anal encounters with a penis happening on a daily basis when have a bf
AGP =/= transbian
if i had a girlfriend there would be penis in my mouth one to four times daily
senpai desu
I thought about making this post as well.
i wish i transitioned in college and seduced one of my younger professors i had a couple hot tall ones.
i'm about to try & mend an ass hole in my jeans pray for me
yeah apparently expressing sexuality is agp even tho blanchy doesn't believe any of this shit 4channies do
never sat on the couch for longer than 20 minutes with my ex without him asking
I need this
soft cuddles after rough sex
iwn know this ;~;
Why wouldn't you?
I’m started to get the idea that chasergen might be a place where men talk about wanting to have sex with trans women and not a place where people come to listen to me talk about my cool hobbies and jokes and epic mushroom fairy roleplay …further research is needed
Sex with Autumn
I'm a man and I want to have sex with you
I thought she seemed happy with SRS
worthless hon
*abuses you*
would rather kill myself
I usually only come here to talk about my tranner but I enjoy all types of posts made by various people
I'm here for the mushrooms and faeries!!
That's the good kind of AGP. The bad kind is where they bite your dick and punch your balls and say TAKE THAT DAD
Nah you sound cute
sound cute? rly
Ava got SRS? What the fuck?
Maybe she's gotten a bf and dreem. I hope so, Ava is lovely girl
This, yeah, always cute
a few months ago now
fucking real
even if i prefer to dom
i wud get all the cleaning done and start on his laundry if any cuz i got home like 30min before him (prolly enough time for him to have a quicky with some other slut now that i think about it) but usually greeted him with lots of kisses and get on my knees n hug him around his legs and nuzzle his crotch or sometimes if i was tired n layin on the couch he's flop behind me and pull me into him clutching my boob and id wiggle my dumb butt on him or sometimes id headbutt him with my massive skull and shove him onto the couch and bounce on his cock while he was in a dazed state of erection guys im so fucking retarded why did he leave me i must have been a crazy bitch lmao fuckin kms sover etc i hope u all have a wonderful thanksgiving and get to spend time with loved ones gobless all of u imma go try n finish the monkey king wukon game its so cute i rly like it i am thankful for the monkey king <3
Yeah, sadly. She's no longer worth chasing.
i don't have a drug problem, u do
well I'm not :c
Any pics?
Great post
You sure? Maybe you're just not your type
Bersonally I'm here for both
I love women and am strongly attracted to them. But vaginas are disgusting. Simply not interested anymore now that she has a rotpocket.
emo please.
I'd hit. Then we'd cuddle with her head on my chest. Idc if she has a gock.
i wish i was a computer
computers r nice
So where you from?
nobody wants to hear about your annoying shut in transbian bullshit
I need to do this with a girl
I'm not anyone's type, no straight man's at least
I'm laughin I'm just not gonna type lol after every post
True! Plenty of bi men you can date though.
Alyssa Milano is a total milf
rotpocket lmao
hsts bitches stay losing
wish I were that sink rn..
why not the toilet? imagine the nasty smelly fat shits that ass must take. yummy.
yeah that's one of the best turd dispensers this general has seen in a while
ur wildin
think about the fact that people are more likely to browse and post here while sitting on the toilet pooping
poop slut
I am on my bed with my cat on my lap ackshually
i diap up for these threads so i can go without breaks actually
You should get on my lap and then your cat in yours
I hope you're a femdom tranner because otherwise that would be gay asl of you homie
it is seventeen degrees fahrenheit below zero
i am going to go lay in bed & imagine being held now byebye
what would you wear if you needed to go outside rn in that weather?
we get that for a week here usually sometime in january
10 below or more is a whole nother world
Half the women here need this
sometimes i put a pillow behind me and pretend i’m being spooned
That's crazy it's 75 out over here
Okay, but this is gay sex
leggings under jeans, a parka, thick socks, toque and scarf
Well yeah, what do you think we're here for? Vaginal sex?
Sometimes I hold a pillow and pretend I'm spooning it
imagine lying on the couch and clown, your wife, crawls into your arms because she's having a breakdown from her bdd and you get to hold her tight and tell her it's going to be ok while she sobs silently
imagine you are deflowering clown’s pink bussy hole, and all of a sudden she just starts spraying smelly liquid shit everywhere. she had curry the night before and it gave her the shits lol
extremely reddit pornography
same as i'm wearing now (sweater & jeans) but i'd put on fleece long johns
i just hold my shark (NOT blahaj he's a frilled shark. Chlamydoselachus anguineus) it's not the same but at least there's something
ok nnnnnnnnnnnnow i'm going
Moving across the country with my books and computer in tow just to date a tranner I've never met
Straight sex with trans women
if life were up to me I'd be a warlord with a cis wife and trans 2nd wife
need this
For me, it's pumping and throbbing in a trans woman
What is non-reddit pornography
And I need you
I’d be your pillow anon…
extremely reddit pornography
what was it
I hope you like being held tight and feeling me breathe on the back of your neck
is it okay to add chasers from this thread on discord to see if i wanna develop a relationship with any of them
is diarrhea a good lubricant when you are having straight anal sex with a tranny?
Being clown's platonic friend who's always there for her
No it's a crime in 47 countries
come get me i’m not tied down
not yet
add big_guymandude for a good time
you ever been in a big building where all the machines that run everything are in the basement and it looks like a cool dungeon down there. I like those places
needily sending thedude sexy pictures of myself on discord and getting nothing back
Is ruff still in here
Are you close enough the American SW to date or nah?
meanwhile the dude is having a panic attack afraid to respond
Hiding my tactically acquired harem of tranners in a basement machine room
Yeah a courthouse I went on a field trip to in middle school had a data center like that
do any of the basement machines have games
what if I had long curly, voluminous hair. could I get away without the toque or not really? It usually keeps my ears warm in the cold but I've never experienced that kind of cold
you combined two of my posts into one
if only
I only stole one of your posts on purpose
that's not funny anon ;~;
idk what it's like to have friends rly, ik I'm a bad one :c
Clown and Pichu have the most wild simps
Good day honestly
you can get away with it you’ll just be cold. i have thick wavy hair not curly but i usually tie it up.
hoods work too.
i don’t dress for the cold in reality as well as i should because i’m just used to it
good song
hey are my speakers dying or are the vocals quiet and in the background like an echo
I'm a bad friend too, clown. I'm flaky, and i disappear for years. Some people still like me though. I'm sure your people are out there somewhere.
It's got stereo audio with most of the vocal in the right ear, so guessing your right ear is dying, yeah.
I like it so much I spent ten minutes trying to find a reaction image of a drawing blushing and going haah~
I want to experience the power going out during a blizzard and having to share body heat with a cute girl before I die
multiple pichu simps instantly reply
okay i did now what
happened to me not last winter but the one before. big storm killed the power from morning until around 4. we stayed in bed and cuddled until the power came back.
Tourist actually added me. Uh oh
i just want someone so can make me laugh
That's not me, but that's my discord. Long story. Where are you from, anon?
im a lurker
maybe don’t fumble this one bro, I just threw you a curve ball
Certified hot
Ghibli Fest can raid my wallet every year, I don't fucking care. Howl's Moving Castle on the big screen tonight. Seems like something a trans gf would love but I don't have one D:
im from ohio. not joking sadly
that makes sense. I run hot but I don't actually know my limit so I'd like to know how to do it right first
Lmao. World is funny like that. Probably a bit far out of the way for me though, I'm out of NJ.
everyone here is in ohio
howls is alright but not my favourite ghibli by a long shot.
id still like to maybe flirt with you and like talk and just like idk get any form of affection and validation
I sort of hate Howl? The man not the movie, it's a weird film, he sucks
i wanna do this to a guy aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
fuck my tranny faggot life
yeah he sucks and i wish the protagonist didn’t spend the so much of the movie an old woman lol
cmon bigguybaldcuck im trying to help your bitch ass you need to pump this girl full of juices
Pichu you're not the ugly girl who gets taken to prom as a joke.
Don't ever tickle me
he still hasnt added me back on discord even
We can talk I guess, happy to be friends, but I'm not really interesting in just flirting if it's not going anywhere. Just not my kind of thing. How old are you anyhow?
i’ve tickled guys a lil by kissing their inner thighs. do guys like that?
this isn't me btw
t. band shirt guy
What, no cock?
22, started hrt almost 5 months ago. kinda realizing that yeah the abuse i suffered over my early childhood did in fact affect me
i showed you my hole answer me
Meemaw is dom that's crazy
throwing your bitch shiny headed bald ass a bone so you better start chewing little bitch, you ain’t gonna get no more table scrap until yo bitch ass get yo dick wet with some of that bussy juice
Yeah I prefer Nausicaa, Totoro, Mononoke, Spirited Away.
I think, anyway.
I barely remember it. This is almost my first watch. Maybe it slaps.
don't tell what to do and not to do or you'll be ticled to death!!
No I hate it. I might accidentally hurt you
Nice shirt
did bigguymandude get some bussy yet?
Sure I can add you then I guess.
I get the meme, but I'm not actually desperate lol. I do perfectly fine for myself.
get sick yesterday, have to miss work
sick again today
work schedules me for 4 days of cashier in a row next week
god why the fuck can't the universe give me a break it's thanksgiving which is going to suck out my soul and then it's my friend's birthday and i won't even be able to go to her party because i can't find anyone to cover me and i need the money this life fucking sucks so hard dude. i've been worn out and i can't apply to real jobs and i'm nervous i'm gonna see that asshole again at work and everything sucks!!!!! at least i've been playing assassin's creed 3 all day in bed. connor is hot.
no, you'll be tied up
Lol maybe later. I'll put my jockstrap on
Thanks anonski m/
calcifer is cute. my top five probably (in no order) are mononoke, only yesterday, whisper of the heart, porco rosso, and when marnie was there.
most of them are great though. only a few i didn’t like.
I don't want this
Porco Rosso is my shit
She could tie me up and tickle me, desu
Just download tinder
lol who cares
Do you play dead when you're scared
it’s legitimately such a good movie. i love thee whole and all the characters.
also i gotta say getting a steam deck was maybe one of the best investments of my life
im banned lmao. got banned back when i was doing femboycope and insanely depressed
scared of what?
I want to give a tranner attention:
i heard from half a dozen reliable sources that you are desperate and a drug addict. im just tryna be a good wingman playboy
*the whole world
how i feel but about my 2ds xl
Maybe somebody picks up the piece of plywood you're hiding under
Job applications
oh. Yes I do that sometimes
How did you get banned?
neganon gets the most bussy
Where in Ohio?
yeah that seems like a good purchase and honestly i feel like portability is the only way to game. sitting in bed playing AC3 >>>
leaving your room, holding a conversation with strangers, getting a job, going to school
Lol. I'm a little too busy to do our dance tonight, but drug addict is the new one then? I think auto-erotic cannibal was my favorite so far. Bald, of course.
yes, I’m very scared of those things
being able to hold the screen somehow makes it more intimate or something. i get more into games on handhelds.
how are you liking ac3 i think i was the only person who really enjoyed it when it came out
a tranny told me you once DM’d her pictures of your cock when you were high on shrooms, can you confirm or deny this?
it's ok so far. ac4 is by far my fav in the whole series and this feels like a downgrade but desu i like connor as a protag so far, i just sort of hate that the fast travel and synch points are disconnected here and i felt the prologue was too long. i'm only on sequence 5 or 6 i think
Nah I've never done shrooms and you gotta get the phone number for the dick pics. Premium white glove service for our VIPs only.
i remember the story of 3 being more compelling than the others but it’s been a long time since i played it i could be totally off.
I am crying .maybe I will go watch a movie to distract myself
have you ever sent pics of your shiny head while high in weed?
it definitely has the bones of one. father vs son narrative, non white protag, emphasis on every side having shades of grey
maybe you should get a job or go back to school so you won’t have to distract yourself with child activities
Y r u sad autumn? You should watch a funny movie
i was coming off of all the ezio games which were complete nonsense so the bones of a story was probably good enough for me haha
I want to do this to someone bad. Playing with someone who’s tied up my god
I already told you I’m going to do that when I get back from vacation
Idk, nothing is going right and I’m very lonely. I don’t really like funny movies I was maybe gonna watch the next Saw film
516 replies . Do we have a baker amongst us
Everyone should try mushrooms once
i’ve only done lsd will you take shrooms with me
you’re gonna forget about everything after your vacation, and you know you are
stop delaying your future
dream man
between dayton and columbus, closer to dayton
Someone tell the dude to put his good girl baker's apron back on, and whip up something tasty
I promise I won’t, you don’t need to shame me for being a neet, I hate it more than you know and I’m determined to try to escape it, even if it’s very difficult for me
apron says “don’t try to kiss the cook”
are they? i tried to play them but i couldn't get the inputs to work properly and the port is a total mess
I love you
do you want my discord or smthn
i loved the games but the stories were a wash of endless italian names and i never understood how the aliens fit into anything.
ezio was a fun lead though he made it worth it.
i wonder if they really hold up gameplay wise though compared to the newer stuff.
I’m gonna keep shaming you until I see proof you’re doing something to better yourself. You’re too used to people going easy on you
Tu ne reikia verkti, mano mielai maža sesuo. Aš esu čia už tave :)
dearposting. call me dear.
i will marry clown by 2030 none of you are invited
i feel like the games peaked with ac4. unity is ok but it's already getting too rpg-ish when the games were glorified stealth beatemups that just had charming stories