/mmg/ - manmoder general

Know the Difference edition
QOTT: Are you a manmoder or a boymoder and if you're a boymoder why are you here?

me on left except i started hrt at 19

Manmoder 100%. One of the only truemoders here
Lol fuck you jynxi. You don't resemble that at all.

Is 22 too late

that wasn;'t me

anyways i got:

big brow

could grow a beard sort of

wide shoulders


massive man hands


my jaw is also something to be marveled at, i'll go with the most aggressive cheaper FFS surgeon so they can cut off half of it

woke up in a terror. doesn't count tho. im not a tranny im a cis dood

Not even close to too late. You still have like 3 years of hip growth. Start now.

this. now 27, that's when it's far far too late.

No, that's still not too late:)

whatever dood. this MAN is going back to sleep

i feel guilty when i see a repressor thinking about doing hrt but i fail to convince them to start it or i don't even try
i know that you will regret repressing one day, all you need to do to try estrogen is to buy it off the internet
nothing will change in one month, if you don't like it you can hop off
it took me a while to see real effects, they are gradual and slow, but they do happen

i'm a madmoder


I'm a manmoder, should I play a night elf rogue or an undead warlock

warlock 100%

brutal trips demand it

when does prog start working? I took 200mg for two months and all I got was erections and anxiety

that means it's working

But I don't want erections and anxiety I want tits

I had morning wood today, was amazing.

it's over

consider lowering your dose and give it time

I'm really ashamed of my attraction towards women but I also can't pretend to be hsts because I think men are repulsive so I'll forever live unfulfilled

Tit size is genetics- my mother has huge knockers so i got good growth. but if your mother is like a b cup then you probably wont get much growth at all.

I'm really ashamed of my attraction towards women


Why are you ashamed bro? women are hot asf. so are men (to me), but women are ojectivley very beautiful.... they like wake up in the morning and are perfect, it is very weird
No shame in having adult human attraction , regardless of sex/gender


big eyes

wideish shoulders

smooth skin

small hips

small waist

should probs rope

hrt 18

no body fat

small feet?

normal boobs

is it over chat?

because I'm male and male sexuality is demonic. maybe if I passed i wouldn't feel like this but alas

I am male and my sexuality isn't demonic. i have no clue what you are talking about or trying to imply, but it is way over my head lol


The sissyhypno will only work if you're a sissy healer. But warlock is cool

Why is male sexuality bad wtf
I think it is hot
So do most women....

god is female i am male
moloch separated me
i want my womb

God doesn't have a sex lmao

I don't need sissy hypno I need a hot succubus to whip things for me and look good and maybe get jealous of

My dad is so rude for threatning to beat me up.... like quit yelling bro it's not that serious
All i wanted to do was call the cops because my sister was off her meds and kicking holes in the wall
But noooooo...... of course i am the bad guy...... AGAIN

don't put up with that shit from no one

god damn you are all dumb and autistic
i guess that smart reppers just rope or mandmode for a bit and rope, you have to be either dumb delusional or both to keep on going i guess
i am not even kidding, i feel like a genius in this gen

I want to go to paramedic school so i can't move out again (i'd have to work full time to survive)
No money no choice haha

I'm more feminine than I've ever been before Larry:)

It's never too late to be yourself <3

well, I can respect the compromise, to a point

Thx. just scary to be threatened with violence lis all lol, makes my body shut down or something idk

still not feminine enough sadly

I get it
I dealt with that from both my parents, even as a grown-ass adult, and it's just not acceptable in my view so I had to try very hard to restrain myself and also not have a defensive shutdown reaction like that



buck teeth

third world

nicotine addiction

repressing tranny

Thx for replying x
It really angers me how i am supposed to act like its normal and then forget about it like nothing happened

i am not bald, i did not experience hair loss ever, i just shaved my head, and i am not addicted to nicotine, yes, i smoked two vapes yesterday and i am vaping rn but only to get rid of them, they don t really make me happier, food on the other hand and romania is very advanced country..

I started at 20 and look like the right one but a bit fat, I just feel awful for my shoulders, facial hair and lack of female femaleness. God punished me having female autism instead of giving me the posibility to act as a normal human being

how wide are your shoulders

me on the left (t. hrt at 26)

im the only real hon here

t. Cute boymoder

About 21 inches of width, at best I look like a butch (but even the trans boy of my class look at me weird)

i think i like boys

i am a dwarfmoder
(it's over)

should i try to get locked up in a mental institution?
it's not like i have a life anyway
@larry wouldn't that be a good solution?

what would that achieve?
any mental institution is less mentally ill than mmg so you are ready at least i guess

being taken care of, maybe convincing them to give me good meds. and maybe there would be some qt there idk
i'll just need to convince them i would rape or kill a lot of ppl if they don't lock me up

Youre cishet


they would just lock you ass up, tie you alone to a table in a cold dark room, pump you of benzo, let you shit and piss your ass there and don t change you for days and also beat the living shit out of you and insult you too, at least this is how they treat them mentally ill in romania, maybe s o y sweden is nice but if i were a working swedish citizen i would be mad paying taxes out of my salary for your worthless maggot parasite ass

i would rape or kill a lot of ppl if they don't lock me up

if they think that you are dangerous like that, they treat you even worse and put you even more in solitary confinment, just walk naked at the intersection with your old ass and your big tits out and ask people if they want to suck on them and play with them but idk might still be considered 'dangerous' but in a creepy sexual way rather than murderous criminal way..

What is bro yapping about

mary jane


I am so angry and sad and frustrated and hurt frfr

somewhere trapped in between I'm afraid. too tall and too hairy for boymode but my figure and manursims are more effeminate.

too bad, buttercup.
suck it up.

i will kill myself just because of beard shadow
i would be able to basically pass if it was not for it
and i dont even have a full beard
just a few hair there but its enough to make that area gray after i shave

It is hard. i am great at repressing my feelings but today i can't even sit still, i am so bothered

im horny can someone come over and kiss me

Yes, i love making out. Where you at?

'i got the easiest thing to change to become a passoid, woo me' You're such a fucking nigger, hope U kys

'i got the easiest thing to change to become a passoid, woo me' You're such a fucking nigger, hope U kys

how is that the easiest thing i will need laser for that and im poor third worlder
is there another way to solve it? an alternative to shaving with razor blades that leave no beard shadow???? my skin is very pale but my hair is very dark im white latina or whatver u guys call it

Even after 20 laser sessions and no facial hair there is still a shadow
Cant be covered with makeup
I detransitioned
Right now my gf has blonde chin stubble and refuses to shave, very confusing but i don't really care.... just so confusing haha

I wouldn't have said to kys if I knew you were some thirdie. Still beats having unfixable mistakes, get money somehow any means possible hope it works out for you. Doesn't make U a manmoder though, manmoders don't pass after getting laser

i'm not talking about a psych ward but mental treatment place for ppl that shouldn't be allowed to be free
being tied down is just for violent people and for a limited time

if i'd go around naked at worst they'd put me in a ward for a short time


mental treatment place for ppl that shouldn't be allowed to be free

that is literally what the mental insitution is for

color correcting makeup...

:/ im sorry
so theres no other way only laser ._.
ty anyway i will need to get 200 dollars to spend on that some way that doesnt involves sex work

yes and how tf would being naked outside get me there?
here the only permanent places are those for criminals pretty much, the rest get to visit a ward and get more or less of support outside when releaased

it's possible to diy but seems hard af

then be a criminal if you want permanent stay
go to norway near one of those nice prisons, commit a crime and hope you end up there since it is closest to your location and they don t deport your ass

What's your discord

plucking with tweezers doesnt leave shadow behind but i think its not good to do it long term

i mean i don't actually want to kill or rape someone
eh, maybe i should ask for some vacation in the ward again :/
ps you should get some alcohol and get wasted

Pumpkin spice vanilla chai tea latte<3

sounds tasty
i have pumpkin chai tea but no milk nor spice ;__;

it is almost 7 am and yea and i am way too fucking fat and i feel like shit drinking, still bad just numb..

that sounds good, I haven't gone out for coffee in years

Oh, no thanks. I can't drink coffee late at night, it keeps me up.

but not tea?

They're all the same thing.

coffee.jpg - 719x642, 72.53K

blatant lie

haven't slept tonight
i blame larry :/

i cursed you, sorry not sorry

gypsy curses are the worst kind of curses, rip

boymoder is literally just a cis women lol

going nuts with uncertainty. ocd is a bitch

I wish I was feminine
I wish I was trans
I wish I existed as a human and not a fake thing

well you can make one of those happen

person behind me

excuse me, miss?

turn around

oh, sorry sir-

what does this make me

Waste your time then.

i started HRT at 20. I am now 21 plus a couple months. should i kill myself?

You should kys, but not for the reason you think.

Realmanmoderr.jpg - 1170x1164, 273.98K

Man with a nice ass and hips but still Unmistakenly male

those who will, dont ask
those who dont ask, will

i wish i was a pretty cis girl instead of an ugly beta incel loser
i want to die, pls kill me and end my misery

If it's so over you might as well just take hrt


I'm sort of a mix of the two

what would that even achieve, i would still be a ugly beta incel loser but on hrt and with more gyno and more of a freak.. it would change nothing for the better, it will be the same just slightly worse..