I DESERVE a boyfriend

I /deserve/ a boyfriend.

Here's why:

I have a master's degree

I make more than six figures income

I have a six figure net worth also

I exercise every day and I have a slim figure

no tattoos

I eat healthy

I wear sunscreen and do skincare

I'm a full time passer, trained voice, and been on HRT for a long time

I'm funny

I'm smarter than everyone

I'm better than everyone

I'm cooler than everyone

I'm a very nice person and emotionally intelligent

I'm an amazing conversationalist

everyone likes me

I'll pretend to like the hobby you like

If I don't get a boyfriend within 48 hours, I will be VERY angry and there will be consequences! I /deserve/ a boyfriend and nothing you say can disprove this object reality.

can i be ur bf?

can i be ur bf?

I'll be your live in doting and horny boyfriend if you support my lifestyle (I go to the gym and play videogames sometimes)

You should get a blue collar odd jobs handyman bf who makes $20,000 / year and is borderline illiterate but completely dominates you in bed and makes you look like his submissive airheaded arm candy gf when he walks you around in public.

thtas me

Nobody deserves anything. God does not give beyond allowing you life in this material hell realm, he isn't in the business of making sure you're not peeled and raped to death by this realm.

the aura of this post lol literally how are you single?

Okay but do you have a nice ass?

I am full of love and I don't consider myself better than anyone because comparisons are for boring people.

I already have a bf by the way he is going to marry me sorry about your loss! :)

But a man your level will likely want a real woman who can breed
At this point You're basically a very overachieved sex object
Not to mention men dont give an iota of a shit to a womans degree
"I cant put my dick in your college degree"

Literally me but taken.

OP it's not your fault, it's really not easy for most guys to approach in public these days. Just go on dating apps, get to know people, THEN let them know you are trans AFTER they get to know you and BEFORE dating them. This worked on me and I otherwise would not have been open to dating a tranner.

You do sound kinda conceited though so maybe your standards for others are too high.


I'll bite. Someone not poor is a nice change, would allow me to be more open and have more in common to talk about. What's your contact info?

i am another competing girl (i already have a bf) in the same situation as you so I can't help you get a bf but I can approve of your quest

This sounds so stupid af. Not telling them instantly wastes times in both parties

I'm deperate enough to accept one date but you have to plan it to aee if you are actually that desperate. Otherwise you aren't really that in need.

How bigs your gock?

how cute are you?

I DESERVE a boyfriend

Your stats are only exceeded by your modesty.

sure, anything is possible in this world. if I got to know you.
depends how quickly one would be willing to get married, I can actually provide for someone and have before
that's hot af. college educated girl x blue collar guy is sexy.
wrong i deserve everything dummy
you imply that being single or taken is always a perpetual, static thing. also people enjoy my company, my aura is great.
I've heard a lot of praise, so yes, I'm very confident about my ass.
my college degree can keep you fed and sheltered honey

your standards for others are too high.

not at all, I just want a guy who is nice.

nah, I love planning dates but you came off as mean. but for the record, i would have taken you to walk in the park. the parks around here are for rich people, they're really nice. then we'd have a picnic in the grass, i'd prepare you sandwiches, fruits, and various snacks and such. then we could play board games. then maybe grab boba or something and walk around the neighborhood.
I've had many compliments on my looks. probably better than average but nothing close to model tier. don't think anyone would call me ugly. back in the day when I was younger 20ish I asked guys to rate me and it averaged around 8. most common numbers i saw were 8 and 10, and lowest was 7. i don't take that to be accurate though, i think that they were simping hard.
I considered putting that I'm humble in the OP post for the humor, I'm an avid shitposter
n-no way, it worked? I'm shy.. I didn't expect this post to land, I was acting bratty as a joke.

are you in north america?


i was gonna post but tbhon what the fuck do i want with a tranny who thinks 140k/yr means shes entitled to shit. the baggage here has to be buck fucking wild. daddy issues? middle class ipad baby? trust fund tardititus? who knows. anywho gl anonette


you're so mean :(

sadly no

I'm a very nice boy (with a discord) but I need a girlfriend who will be a power bottom from time to time and that is all I ask

I'm better simply due to the fact I'm not American, especially when by the sound of you're from the west
I agree, they sound like they're too "perfect" and just seem bland to me, I like folk with issues, not some confident middle class maybe a hottie without any flaws, get an addiction, a dark past or something then I'll like you

also tattoos are hot as fuck, not a flaw

I have some college

I make less than 20k most years

My net worth is roughly 0

I exercise a few times a week and have a very plump figure

no tattoos but I want one (just one)

I eat too much, a mixture of healthy and complete garbage

I occasionally pass, trained voice that I am generally too anxious to use, and been on hrt for a year

I have moments of being funny

I have moments of being smart and moments of being a ptsd brainfog retard

I'm better than most people at video games

I am kinda 'uncool' in the still somewhat alluring for a nerd way

I am a very nice person and emotionally intelligent

I am either an amazing conversationalist or a mute brick wall

People tend to like me as a friend and want to be around me

I'll probably actually slightly get into your hobbies too

t.ranner i just thought it would be fun to do this too

you sound fun. take care anon, have a nice thanksgiving holiday.

you too!! no plans for tomorrow but i should be seeing senpai soon


i mean relatives...

Can't imagine you'd ever have trouble getting a bf.
I'll volunteer as well.

Not poor and no tats saves me lots of wasted effort. I'll do a cute date if you're for real.

also do not get a bf from here your ass WILL be objectified and abused
unless you're milking validation then that's cool

I DESERVE a boyfriend too. Here's why:

i am a stinky neet

i need him to provide for me

to apply paypal me 100 dollars

See, I'm a les and got me a date with a trans woman who is very normal as far as quirky smart women go. Successful and talented. Very sweet and humble as well. I'm going to try to gf her I think.

If you're so great, someone is going to want you and make you theirs.

I'm 6'2 and attractive but I didn't go to college is that okay

Do you have nice feet