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Last Thread: QOTT: Are you getting enough sleep?

SOTT: youtube.com/watch?v=0g5xMP5lS3w

POTT: strawpoll.com/1Mnwk0OmLn7

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What is Gender Dysphoria? rentry.org/mtfginfo2

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Fashion Guides (Videos): rentry.org/mtfgfashion
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Trans women have woman brains (Video): rentry.org/mtfgbrain
MTF Timelines: catbox.moe/c/afyn1t
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i want to eat Kwanzaa cake with parrot

the candles are actually pork chitlins colored with food dye, so don't light them babe theys for eatin

I cant tell if I'm depressed because detrans was wrong or over the fact that my life genuinely sucks and I feel so alone and only have one friend that I desperately want to be around 24/7 but can't because obviously that's not how friendships work.


apparently not because im absolutely exhausted and cold n it fucking sucks :(

Are you in love with your friend, and you're depressed because you can't be together?

i think i need some of this in my life honestly

im too pathetic for words

you're being crushed and you're still here, you're strong naz

QOTT: Are you getting enough sleep?

no. but the permanent dark rings look good when i wear black :3

deja vu

why aren't you sleeping anon?

why aren't you sleeping penrose?

1. Please stop starving yourself to look thin, you're not fat.

2. Please get at least 20 minutes of sunlight per day

3. Please make sure you stay hydrated, and lay off alcohol or energy drinks if you drink them

I know you hate me, but I do care about you

i hope survival eventually becomes worth it

i get up at 5 but i need to stay up late to actually do fun stuff.

I guess you get more life that way

i just always look like ive been punched out
two permanent black eyes

this gonna be an interesting winter
the building management had maintenance isolate our windows
n we requested the balcony windoor be covered too
so now im basically mostly trapped indoors cept when im sent out with the keys since i don't have my own
it's warmer but genuinely there's no way for me to get fresh air anymore



that's a good look too. you just have to dress for it

you just have to dress for it

oh? like?

just put together actual outfits, nothing that's casual or lazy. I don't know your skintone/haircolor but dark clothes with dark features is obviously a no brainer

Could be

you need to get another key cut that's so fucked up naz :(

extremely pale skin n brunette
so yeah i guess something akin to heroin chic is probably ideal

Life is good fellow anons. Just had a whole day hanging with friends, ate some delicious Chilli dogs, got a new pair of shoes too. Yall should really stop dooming and start living more. The world really isn't so bad of you let yourself appriciate it.

think nobody over here really cares that much how im doing
just need to endure everything until they expend my use and then ill be tossed away again

am not sure so easy

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you sound really depressed here anon, you should log off and take a warm bath maybe, try to take your mind off your worries.

wth is your living situation. you should get those keys made today

It is! Just get some hobbies, work out some, meet people even if you have to make a seeking friends dating profile. Go out into the sun and just enjoy the air. I swung on a swing today for like 2 hours and enjoyed every second. The trick is you gotta let yourself enjoy it.

I am very mentally ill anon but I am working on it but also it's very hard

he wont let me

I can find time for shoes and some bittersweet 4chanel posts.

We all are anon, what I'm saying is my strat will help with it. You gotta not dwell on the awful stuff and the bad luck and instead look at and appriciate the good stuff even if its small.

Nah the adults in the school prob jack off to the memory of it.

yah there's def creeps that overdo it

I do that already I built myself into a shell but it turns out that's bad and isolates you and now I have to do the evil work of getting help

I think it's most of them if not all.
It isn't evil to ask friends for help. You'd do it for them

Do you know /lesgen/ has a Paige copy pasta /mtfg/?

I don't have any friends I mean professional help

That's not evil either. That's the kinda thinking I'm talking about, try to see it more like an adventure or medicine for your soul that some horrible evil thing.

why should we care

it is evil it's horrible and there's no way to simply trick myself into thinking it's enjoyable

idk if it's already the case but teachers should have a similar hiring process to cops. psych evaluation, extensive background check and polygraph.

hey great then really awesome cool

nomi is scary

coz its funny i guess....

i wish you'd tell me to kms because I'm a useless loser who has nothing to offer you

im alot more vanilla than ppl think.
yeh i like 2 go hard sure but cmon u kno its all about the cuddles. the body gets tired, we get old and sick we all just want someone to love. cant be a fucklord semen demon forevs

how'd this come to be?
i feel like im missing lore here

oops lol meant 2 reply

u kno its all about the cuddles. the body gets tired, we get old and sick we all just want someone to love

too tru :<

Are you getting enough sleep?

I don't need to sleep since I quit venlafaxine. I spend all my time working or on embroidery. I also bought a superbike but I can't ride it until my helmet comes. too excited to sleep it's like knowing you're going to Disneyland tomorrow.
youre right, doom is so boring, but did u do the new shoes dance?
that's assault

when did you quit ven? it made me sleep too

October 29th. i feel like a different person

did you have any tic like things that came back?

that to me is what is truly sexy, the intimacy
I don’t see any point in fucking without this strong sense of hunger from the heart for my lover and the sweaty, breathless entanglement of our bodies is both (at the same time) clumsy and inarticulate but also sublime
what worries me is that tranners often say they want sex that humiliates or demeans them and I think the meanest thing I could say in the heat of fucking to a tranner I love is that I want to make her pregnant

dad smokes 2 joints and drinks 2 beers

hears grandma couldnt find a turkey for thanksgiving

decides to go out for one

i try to stop him, he wont listen

try to order a grocery delivery turkey (not even frozen, plenty in stock!) he says "you cant trust that"

dont know where the keys are

try to at least take his bear away, he yells at me that he will finish it then go and makes me give it back

he just went to look for turkey

also he has totalled two cars and a four wheeler previously

chat can i get some thoughts and prayers for him to make it home pls

snail buddies : )

fascinating I bet it’s relaxing to watch them


t. praying

naz what do you think about how you feel if a guy was telling you during sex that he wants to impregnate you

sounds like a white stripes song

lil shelly on the mic what will they say?

I will sacrifice a bull

going overboard

I will sacrifice a ant

make sure to give it last rites so it still goes to ant heaven

Oh man life is so good,you coomers and doomers don't even know.

i mean he's free to try
id probably be pretty happy to get like any positive attention really

ya my manic episodes came back I guess. are u thinking of quitting?

stupid breedable good girl

one day i hope 2 stop being a pussy and become a cool motorcycle lady
prolly wudnt bother me 2 be told that. cud take it or leave it ig

u think he'd know his limits by now
r u, in this, moment euphoric?

If u need lessons lemme know, I taught my heavyset Asian friend to ride

what do you want to hear from your man during sex?

I spend all my time working or on embroidery

u g h

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so theres hope? ;-;
t. fat chinese guy


science be praised

update hes home all good
he did find a turkey

respect your old man, girly

So FtM friend is coming down tomorrow for Thanksgiving dinner. I am so so excited <3

when will my sister realize she is a toxic abrasive person and this is the source of all her issues, not the people around her?

confession: im not actually a fat chinese guy

feel so absolutely disgusting all the time
so tired of it

watch the movie furioza.
it will cheer u up.


why are you calling yourself “my sister”?

never heard of that one

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i am a nourishing soft person

porn lighting

please post some unsees

oh wow chilling with naz distracting her from vidya with massaging her shoulders and kissing her ears

he still shouldnt drink and drive >:|

v much dudes and tattoos.
sad violence tho
but dudes.

2 beers

anonrietta you are a naive waif

porn lighting

yeah my cousin loves rgb's
the apartment is always glowing



but dudes

ur right
they're pretty hot
i love wrastlin


post some cute unsees of yourself with the cool pink lighting I love seeing you

bread wheres your husband i need to explain to him the dangers of the turchicken

hey all
been on titpills for 4 months and 2 days.
im the happiest i've been in a long time, but going through 2nd puberty and all the emotions and instability is making everything harder. Making more silly and stupid decisions. My first puberty was so easy despite the dysphoria. The tit growth makes it worth it though, they fucking hurt and I got new stretch marks.


honk honk

sheen is love R69

of yourself with the cool pink lighting

dont exactly need to post that as an usee
i do look p bad today tho admittedly

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where tf is kat

i used to be crazy at parties but then i stopped drinking and lost all concept of quantities of alcohol

Is it possible to become an android

hug hug hug
you worrying about your old man is a cute greenflag

wait a few years. we'll all be mech pilots n robo girls. connect ur ethernet cable to my port bb

better open that port bbg
im bout to forward somethin

yeah sweet thang let me access your file directory

I have a pathetic psychology desu

chmod 777

okay we reached the end of my computer knowledge im sorry im not a good enough robo whore

nta but I will accept and cherish you as an organic whore

:(( ill never get my mech pilot license at this rate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

that’s okay we’ll do slice of life smut instead

Living the dreem tho unironic

Likely asleep, it's 6am in the Netherland

I don’t actually know much about anime but I figure we could just awkwardly flirt until the romantic tension builds and then kiss

he's playing terraria on master mode rn

anime is weird but there's this one called "Love, Chuunibyo, and other Delusions" and not only was it one of the things that helped me realize I was trans, but also it was genuinely one of the only medias to make me cry before i was on HRT. i mean that's not rlly a high bar nowadays but it used to be. It's a genuinely very lovely slice of life, and if you give it time to get past the cringiness, it's so sweet.

wish bread would play jurkchicken with me while her husband plays AGP games in the other room. oof

if possible link me a scene that represents us


have not been able to do this for years most I get is the dumb single tear thing

a cartoon told me I'm trans, and you know what? it was right.

youtu (DOT) be/iFlinOxi0yQ?si=8rvke5mKRWICbZ_6

the whole shtick is that the girl has major issues with living in reality and uses a childish imagination to deal with her shit life. So the scene cuts between them standing above a gymnasium because that's where they actually are, versus them standing on a boat and them both being dressed beautifully because that's where she's imagining them. Its super sad and sweet.

are u being like for real dense or just pretend dense

bit of both. You have to admit this sounds insane to most people.

well no. you're putting words in my mouth. I said the show helped me realize i was trans. Not that it told me I was trans and I obeyed.
It made me realize that I wanted love like what was depicted in the show, but I had no fuckin desire to be the male presence. At every opportunity I would have chosen to be the girl.

How does that anime scenario translate into becoming a transbian?


is that like bg3?

yes, let's play together. I'll bring some cookies and you have lots of nice milk I can drink

did not say i was transbian. putting words in my mouth again.
The silly anime scenario made me realize I'd rather be the girl. In any media, and I started noticing it more and more.
Also seems like you're imaging that this was a Step 1: watch anime, Step 1: tranny situation.
I watched the anime in high school and I only realized I was trans at 20. Years later. Like i actually said: "..one of the things that helped me realize i was trans..."

that’s really romantic I like your eyepatch anonette

it’s a nice feeling

and I would be happy to have your little stockinged feet lower down onto my hands

fuck yea. if you choose to watch it i hope you enjoy! I don't watch a lot of anime but that's one that I finished all the way to the end.

I'm sorry I was being trolly towards you, and you've given an honest reply instead of telling me to fuck off which is what I expected. I'm sorry to bother you, it was just shitposting

i expected it. you're fine hun. I tell you what these fucked up hormones make me wanna fuck with people too

I guess I wasn’t expecting to see that image of such gentle affection her stepping so softly into his waiting hands I hope your feet land so softly one day anonette thank you for this sweet and genuine moment you’re a lovely girl

lol and of course that post would be trips of truth it is destiny

I appreciate that so much :))
it's just a silly show. i guarantee it'll be a fight to get through the cringe (because the show is kinda built on feeling cringey, because thats how the main character feels), but after you get past it it's genuinely so heartwarming, and heartbreaking.

Chat I am so fucking excited for tomorrow c:

o that sounds nice, I've been feeling lonely

beautiful girl like you shouldn't be ignored is all, I don't think I could stay away from you for very long if you were my wife.

thinking about opening my third eye,, maybe even my fourth o_O

I think over time it can be easy to gradually take someone for granted. it's a sad truth.

i loved bro T_T

yes def sensed the cringe very clearly but you know that can also make such a simple yet striking image all the more meaningful ig by contrast

don’t let yourself fall into the reverie of a lone,y wife
I realize your sex drive and more importantly your hunger for passion and romance are more intense than your husband’s
and yes sometimes people drift apart over time
but there can also grow something deeper in a marriage, a feeling unexpected but familiar
and maybe you thought you knew what live was but then one day after years have gone by you feel something even more
he can be a goof but he’s your sweet and lovable goof
hope he wrecks that ass soon btw

What's gucci?

idk how everybody keeps track of names and shit on these anon threads.
But I'm Ashmom.

ur right, that's why I bought a superbike. ty for the kindness.

well I owe your for the book recommendation friend

It is healthy to go to sleep at 7:30 AM

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you need vitamin d, suppose u can supplement. if you're up so late you're likely doing something that brings you joy, so that's good.
was there anything new in there for you?

I was playing videogames and drawing and talking with a friend. And I already have vitamin D supplements.

nice to meet you my name is currently anathema here
I have not finished yet but oh yes many new insights so far

Anathema is a cool fuckin name

I love her and I can't stop thinking about her and she's getting married and I can live without her but it would be a really shitty existence without any hope or aspirations.

well it’s not my name, it’s my status

why are u anathemic, anathema?

well that is a long story that I won’t even pretend to understand

tis the thought that counts

For fucks sake... SHEEN! You can just eat, I don't know... A fucking apple? A glass of water? WEIRD idea! And I know already, now you're going to sad post "boo hoo, nobody likes me because I've had" - no, nobody likes you because you FUCKING DON'T IMPROVE ONE. FUCKING. BIT.

Ever since I've been here in 8 fucking years when my life went to shit, and I crawled out of the gutter over and over again, you have been here eating shit all the time, putting your fucking money towards a fucking graphics card. Because you know, that's exactly what you need right now. A fucking graphics card to sit more on your fucking ass and play fucking video all day. While shoving fucking burgers down your fucking hole. Right? Fuck.

I'm trying to like you, quit making it impossible. Please. Like a fucking clockwork. Sheen, nobody is fucking angry at you for posting about fucking foods. People are angry at you for wasting money on graphics cards, video games. Fast food. A car, as I've been recently told. Instead of you selling the car, getting some fucking vegetables. Eating your fucking veggies, drinking some fucking water for once in your life (without added sugar I might add) And I don't know sell your fucking car get a fucking bike.

Like, yes, you are depressed. Wow. 90% of us are fucking depressed. 90% of us have some fucking mental issue we deal with. Yes, we are here to support you. But you don't want support. You just want a fucking pity party. About poor old fat sheen. Who will never be liked. Nigga You look like a fucking middle aged woman. And you do fuck all with it. It's infuriating, it is sad

Oh, and I'm not done yet. Sheen. We've been over this for like, how many years? Like fuck? I've been fucking pre op. I had a fucking dick when you started posting here. And what changed? What did you do in all those years? Fucking nothing.

You did nothing. Despite people constantly offering you help, offering you advice, constantly offering you to do shit for you and WITH you.

your sheen rant is reposted daily

this place has a way of turning on everyone eventually it’s the spirit of this gen

wtf why?

i shud break out my scarf
its def cold enough now n a good excuse to hide my ugly ass face for the rest of winter

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stay warm friend

trying too
my jackets honestly p nice
it's warm, spacious, and wind proof
gift from my ex many a year ago, worn it every winter since

Lmao rent free for half a decade

everyone lives here rent free no one would pay rent for this place

im wet brining my turkey this year with the following recipe.


kosher salt

brown sugar

black peppercorns

bay leaves

dried thyme

dried sage

dried rosemary

onion, quartered

garlic, minced

also, im going to rub the inside and outside of the turkey with rosemary and thyme compound butter before roasting. im going to use fresh rosemary from my plant. i will be excited to see everyone's food tmrw !

alright ladies how do i rizz
what do i do

you should ask a rizzler

ur so ready to get married bb (to me)

knowledge of nerd media and culture
assertiveness without being too aggressive
remember her birthday
buy her things
look like her brother or dad, or her high school crush
remember she's been with 40+ men before you, there's no pressure

which last name are we going with?

Decided to make bred

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you did a pretty good job looks tasty



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all the boys in the yard want that goonchi<3

can’t wake up

lol you're the only one worth fucking here

who r u tho? I'm sleepy

*because I miss you all the time* ~~

well now we could mention obsession..

so get away
another way
to feel what you didn’t want yourself to know
and let yourself go
captcha S4DYH

val is a romantic she stalks just about everyone who blows through mtfg

and gets cheated on (she lacks the critical information) and doesnt respect boundaries though she was probably deceived and doesnt realize which almost makes me pity her

She'd miss you back if you looked like that

anya not even mentioned

Oof ig all those anya won posts were a little premature


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"But you know how much you broke me apart (I'm done with you)"

Best line tbhon

best line is the chorus and it’s not even close

which one of the dozens of posters she's dated is she pining for this time?

The Rape of Nan Phie

it’s literally just herself

disgusting behavior

kat x kat
the final e-couple

2 people who couldn't deserve each other more, and here I didn't think anyone would ever suit her more than mono.

it's v** but she lacks the information, it's funny to watch we cant wait to see the meltdown

she's still with m** but keeping it secret from v**
classic behavior, sounds familiar?

Watching the progression from the phie era to this has been horrifying. She's so retarded now it's like not even the same person.
don't do drugs

i dont do drugs lil cuz im high on life

You can always tell when she's with mono. The tell is that mono isn't here being annoying constantly.

but she literally is off trip

She's always been this person, nobody knows that more than me unfortunately.

spill the beans

Not nearly as much lol. When they are broken up she's in here on trip and off every thread fighting and posting retarded basedjacks and immature insults at anyone she thinks is a threat.

No ty I'm just a tourist checking in, confirming suspicions, making a few lamenting regret filled posts and leaving again. Sorry to bother you.

she's recovering from ffs from her last posts looks like

I actually hope Tess’s ffs is immaculate and she looks hot

If so she'd have even more time to make an ass of herself, unless it was yesterday

I'm literally not dating Tess
what kind of parasocial headcanon are you guys producing?
should I start a reality TV show about me or something (warning: it's really boring lol)

Nice stuffie

you see her still though and your new gf v** lacks the information

do drugs

Tbh if valentine and kat are actually dating that's kind of cute. They've been flirting for years regardless of who kat was with or valentine was with. It's like it's meant to be. I wish them many happy years and hope neither meet any impressionable 18 year Olds.

I think Tess will look great post ffs
tbf she already had lots of potential she kinda cute frfr
hope it can help her confidence and that she can mature into a genuinely self-assured and kinder person

that aint gonna last

coeur sur toi vieil ami

so infatuated you dont realize she's cheating on you lol

she has all of my trust and it’s the only time i will talk about it
have work to do, see ya

ok well let me know if you wanna know the truth

val will be fine in many ways she’s stronger than the other victims

nobody's gonna be okay with being cheated on and the sad part is she'll blindly trust her for now despite us warning her, it's kinda sad because it's already happening lol

but has happened so many times that I cannot believe val cares all that much

Val can turn off caring for people really quickly, she'll be ok.

dont underestimate the blissfully ignorant

this is what I think too

agree, hope she ditches her pronto

Well, now that part of my life is fully closed does anyone want to talk about something else?

what THE FUCK are you people on about
literally making shit up for the sake of drama

anyways imma peace out for today, not going to let this place affect my irl life again

she just confirmed you're dating, maybe dont lie to people and drama wont follow you everywhere

Think she will go back to grooming underagers or back to being a bottom for men now that the kat era is over for her?

they're still together though

I’m hoping the latter but I’m uh biased

Drank last night and realized how much time has gone by in my life
I'm 35 and accomplished nothing

I doubt it if val/kat are being so open about dating though Ig I thought that when kat was with laguna too so hard to tell. Best to just let it run it's course and hope they both met "the one". Wishing for and always expecting the worst from people is how we lose our hope in humanity. I'll never personally speak to kat again but I do hope she will do right by valentine.

I am craving sexual intimacy not in like a horny way I just want to feel wanted in that kind of way and to enjoy someone as they're enjoying me in a close and lovey and romantic sense but with the physical aspects all wrapped up.

I have two partners. One of whom has expressly stated they want a non-sexual relationship and the other who says they want sex but whenever I come onto them they just laugh about and it can never seem to turn into anything serious.. it's very difficult to motivate myself to try when I know there's a 99% chance of it going nowhere. We've been together for two years and had sex less than 5 times.

Honestly objectively I think I'm attractive. Not a 10/10 but not a munter by any means, and the only interest I seem to get is from Grindr dick-pic senders and babytrans who want a goth mommy. I just want to fucking connect with someone who is a similar age and not a literal potato, and when I finally found someone like that they turned things into a non-sexual relationship on like date 3. And I don't begrudge them that, but I am very frustrated as a result.

if you’re Tess I really wish you well you are better deep down than you think

Start now or you'll be saying that at 45 too

uhh I think you already know how to solve this

if you tell me who you are i can pass the message along

I don't even know what I could do I just live in imagination

As if tess could form a coherent thoughtful response about hope or faith in humanity lmao. If I was tess I'd have responded with a wojack from 2015 and some narcish self aggrandization or and insult.

I feel like she’ll see it but thanks
well I’m hoping she can change after all this

dont be so bitter about your loss and attribute the pain onto others, but learn from the lesson and let go, only then you can see others for who they are

Literally anything, touch grass as they say.
I hope she becomes a better person too. She's another I'd never speak to again but ots good to have hope that people van change for the better. She'd have a long looong road ahead of her if did chose to, but hey, crazier things have happened.

Where can I buy HRT online that can ship to Japan? None of them seem to ship here.


well seems like you’re involved in two friendships so stop thinking of them as romantic relationships and get start looking for an actual bf or gf or whatever

Ok see now this might be tess. Obsession with having a win? Check. Vague insult? Check. Assuming who someone is and projecting their own insecurities onto the person? Check
Maybe clear up for the anons if you are cucking val so they can move onto more interesting topics?

no, not even close sorry navy

I think I'm just going to play Sonic with my life ...

I won't be navy no matter how much you wish I was tess. I know she's easier to talk to than dealing with my gentle but painful truths but the world isn't always so easy.

okay this is just getting sad now navy

Read it again tess

if Tess is really in the room with us I am in the mood to simp for her just sayin

Sonic is fun but there is time for other things too. Maybe start by making some friends? Even online ones would be something.

Umm idk how to make friends everyone ends up hating me

someone post her disc for this lil cuz

Find some people with similar interests that you have to mask the least around.

I’m not talking to her on discord are you crazy she’s dangerous

idk she's fine to me cuz what's the worst that could happen

let me be clear I have an “I can fix her” fantasy but I know it’s just a fantasy
despite everything I still have a rush on her from 2022 lol fml

This makes me curious who you are. Big guy?

I got drunk again last night even though I had previously decided to stop drinking. I was like really close to coming out to my friends as a tranny and traumadumping about what a retarded fake trans AGP detranner in the making I am.

blech fuck no and I’m not gonna say either
I like the color of her skin I like that yellow-undertone paleness on some girls especially thin blonde girls
she’s a cutie and I do really wish somehow I could thaw out her heart so she could have really happiness in life

she seems fine nowadays lil cuz

her disc is apsuuuuu good luck cuh

I’m glad if that’s true I guess I love her or something it’s weird

Let us know which chaser it is once they add you so we can laugh.

thanks but not happening I may be dumb but I’m not stupid or vice versa or whatever

That is actually the right one anon isn't fooling around

yes I know I think most people do by now

Why ask for her account but not add her?

oh jeez
Dont post my discord pls (but feel free to add me)

Bump for help

I didn’t I said >oh jeez

Are you cucking valentine or have you finally moved on?

Feel free to add me if you change your mind :)

nah but if you ever want to be convinced by the power of love to use your powers for good rather than evil I’ll be waiting for you and I think you’re really pretty also (like REALLY pretty)

Already convinced since i do just that now
If you want post-ffs pics i wont be posting them in thread though

that’s cool I think that’s a good idea for you privacy and health and frankly probably safety as well knowing this place
and I since fell for you before based on how you looked then I will be content to remember you that way and just knowing you got even better looking makes me happy too

You should add me :(

Damn it was Kara secretly in love with mono this whole time?!

Monkey poster

is it possible to repress an AGP desire to transition. i hate myself so much.

this thread is like a whrilwind of emotion today wauw