Boymoder sent me a video of her fucking a hamburger

boymoder sent me a video of her fucking a hamburger

I dont know how to feel. is she wife material? she has a really cute face and nice chubby body but she's kinda hairy, help me out here

God why are all trannies such sex pests

fucking RUN jesus christ

Post the vid, I gotta see this

What kind of hamburger was it

Okay i don’t know how i was expecting to react to that but im gagging right now

wow I didn't think you were being serious. she better at least eat it after, not that there's much of anything left lol

I can't fap to this

thats aint no woman thats a man wtf
that shit fucking disgusting

Dawg what the actual fuck, why? Why waste time and money on a perfectly good fast food burger (I think it’s from steak and shake it looks like plastic) like this? Did you ask this person to do this? Was this unprompted? Bruh why?

Is this really the best you can do? Do you think this person matches your human potential? Dawg this is a fat man who couldn’t be bothered to shave before sending you a video who decided to fuck a burger with CONDIMENTS on. What the fuck man? And you consider this wife material?? This is the equal to your human output? Have you no sense of decency, at long last?

America truly needs god and ego death

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if thats how "trans" women look like im out this beezy

this is you isnt it

lol I know who this tranny is

it was kinda unprompted yeah she just said she fucked a burger and then ate it and I asked if there was a video

there is no way in hell you are so ugly to the point where that is the best you can get
block this person anon

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What a waste of a delicious burger.

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Dude you can’t seriously be considering this still. Would you really want to date someone that looks like that?? Have you even seen their face before? If this person lacks the impulse control and decision making abilities to the extent that it leads them to do this instead of, I don’t know, SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE AND ENRICHING FOR THE SOUL, how do you think that extends to other more important sectors of life like mental stability, work ethic, and ability to manage their needs and life goals?

And they recorded a video of the deed on top of it? You do realize you probably aren’t the first person to see this? They did this with the intent of showing people. Does that not make you question their sanity and general goals in life at all? And again, do you really want to date someone that looks and acts like this? Would you show your parents this person? I seriously have faith in you that you deserve much better than this

Empirically provable that all trans women are not like this but seriously idek how anyone could be considering this individual as a potential life partner

I have about horrible feeling I do as well and I’m not even terminally online

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The other tranners here are hot I don't even know what the fuck that shit was.

this is why i never send lewds

Lil mar did it better

I only saw like 2 frames of the video before closing it, but that tranny looks like a whole man.
I don't really understand your standards, and I guess there's something wonderful that there's truly someone for everyone, considering you think she could potentially be "wife material".
But I have trouble imagining how someone could be significantly dysphoric yet also film themselves like this and at the absolute barest minimum, not go to the effort of shaving, or even using nair.

this is actually disgusting thanks to my third world internet it didn't charge completely but still my god

wtf I love this board now

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when i see boymoder pics on this board i always see them as cute girls but this isn't a cute girl at all
this is a mentally ill fat man not wife material at all

Literally just looks like a fat dude. Disgusting, I at least expected it five out of 10 or above. Definitely not wife material if it isn’t just you Attention whoring

We are actually so back, Maybe this will scare off all the new troons that showed up in the past couple years from xitter and Reddit

not opening the vid but now i’m questioning how i assessed the posts on this site
like normally when somebody would post an op like this i would assume it’s bait or a shitpost, but now i live with the knowledge that some of those bait posts were actually real

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you should open the video it's honestly really funny because despite it being exactly what op said, you'll never be able to imagine it

does she have balls

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The self harm scars and blahaj in the background is really the icing on the cake

This is the kind of thing I would do if someone offered me hundreds of dollars and I would at least do it in a more flattering way. This bitch just straight up hit record and went to town on it like it was just another night to her.

So you're saying she should have taken that burger out to dinner first

Fat-ass nigga

that poor blahaj...

Seeing the reactions to a simple video of someone fucking a burger, which isn't even that weird of a fetish, shows me that this board is dead.

Be honest. that’s you in the video, isn’t it

Show us something good then.