Someone finally discovered a cure for gender dysphoria

Someone finally discovered a cure for gender dysphoria.

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There is literally nothing wrong with being a feminine male who doesn't take estrogen.

'It’s like honey lamb, I am a man, I always was a man. You’re just not used to hearing authentic people speak. You’re used to people spitting lies at you about their identity..'

Caputo revealed that he has been off hormones for the last six to seven years and will complete the de-transition process next year.

'Yes, I'm off of hormones, six, seven years now and this January 2025 and I am — my surgery has been booked to remove my fake breasts and I will be lovingly living in my divine male self,' he explained.

'I'll be physically completely de-transitioned in 2025. I can't wait. I feel so free.'

'I’m very proud of myself,” Caputo added.

'I’ve been through so much over the years. I wouldn’t wish gender dysphoria on my worst enemy. It’s one of the most uncomfortable things I’ve ever been through in my life, and I’m just so happy that it is f***ing over.'

Caputo, who came out as transgender in 2011 and subsequently transitioned to female, posted a video message on Instagram on Tuesday evening (November 19th), revealing that he is off of hormones for the past six or seven years and will have his breast implants removed this January.

“I will be lovingly living in my divine male self,” said Caputo in the video post. “I’ve cured my gender dysphoria. It took many years. A lot of walking through the fire, but I rose above my misunderstandings of my soul and my spirit.”

Caputo continued, “I’ve been existing in a different version of myself, a more healed version of myself. I’ve done years of trauma work, plant-medicine therapy.”

The singer went on to say, “I’m making this video because a lot of people are throwing me shade, and saying I look ugly, and I look like a man, and all that shit. And it’s like, ‘Honey, I am a man, I always was a man.’ You’re just not used to hearing authentic people speak.”

Caputo has been a vocal opponent of transitioning children, reiterating in the video, “I’m very against transitioning children medically and especially surgery. Hormones are disgusting. I can’t even begin to tell you how many side effects I went through.”

unbelievably based. Hopefully more people understand this is nothing more than a mental illness and that they're just being taken advantage of by big pharma.

The matriarchy is the the true cause of the promotion of transgenderism in society. They feel threatened by loner wayward men and want their physical and sexual threat eliminated. Women want conformity and obedience, so do trannies.
Amab trannies are the final stage of simping.

Great, yet another detrooner for the rightfags to latch onto and use as a way to deny us healthcare

I saw that pic and I was like IS THAT FUCKING LIFE OF AGONY
I had no idea he trooned out. Did the vocals change to feminine innthe music?

Mass sterilization is not healthcare.

I can’t even begin to tell you how many side effects I went through.

What a strange thing to say.

Honestly I think all elective surgery should only be semi-funded. I don't know what to do about loner troons, maybe a charity or voluntary fund people can pay into.

based af

Learn to accept and embrace your gender dysphoria, now you are cured.

children not having orgasms

Good they shouldn't, they should be doing kid stuff.

right wingers want children to have orgasms and to inspect childrens genitals

Freaks, I always hated penis inspection day. One time I slipped fell and broke my dick.

i dont think that was a problem for a grown adult taking hrt?

Right, that's why I support the ban—kids taking HRT face harmful permanent side effects. When they turn 18, they can take HRT.

Yeah no, fucking infants will choke the snake. Marci Bowers is just covering her ass because she botched Jazz Jennings and should have their license revoked.

Do you deny that kids given blockers will never experience orgasm?

ok? i literally am not even talking about that topic im trying to figure out what kind of side effects a grown ass man got on hrt

Sounds fake to me, got evidence?

Do you have evidence they can orgasm?
I mean they have tiny undeveloped penises hampered by chemicals designed to make their penises not work, seems pretty likely to me.

His pp stop working

But you don't need T to orgasm. Just because the dick is not getting erect or shooting out sperm doesn't mean there's no orgasm happening.

thats my guess to what he meant but like... thats not even a side effect thats like one of the main ones

surely puberty blockers and cross sex hormones couldn't hamper the ability to orgasm

...without there being evidence

Oh no! Who cares, people only give a shit when afabs detransition

nice, I'll no longer have a moral quandary about my music tagging whenever I see this song

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Puberty blockers have never been explicitly tested clinically JUST in "trans" youth.

The real question is would you cure it given the chance or go through with transition

All I can picture is me hunched over, periodically vomiting

Puberty blockers have never been explicitly tested clinically JUST in "trans" youth.

Normally, we would learn from the experience (good, bad, mixed) that we've had so far with the tens of thousands of kids who've gone through this worldwide.

Unfortunately, between political correctness and vested interests, we can't trust that we will be allowed to see the raw data, or that even adverse results may never see the light of day.

rightoids are just going mask off with the snake tactics now huh. literally this is so obviously vile how does anyone fall for it nowadays? genuine question, theyve lost 100% of their tact

damn he looks like dylan kinda

He went from Caputo to Caputa then back to Caputo again. Truly inspiring.

I didn't take hormone blockers and I've never experienced an orgasm either, yet you don't see me complain.

literally thought is was shopped at first

he didn't tho
detroons always look like pooners
they could never be women now they'll never be men either

He's biologically male so he's a man.


actual trannies: "doctor i want this medicine and am aware of the sterilizing effects"

11 years

never got rid of the beard

The pic from the right is from before he transitioned.

nope he'll never be respected as one

I respect him as one.

yeah society as a whole doesn't think that. there very much is an issue to the avg person.

big pharma in a ukrainian bathroom