qott: what's your preferred aesthetic (for yourself)?
for tranners: has it changed post-transition?
/Chasergen/ - Fashion edition
yay thankyou
i had no aesthetic pretrans i didn't care about my body or take care of it or anything. now i guess i dress kind of like... woodsy, i guess, but kind of soft. all earth tones
Its ok for trans women to top cis men with their gocks.
maybe someday...
qott something from the near future
Is this true?
if not it won’t be for lack of guys falling in love
Yes please daddy..er I mean mommy.
chat is this real
It's not easy being green
no it is not
how long you been reppin bro
i literally cannot wait to get pio. i'm gonna take it for three months & try to gain thirty pounds & then drop back down a bit when i finish it. i want hips & thighs & an ass i hate having male lower body
Ha you mean gym reps im a man
Dysphoric girls here will hate this, but there's a surprising amount of tranner tops out there
nobody can fall in love with me if i don't talk to people though :/
There is literally nothing wrong with it!
yeahhhhh it’s alright sorry I called you bro I guess that probably wasn’t the best way to address it
I'm growing my hair, how long it should be?
I’m not so sure about that
keep going until you decide it's enough imo
i wanna chop a bunch of mine off but i'm avolitious & impecunious
honestly i'm not sure. i dress kinda in whatever, sometimes in ways that don't mess at all with how I usually do. there's some spesific designers and styles I like, but not a definite singular one.
i feel like I had a more consistent aesthetic pre-transition, like, fashion was one of my main copes for dysphoria. picrel is what i wore when I graduated high school, I really still kinda like that look even though it's really not me anymore
it's easy to get alcohol poisoning, given that vomiting or losing your memory is the most common way it manifests. like, technically that counts. but dying or getting brain damage from it means that for some reason your body didn't get rid of it like it should have. you're more likely to just choke on your own vomit or something before the actual blood alcohol content kills you.
also drinking too much to the point where it's semi dangerous really fucking sucks. last time that happened to me, well obviously i have 0 memory of it, but i've been told I spent three hours from 2AM to 5AM in the bathroom, alternating between expelling my stomach contents into the toilet and weakly yelling "help i'm dying help" over and over. you don't want that, that sucks, for everyone involved.
I don’t think it’s just dysphoric girls who don’t want to top for men
Show a little respect for yourselves and the women here, lads
well they can become enamored with my appearance but that's different & anyways i look way worse in real life
Take me to jail!
Lock me up!
I ain't afraid to fuck somebody in his ass!
Idk senpai not really my thing.
Are you a repper, Timur?
girls almost always look better with longer hair but not like jehovah’s witnesses long that’s too long
I don’t buy it I saw that unsee and that webm last thread and esp the webm left me dumbstruck
hi i volunteer
I had it to my ass once
No worries. The dude abides. Although this one time I wore my gf's lingerie when she was at work, and it felt like OH HEAVENS the skies parted.
These read like song lyrics
"fashion" sense hasnt changed
t. boymoder
I'm not a girl
as long as it's not puff daddy vibes lol
willing to bet that if you did some clever layering you could get away with wearing that cute dress of yours. That said, I do like the way you dress, esp. those light blue jeans and wool sweaters you wear. I think it looks real good
baste, maybe not for me, but we love the progressive attitude regardless
That you Chicagoanon? I've seen you with a fall pattern jacket in another pic, we love a milsurplus mommy
idk homie ur doing something to uhh..other people that are not me..okay maybe me..
at least shoulder length before you start getting feminizing haircuts
Where is your boy tonight?
well hope you find your way to what you really want friend
You have a cool unpretentious college girl vibe
then cut it high and tight unless you’re repping then just let it grow for the sake of future you
thank you anon but i don't always exist in nice lighting posing intentionally for a set viewer in real life things are worse always
that's cunt
i reeeeeally wanna figure out a way to wear dresses that fits with my style. i think i need some nice cardigans or blazers or something? i have one blazer but it doesn't work so well with
& thank you :)
i try to be approachable
Different person but you've got the spirit!
I would cross the Korean DMZ to approach you . Please don't make me do that though. Are your clothes still mostly pre transition stuff?
be careful about the road you’re going down I know it seems like a dance now but the brainworms can get so much more vicious over time even when you just feed them scraps
I see a cute future alt/emo girl in you when the boymoding ends, anon
hmm maybe
no but i've only womanmoded for a year & a bit so my wardrobe is really small. i'm slowly expanding it buttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt still
anon they're already so fucking bad. i just try not to express it
Bleh :p
when the boymoding ends
i started hrt at 20 boymodings never gonna end lmao
oo i love that jacket
I can guess it feels bad
but the things I’ve seen
I doubt you would believe it
contain them while they’re babies shai-hulud can destroy your life
I still have faith even if you don't, especially with how clearly you've filled out the thighs and hips of your jeans :)
Hi it's chicago
Think I'll getbanned for this
Sorry Anon, I don't have THAT flavor of the tism.
oh and this webm is just as astonishing btw
got an incredible pic of Aamu just now
Aamu needs a treat
thank youuuuu it's my important special formal woman blazer. i have some olive green linen pants to go with. missing shoes though... need nice shoes
anon i have been here since i was four teen i am completely ran through by worms
thankyou anon
cutest ever
have you ever heard of laf
aw thnx!
i would post a thigh pic but all i have is pics of them full of cuts and i dont wanna be a bummer lol
not replying to anyone in particular, but I just really wanted to say that trans women are beautiful as hell, and I just especially love looking at their nice butts. I appreciate y'all fr
which tranner here has the smallest feet?
which one has the nicest (most feminine)?
I don't at all mind cuts, but you're very considerate for those who might be bothered by them <3
yes tranners are a blessing in this world
she's incredibly skittish and scamper-y in the mornings, she probably won't allow me to come close enough for me to give it to her, at least not before her chubby dumbass of a sister (pic related) comes and steals it
there is still time, human
you look so SMART in the blazer and glasses 0.0
Do you like thrift shops / secondhand stores?
emo has great feet and legs in general, she has athf tats on them too <3
I want but can't have because they don't want me
Her sister needs a behind the ears scratchy.
Cars are mad stupid, Dogs are so much better
emo is very pretty in many ways but not in that way
Shit in your hands and clap fn
not a great look for this argument
agree to disagree ig
yes anon i spoke to laf in mtfg quite a few times when i was fourteen (14) years old. i just handle things better than her
that's the goal!!!
i like thrifting a lot but fairbanks only has one & it's spendy & hasa not great selection :/
improve yourself
cute tranners should not have to settle
so you have not spoken to her in a while then?
What is there to improve? I make lots of moners I'd like to same I'm decently attractive and I'm respectful idk what more I can do
do you plan on staying in Fairbanks after you graduate or move somewhere else?
i gave her some behind the ear scritches just now, but she scampered away before I got a pic.
here's one more pic of them from a while back before I get back to working
good on you be sure to tell her your opinion she deserves flirting and compliments
you need to find that out from the girl you like
I can't find any irl they only exist online in my universe apparenlty
anon why do you think i'm gonna end up like laf?
it really depends on jobs desu. very good chance i stay in AK but move away from fairbanks. i'd like to live in southeast for a bit
idk what more I can do
kinda depressing that you're at a complete loss about what more you can do as if there isn't a whole world of things you could be doing
Maybe I'm just stupid but I rly don't knows
woa so stylish
i wish i got one of those cool graduation caps
Did I ever tell you the tragedy of Laf the Wormed? They said she was the biggest passoid of all.
okay good to know, I'll be making a mental note of that for when I'm applying for jobs in Alaska for no reason at all
It is amazing how on tv anytime someone turns on the news its always at the exact moment they start talking about the news story relevant to them
All dudes above me were real
make yourself more interesting.
ask girls here some of them are very thoughtful and insightful people with hood hearts
mayb in binlan i can try girlmoding
Playing this on a loop each time you sit down I say "Can I see it one more time"
Yeah seems like many shops are "vintage" and charge more
People on tv are so lucky
wear one of those black sundresses with cherries on them, I think you'd look good in them Marie
be relieved that I don’t think you will end up like laf
she is my friend and I love her dearly
but her case is beyond severe and, thankfully I suppose, it is the result of a rare blend of tragedies
her pathology may be unique but the prognosis is prototypical
marie pulls boys no problem she’s doing fine as a woman
the problems are with growing up under the regime of a narcissist
anon fucking apply quickly & come to fairbanks i'mso lonely
you should!!!!!!!
that's not even our problem... it's just a areally lame plain thrift store. oh well
in any case anon i've been stable at my level of neurosis for basically ever
Playing this on a loop each time you sit down I say "Can I see it one more time"
same it’s like music
i love this video but how come whem obi wan says he doesn’t remember owning a droid it flashes back to a million scenes of him with r2 and 24
damn I coulda sworn this was chasergen, not Nobody Asked Gen..
you can just buy one lol, technically they're for anyone who's elligible for university
speaking of which (assuming you're krissu) i have a kinda weird recommendation for you after you move:
you have a bachelor's degree right? if so, you should apply for a master's degree program, even if you have no plans of completing it. applying is free, university of oulu has a bunch of good STEM ones in maths and CS and such, and the cost is like 100€ a year (and that'll pay back for itself with student discounts anyways). mainly because that's a really really good way to socialize. student culture here is really good, it's how i've met most my friends, so it might be a really good way to make friends here.
that’s really good to hear because you seem very lovely just make it a habit to give yourself credit
Fake dude got more engagement than real dude. He the cooler version of me
that sounds cute
i always liked skater dresses and the like
but i feel like they look good on lanky skinny girls and I'm stumpy and chubby so idk
i wish i looked like my style savvy character ;~;
i don't have a pic of her but here's one from the game
woa i didn't realize it was that cheap
i would honestly love to finish my master's now that I'm less mentally ill, and ya I've heard university of oulu has a good comp sci program and stuff
i will actually look into that, ty eui fren
he’s deflecting as became his habit in old age
yessss style savvy gang i still play the original on my ds sometimes
I have to wake up in 3 and a half hours to go to the airport oops
thank you anon
i just remembered i have hot cocoa :)
it was like the best game ever
no bs kind games just non stop dressing up characters and buying more clothes
oops meant to say no bs mini games
feels like so many fashion games have all this boring crap tacked on
well that is a nice little surprise for yourself : )
I think you will do just fine in life and to circle back to the origin of this tangent I think you will have a happy marriage one day when the rime is ripe
tfw no D2R-coded gf
legit the only good dress up games they’re all so cozy
I just cummed from masturbating for the first time all year
congratulations that’s good for your body and hopefully it felt nice
excellent post. checked.
i heard there was a new one for the switch but idk if it's any good
i had a lot of fun with the clothes in cyberpunk 2077
also elden ring lol ik it's autistic and shit but the outfits in that game are legit so cool
that’s the good kind of autism
It is a smaller place. Bummer! You deserve BETTER !!! Have you been around Anchorage? Big city thrift shops always have cool stuff
aw is it lol i guess I'm glad
character customization is always one of my fav parts of games, whether it's gta v or animal crossing or whatever i just love having a little person i can dress up in fun outfits
what did you fap to
np :> yeah the programs there are good, and so are the student activities, and so are the benefits, for stuff like reduced price train tickets, service subscriptions, some restaurants and cafes and bars etc. also idk how it is in there, but in Tampere enrolled students can also get a membership to the uni gyms and sport facilities for something like 25€ a semester
some people even take advantage of the system by applying for a new degree program whenever their old one expires, keeping the benefits basically forever. which is kinda unethical but also really really financially beneficial lol
I am eeby sleeby weeby
gn chaser nation, if you see Pichu tell her "Rico Spanish says you smell like hotdog water"
unlikely for her to know what that means, but that's the fun of it.
also since i mentioned animal crossing omggggg the clothes in that game are so fun
do like tolkien stuff at all?
Goodnigh sleep well
like the books?
literally just hawaiian shirt and jeans, i got style.
yeah for real
the reason i ended up stopping playing New Horizons after like a 100 hours was that I already had all the clothes I wanted (and also that I had like no good furniture because for some reason those recipes were really rare and nook's inventory sucked)
thank you anon :)
i've never been to anchorage!! wanna go someday definitely. i actually have never thrifted in a city bigger than fairbanks metro i don't think
can i justify spending fifty dollars on this sweater
or the movies or anything I ask bc weta workshop that designed and made the movie props among other things is releasing a vidya picrel that is like lord of the rings animal crossing
I'm going to Finland next week to start making some arrangements like setting up a finnish bank account and phone, i should try and get some info about the process of enrolling at the university
thanks again for telling me abt this that might be a good plan for me, I've always kinda regretted not finishing my master's.. i do well in a school environment if u can believe it
it’s a nice color but not sure about the cut
Emo/alt/punk/y'all already know this
It actually changed right before transition. I became a bit of a fuck boy for like 3 years and started gymcoping. I wore looottsss of Gucci, Versace, LV, Prada, etc.
After I started trying to accept myself I realized that shit, albeit fun, wasn't actually me
Good night chaser general
Love you all.
I think I have this sweater
sleep well and happy Thanksgiving
The difference is exponential. Small towns people wont bother taking stuff all the way in to donate or sell, but in cities they do.
That depends. Would you let me talk about your sweater puppies when you wear it
I hope your Thanksgiving goes well tomorrow whether you have plans or not <3
yeah? from quince? how do you like it?
hmmm... i will have to investigate this. maybe i will try to find a thrift shop when i'm in madison
& i have no idea what a sweater puppy is
aw lol that's fair, I'm was always running out of storage space in my house cuz i would buy so many clothes even weird ones cuz I'd be like what if i can make an outfit with this some day
i rly enjoyed planning out my island and decorating it tho, i made like a little small beach town with houses on a grid on either side of the town hall and shops in front of it and little roads and street lamps and vending machines and stuff, i loved the tiny cute aesthetics was like building a town out of Legos or smth
wtf that looks amazing I haven't heard of this
and ya i quite liked the hobbit and the lord of the rings as a kid, i read the books and everything
i always wished i could have been a pretty elf boy and not have to turn hairy and ugly :/
if you're away from the game for too long the scouring happens
wanna go someday definitely.
if you're into beers, def visit the Anchorage Brewing Co. taproom when you do. untappd.com
their beers are incredibly good, especially their stouts but also their IPAs and other stuff. They do some really amazing stuff with barrel aging and such. They also cost a *lot* when imported, but should be a lot cheaper over there. I've tried the 2021 vintage of their imperial stout called "Blessed", the bottle cost a 100€ and almost felt worth it. almost.
oh yeah definitely, that sounds smart. if you want more info on how it works right now, there's a bunch of info on the Opintopolku website. opintopolku.fi
tldr applications to english language programs are in january and applications to finnish language programs are in march
I'm not sure if it's from quince or even if it's actually the exact same one. But it looks just like it and appears to be the same material
It's very very soft and can get wayy too hot sometimes lol. I usually only wear it to lounge around or sleep in <3
You have two and they would live in the sweater when you put it on ....
Ever looked on poshmark?
omg that's so helpful, thank u so much!
well I suspected you may like to hear about this glad I could bring you the news
so are you transitioning to elf then ?
we can kick out sharkey and his thugs
lol i low-key might be
desu a big part of me deciding to transition was looking back and remembering all the thoughts like that i had as a kid and realizing that for as long as i can remember I've been wishing i could replace my masculine body traits with feminine ones
at that point i was like hm ya this prob isn't gonna go away
who tryna be my aragorn
ooh i'll keep that in mind. i'm more of a wine/whiskey person for flavor but i'd like to get more acquainted with good beer
thankyou good to know!! warm is nice up here
oh lol
i check poshmark & al occasionally but stuff in my size is tough to find unfortch. i should definitely use it more
how’s it coming along?
i'm listening to the queen is dead & pacing forlornly in my blazer with a mug of cocoa. i'm immersed in the vibe
drink your cocoa sobe
Underrated Rush
i get it.
extremely cute
245 am central time Thanksgiving day family plans start in 8 hours . I am going to bed gn all
Yes lol give the puppies a nice home
actually if you find things only once at a time then I .. we here .. get to see you post a new fit drop each time. Really spread the joy out
It is a reflective, contemplative blazer dont be forlorn!
sleep well and happy Thanksgiving
goodnight. I love you
still hairier than I'd like desu but it grows in a female pattern now so i guess that's smth
i would say the hair on my legs is about 50 percent thinner but i wish it wasn't there at all
also have ugly hairy hobbit feet :/
only saving grace for me is that it's almost see through i feel bad for girls who have darker body hair
thankyou :)
reflection & contemplation lead to forlornness & vice versa!! they go hand in hand
& goodnight!!!!!!!!!
speaking of hobbits do your feet pass and why is foot passing so rare?
my feet look terrible lole. i have a bizarre fixation on the fear that i'm gonna find a boyfriend that loves me & we'll work so well together but he has a foot fetish & just can't get over how ugly mine are. it's on my mind like weekly
I wear a woman's 8.5 or 9 depending on the brand
you’re lucky to have light body hair and btw having a little here and there is pretty on a girl
I used to date this Korean girl who was naturally hairless other than head, eyebrows, and pubes and she loved my chest hair and the hair on my arms and legs
she kind of lamented having virtually zero body hair but I told her most girls would consider her extremely lucky
I thought she was really sexy but I do like that fine and fair hair many girls have
sobe has ugly feet
guffaw even
that’s a nice size are they cute or nah?
well ya cuz body hair on guys is hot but i need to be slippery like a dolphin
that can be hot too I really loved how smooth her body was (tho I missed the pubes when she decided to shave rather than just trim)
i always shave
when i was a teen i used to pluck every last hair with my fingers to the point that i would have blisters/callouses on the sides of my index fingers
poor girl
nonetheless your commitment to smooth sexiness is noted and appreciated
Idk I've never liked my feet, I got them tingers
sorry anon they're actually weird & fucked up
i have poor circulation so they turn colors too
jerkin my gerkin to this
Gay porn
most discrete footfag
my feet are kinda big for how short i am ;_;
why did i post that
:< fren.. oh no...
What was it?
my feet lmfao
i've just gotten into the habit of posting myself whenever with no concern for my dignity or anything
Attention whore, like typical females
thanks timur
aw wtf I missed it could you do a quick unsee?
nice hope it felt good
whatever fine it's not like i have any dignity remaining anyways. they look like shit though anon for real
unsee cc/album#KN8r9R9oOJpm
I'm a women's 11 and my mom's a women's 5 :/
this is such an autistic way to be slutty lmao
anyways that's enough i'll end on a bad note who cares. goodnight i'm going to go read. sigh
oh also
doc martens size 42
adidas size 44
margiela size 43
converse size 42.5
karhu size 44
these are eu sizes btw. it's insane how much variation there is. my actual measured shoe size is 43, so margiela got it right, that's what i tell myself to justify my spending habits at least.
anon it's so fucking bad. viscerally repulsive. unending debasement of myself. SIGH
gn fren get some rest
omgg do u have a pair of margiela tabis :0 i want some so bad
goodnight marie
got a big paycheck at the end of my last job with all my unspent holiday and flex time pay on it, so i blew it on these ¯_(ツ)_/¯
okay so as a footfag yeah not 10/10 but a long way from how badly you’re rating yourself
honestly your nails are the biggest issue but a pedicure will help a ton
but there is a lot of good here too that a bf with a foot fetish will really appreciate
extremely dainty and overall pretty if not strictly sexy
feminine: these feet pass
soft and this is a big deal for footjobs
cute pink color makes them temptingly kissable
all in all you are dealing with having adorable feet after a pedicure
goodnight sobe I’d massage and kiss your lil feetsies any day
god despite how little i understand footfags, and despite how much feet just gross me out, i gotta say, you guys have incredible commitment and dedication. you've gotta be the most analytical, well-spoken pervs out there. godspeed.
so many women feel like you
we gotta hobbit over here
what the fuck
Thanks bro.
Is that autumn?
lmfao I'm scared to ask how much these were
why are u no fap
I miss eating cereal so fucking much
a lot
i was debating between them and upgrading my PC with an RTX 4080.
My orgasm is poor unless it's released by a cock in my body, so there is no desire to
so I am halfway with you
I know it’s different for everyone but as someone attracted to girl’s feet, the ugly ones are heinously gross to me
whereas what most people would consider normal or even kinda cute feet like sobe’s to me are actually very pretty and sexy
as for being analytical and well-spoken well first of all let me be clear that I appreciate the compliment thank you — it just comes with paying attention my whole life like from well before puberty, literally almost as long as I can remember
I’ve never been ashamed or shy, all my girlfriends have gotten plenty of attention from me to their feet and toes except one who made it clear she was foot phobic and I accepted her boundaries and just let it go
I guess that is also a point: I don’t need to do feet stuff to enjoy sex
virtually every part of a girl’s body is sexy to me but I have a lot of love for pretty hands and feet
almost got a girl pregnant one time bc we were fucking without protection and she started rubbing her feet on my face and I fucking lost it which then sent her over the edge before we both panicked lol
I'd sell them if they're some big fancy designer brand, but idk how much camel toe boots would fetch.
poor thing sounds like you need an understanding guy to help give you some release
What about mind bob? You down to eat some corns?
u being gay? in chasergen??
dick shrivelingly disgusting as both male and gargoylesque may God have mercy on your soul
how can YOU complain about that
Lol you are a faggot
potentially Timur may require advanced boyremoval procedures which is a heterosexual matter
otherwise a homosexual could help Timur out
okay that's fair i guess...
I am a faggot because your deformed flippers make me want to vomit sure okay
Nadia’s preferred salad dressing: salty ranch
I post them because I don't manicure my feet or care, I'm a man. You're a faggot who needs this place to erp n' jerk. Bitch.
ram ranch
someone’s drunk again
ranch by the pound
would you mind doomerepping somewhere else you orc
Piss helps
how so?
It's me
I'd fucking kms if I was a repper or trans or any of that shit cope on sis
The man likes piss
On my face especially encourages
I’ve never tried that before but it’s cute in a way ig bc it’s so subby
timur is a pissfaggot T o T
Someone should put that on a jacket
Timur can guzzle my 98F urine if it helps them cum more than once a year
I mean have a heart
Timur buddy you just let me know if you like the mild clear kind or the fragrant deep yellow stuff I gotchu
im being mandelad cuz i could've sworn that was a term before that game
Man de Lad
ohhhhh it's a disco elysium thing
i'm too zoomerbrained for that game i gave up after an hour
yes, I am free to branch out from jeans and tee shirt.
I'm not submissive in the common way though
If you force me to taste it, mild. Otherwise I don't care
what’s the uncommon way you’re submissive and do you want me to force you to taste it
It just turns into gaygen once the tranners go to bed. Really makes you think.
it took me a few attempts but i have a bone to pick with that game's politicks but whatever
You are a disappontment
you just can’t clock em as early as a trained eye
most of my gains went away 3 weeks after stopping. i’d say definitely eat a lot bc most of it is gonna be fluid retention not fat
bread prowlin around for some titillating reading material I approve I approve
I guess someone has to force fem them. Fair point
i wanna be twinkhon
as women they’ll hardly take responsibility for it themselves
i wanna fuck twinkchan
What are you now? I like it
I must be forced to submit, like wrestled into place, pinned down, tied up. Basically cnc and yes but I hate it.
what are we working with so far the name makes me think short and hairy
a piggy
sooooo coolllllllllll
Turn Timur out blud, I expect a hot girl who posts selfies instead of soldiers. It's in your hands
Tryna be makin bacon
i am done with night's reading. going to try to sleep now
I see the issue is that you just haven’t accepted your place yet
Nothing to worry about don’t beat yourself up (leave that to me)
the name makes me think short and hairy
what the hell man
hey thought you already went to bed but I reviewed your lil feetsies above you’re fine babe
Where my aussie at?
Goodnight, sweet dreams.
She's still here, ugh sigh. My heart yearneth still...
5'9 and i shave it all when im abt to be intimate with a guy
I like those stats now which of the following best describes your body type
it’s over
Even you don't have confidence?
it's over but not rly it looked fine last time i was skinny im just wondering how the tits will place on my big ribcage
I'm not female
Very hot, just don't choke me
what do i have to have confidence in
for a lot of twinkhons they’re widely spaced but that is fine if they’re fairly small
mine are big but im fat, my hope is they will mostly go away when i lose weight but idk
No one here is female. G doesn't post here anymore.
just don’t choke me
I am not the one who’s gonna be taking orders here
But I can see you have a lot to learn
no one here is female
sobe just posted
bread just posted
Funny, witty, nice face?
this was my hope for myself but doesn't seem to be happening lmao
doomed to live with E cup conetits forever
They left though, it's just the boys left posting
saying im funny is the worst thing u can do because it feeds my ego so fast and i end up losing my head
Tease me for having small dysfunctional cock and for being Russian scum too bro
i don't have E cups and i think i might be a tad smaller than u so
That's why I'm surprised you're not more confident
do you like having the ability to sleep? do you like being capable of willful acts? do you dislike wasting away the day in an emotionless haze? then don't stop doing drugs! fucking kill me!
I can’t lie to you about your chances but you have my sympathies
pride invites failure
You dirty Putin loving mongrel, I'll cage your puny useless shit dick and face fuck you for FREEDOM
sleep is overrated dreams are the worst post more pics of yourself
its fine ill just buy a binder and mtftm this shit
What is happening
sleep is overrated, dreams are the worst I agree
I feel you, but it's all the same time. Just sleep.
Why can't you get another gaba or prega script? Did your doc book it?
Only losers fall, you're a winner
I have binders for rare occasions where I might need them as I'm not out publicly (such as at the beach, I wear one and a surf shirt)
the best one I've bought is a tanktop style. It's difficult to put on but it works well
didn’t I just say you won’t be giving orders kek
your tiny feminine penis is your best quality as of now since it is the only part of you that is satisfactory considering how this is ultimately going to turn out for you
so no I will not be demeaning the only part of your body that is currently fit to purpose
as for being a Russian well that we can work with, a people so inured to mindless obedience the very term for your race is “slave”
too wordy, not top dom energy
last time i had a dream i dreamt that i entered a dark room & tried to flip a light switch to turn on the lights but it didn't do anything. i started panicking & flipped more switches that also did nothing. i kept feeling more & more terror as i kept finding more & more switches to flip that did nothing at all. obnoxiously blatantly symbolic
i can't. i just lie in bed with my heart pounding
i have a pregabalin script. before i was also taking immense quantities of gabapentin & booze & shit most nights
I’ve heard this loser talk from pretty well every tranner to ever disgrace the skirt and I am not convinced of this stale bullshit now let’s see the condition you’re in
i just want to die. going to lay down again now
t. never met a drill instructor
It's going to get better. I know it sucks donkey balls right now but your going to heal.
last dream I remember I was being haunted by a ghost but I noticed it was a girl so I started dating her
yeah honestly im not sure how much anything can be extrapolated from my hrt effects
i've been on HRT for four and a half years, but four of those I had male T levels, so I just kinda got a barrel with tits body shape. then kinda developed hips in the past half a year (pic related)
also i did not make this pic just for this thread i've been thinking i should for a while
I'm horny again, I need to sleep you faggots.
No I like it
i did but he wasn't trying to fuck a chubby Russian kid online lmao this guy
nah im not dysphoric and i hate fem shit idk why im doing all this shit i just am
t. just injected again
t. has REALLY never met a DI
but four of those I had male T levels
how did that happen
I'm not chubby I'm pudgy, skinnyfat
You are di?
why didnt god just give me a huge dick, i prolly could've fixed the fairy voice with roids
just a string of bad luck with blood tests and me being too depressed to fix anything lol
i forgot to go to some blood draws and there were a few times where they tested for E but forgot T etc
then this time last year i finally got tests where they did T levels too, they were shit, my spiro dose was increased to 200mg from 100mg and tested again half a year later, they were still shit. and then they just gave me cypro and that worked..
Nah your fairy voice is pretty insane
i never done a blood test and i dont see the point
if you know your T levels are suppressed then i don't think it's even that necessary
im full dosing injections and it sure feels like it so yeah
I did not ask for your opinion, Igorevna
now get down on your knees, tilt what passes for your face 45 degrees upward, and open your mouth
what you see before you is the business end of the penis equivalent of the .45ACP
do not dare to close those eyes and whatever doesn’t splash into them or into that greasy, matted mop, you have my permission to swallow
and if you manage to say THANK YOU SIR by the time I am bored of pissing on you with even a modicum of conviction then we’ll see about putting some lipstick on this sow
What kind of perfum women like in men?
god my psych will have so much shit to unpack
I will tell you go fuck yourself
Specifically slav musk
dont think i like slav boys much but i make do
I will sucker punch your ratface so hard you will fall i to the heap of garbage you are at which point I will flip you over onto your face and commence ro hog tie you like the hog you are
you have lost the privilege of receiving piss directly onto your face and will now have to feel my stream drill into the back of your scalp
although you may lap up whatever pools on the floor
dasha nekrasova is supposedly dating a "super white passing" pajeet im mortified rn
He'll literally erp with anyone. The retirement home must wonder why he's up late every night.
Enjoy all the insults in mother tongue
what nationality are you
must be the money
I do not walk with the animals or talk with the animals
These inhuman grunts are of no consequence to me
But I will see if I can get this animal to squeal with a swift kick to its side
I don't understand the retirement home sentence
alright well now I’m crushing fuck
a lot of bougie indians in new york...
I think bob is like 50
Who is bob?
crushing on a chubby potato looking gay boy? i feel sorry for you
You'd date an Apu if he was rich and didn't look too shittish
Bob is a guy I made up I’m so fucking lonely and drunk
Been there bro, I wouldn't say i squeal
never, ill date a cute nigga tho
oh damn no sorry I was imagining a Polish woman with bright blue eyes, skin like snow, and gorgeous hair
That guy typing meth laced ramblings at you
Psst god Polish people disgust me. You deserve what timurs getting from that old crustacean
t. mister krabbs looking drunk repper
my blue eyes are on the dark and hollow side and my hair is an untamed mess, skin is accurate though
going by your bestial grunts I am beginning to think you don’t want any more attention
I need to sleep but my hornyness is making me restless so I don't know what to do
blue eyes
pale complexion
sounds nice and messy hair can be cute but the potato thing
up to you Igorevna but the magic word is “please”
I've posted myself here, you haven't. I've posted my voice, you talk with a lisp and sound very gay. Maybe use discord to erp with people instead of the public board you retard
potato is how a ton of polish women look lol stop looking at models
ag agagag I luvs me munny
spongebob me boy
another grog
because I can never transition
How do you know who this person is?
stop looking at models
I'm saving my virginity for the right angry Ukrainian
then all american boys should look like picrel ^^
he doesn’t he’s a sad sack who posts across tttt all night long while getting wasted to harass trannies while insisting he hates trans stuff and gay stuff and that he’d rather kill himself than be involved with any of this and yet here he is again and again
this is my gold standard for polish trans woman yes she is a model yes she is a lgbt trip you let me know if it’s totally unachievable
Yeah you really sound like a girl. A girl who would explode into dust if you looked at her funny
he looks like the guy from my hometown who tried and failed to get in to the local bandidos chapter as a hangaround so he started his own shitty MC that currently has like 4 members
hope you can cum again when he cracks the butt of his rifle into your skull
looks gay tho
he doesn't
I hope he does this
looks jewish
is that a reference to something? T o T
now who are you in all this
I just hope he doesn’t kill you before you can ask him to fuck you (he might do it then)
Dementia the post. Call your nurse Bob you're having a stroke
He's here 18 hours hours a day trying to simp or erp with anyone with a pulse.
polish male phenotype isn't so bad
i hate that i'm a potato
yeah he is... gayboys are hot...
No you just sound incredibly fragile like your voice is mad of glass
looks beautifully Polish to me I love your country
I wouldn't ask for to be fucked
Why do you say he's old man?
He doesn't know either.
He says he's 28 but he posts like a geriatric who can't get laid
i am a fragile person prone to breakdowns and meltdowns
jann isnt very indicative of the polish male phenotype to me, he does look like a lot of girls ive known though
I’m telli g you it’s Bob
Bob’s not a figment of me … I mean my imagination
Bob’s my … Bob’s me loyal frycook
Known him for years down at the Krusty Krab
Ah yes Squidward and Bob
Spongebob of course ag agagag
no one can ever know I want to be a woman
wow nice voice
I think a Polish man using me would be hot too
He's one of those guys who pretends to be a lot of things online, while being a loser who begs every poster to lewd post with him. He's been here ever since I started posting months ago, he lives here
it's been over before it started
Now he regresses to children's cartoon references.
This is who you discord with you dumb bitch.
how many of your countrymen look like your countrywomen
yeah you had no chances to be a man from the beginning
I have no need to lie about anything Bob, you're a slimy dumpster of lies
are you just calling every poster bob now lol
how much liquor do you have left krabbypatty
the gay bottoms
he does this all day i dont think there is a bob
and how many of them are actually trans women
Stay out of it then. This chickenshit would dump your ass in real trouble lol dont white knight for him
inb4 you're bob now
the mister krabs guys used to hang out in mtfg for weeks at a time getting wasted and harassing the regulars then tearfully apologizing
thanks bob
idk the polish trans women i knew from this board were almost all transbians/agp
lol no one's ever called me Mr Krabs until tonight. ive never tearfully apologized in mtfg. You all have brainrot
this is so weird
It's OK if Bob is old, i like older guys too
Bob is the retard drooling on his keyboard for any e-action he can get. He knows who he is.
How do you feel about krabbypatties because you’ll never get me secret formuler plankton ag agagag
What kind of goblin erps with people they've never seen? Ask yourself genius. Some hard up desperate incel.
I mean it’s literally just a pathetic repper self-medicating with booze seething and jealous of girls he wishes he could be so pretty par for the course on tttt
i hate how real gayface is and how unattractive it immediately makes a person lmao
he's talking to himself now too
I’m down with AGP but obviously transbian excludes me
Yeah that's in your head you bogged bimbo not in mine. If Bob wasn't a house bound invalid you would date him
pipe down Bob
no way he looks so cute with it
When guys say certain things to me, my dick gets happy. So I provoke more
I still offer this - fight me you faggot. In person not online. You stand for nothing because you're a coward.
I agree with the first girl gayface is real and a shame no wonder so many gays want straight men
is this still about spongebob or naw
Do it on discord.
im not down with it and they were all kinda horrible people that i felt dragged down by
is that any way to treat your frycook? who will make the krabby patties??
hi squidawrd
And that's why you erp in here Bob you're a slimy weasel coward. Fight me irl
so many gays want straight men
only cryptotranny manchild ones
I think we can all be happy that you came
That’s what really matters
Put the lube bottle down and get your hammer gay Thor
That is for friends
That's very sweet
well let me clarify that I don’t really believe in Blanchardian stuff by AGP I just mean nerdy clocky awkward girls
yeah I don’t really like the angry dom stuff but I was happy for you that after almost all year you got a little pleasure
just woke up from a weird constantly changing dream that ended on being a boymoder and someone finding out , I'm crying ;~;
Gooner friends. Fuck off to discord with it lol
repping is really the best strat for you as shit as that is
yay u jerked off another boy, just like in school. Kys you bitch
t. no man will ever love me
you're projecting
i had bad dreams too and woke up hot like a furnace in the middle of night
as in irl you’re a boymoder and no one has found out?
poor thing what kind of bad dreams?
lol back to playing the concerned guy. you're a tranny bob, I'll leave you alone but istg I would love to stomp your head into mush and would if you ever grow some balls
yes you will be okay, one day … one day
my bad dreams are awkward and alien social situations, sort of like curb your enthusiasm but as a psychological thriller
this sounds highly entertaining
mine are either hyperrealistic but mundane depressing scenarios or like uh academic lectures
worse, I'm a hon irl ;~;
nah some gays are adorable
they trigger my mommy instinct
has anyone found out??
those gays are reppers
i had a dream today and it was about working in my garden
i don't remember others, but yesterday i wrote songs and jokes, can't remember anything sadly
lol imagine being jealous of stranger erping
why is that?
yeah but I'm a total shut-in neet, it wasn't a bad dream that's why I cried
you mean they were tears of joy?
girl u dont know shit abt gays
nta but I suspect that anon’s an optimist
You too sweets. See you there
he should go to discord.
no because I woke up in reality where I'm ugly and alone and never gonna be accepted
Only 1 person on discord talks to me. I'm a disappointment
ah that makes sense this better not be marie or similar
that bitch so retarded on twitter idk why i apologized to her that one time
aren’t you supposed to be getting some rest
hard to stay mad at a puppy
I'll talk to you what's your discord
I'm not Marie ;~;
or similar
aint no puppy in nature a cutter
it's not looking good for metalshirtcalifornianhickboyloverrepperguy
abuse will fuck up a puppy
Genuinely I am boring 1 on 1 online
I want my hair played with until it soothes me to sleep
nah they mantises
u kinda were though
if you transition I will
bob is having sex with me. he's too busy getting laid all the time to be in this thread fighting u. ur swinging at ghosts pal
I thought you’d be posting here come back to bed
That's alright Timur. My beef isn't with you, it's with the guy who erped with 3 other posters in here before you came in
are you pretty
LMAO the idea that sex havers need this is hilarious. You can rub each other's bald heads ig enjoy
let’s go to discord Timur
forget about that Bob guy
that I made up
I'm not similar!
credible answer
appreciate your honesty
you're so drunk it's hilarious. it's like being john malkovich but instead you're seeing bigguymandude
judging by your posts I’d say you are in fact similar
Happy Thanksgiving trannies, chasers, Timur, Nadia and our friends overseas, thanks for the entertainment
this nigga pozzes up teenage boys
good film mentioned, night
does drunko repper think that is bigguy is that what he means by “Bob”?
Don't make Bob jealous shh
yes lol. he has the most absurd fixation on him. i think he's envious of bigguymandude's suave & effortless charisma. he's a boorish hick who can't dress up or carry a conversation
It’s the Bob and Vegana Show
I guess that means that the alcoholoid is Vagena which is suitable for a repper
he (the drunkard) literally used to threaten girls in mtfg all the time
I'm entertaining today?
soft self-loathing posting
interesting.. thanks for the lore drop. he's a real sick fuck. saves illicit shit and grooms teenage boys.
i pay no attention to this and i recommend the same to everyone lol
grooms teenage boys
I think this is whybit all kicked off tonight he thinks Timur is a kid and wanted to steer him into discord for some “private fun’ see here
can you post some more vocas please
it's deserved, it would be weirder if I didn't hate myself
hmm hmm astute observation anon. real psychosexual schizo breakdown we've got here!
sorry dad came back home, you can find more on archived dot moe if you know how to use it
Minors can't be on Anon Babble
actually dont theyre mad embarassing
it’s fine to be weird I mean you’re already a tranny how’s liking yourself a little going to push us into the danger zone here?
nah I’ll just ask some other time I enjoyed talking to you and God bless Poland and Polish trannies
just watch out for that pedo
Nadia I’m home get off the computer
wondrously my parents still let me use computer all the time for all that it has brought me
I can't I'm sorry -_-
Nadia I am serious no more computer if you do not come downstairs and prepare kielbasa
very mariesque
Woo, payed a day early bc of the holiday
we live in a flat actually
i like to imagine you guys have a family computer that's like in the corner of the living room and it has those small tinny speakers that make the funny screeching noises when you're getting a call, and your dad kicks you off whenever he needs to do online banking or whatever
kielbasa will not prepare itself now I am losing patience
Paid? Paid. I'm dumb
congratulations you payed yourself
how did you get picture of our flat livingroom?
It's not my fault, I'm sleep deprived :(
But time to stay up all day bc I go back to work in 12hrs
what kind of work do you do please don’t say retail
I'm an engineer lol
I should be making at least $1k tonight and another tomorrow night
Back to US hours trip
yeah, in 2006
us hrs suck
our family computer was in the parents bedroom..
and i played there all nights
i still don't have anything private on my own pc lol
Is it bc of my trip? I'll keep the EU trip on if you like
(but I think they both have their pros and cons, EU is definitely comfier)
that’s cool but I hope you get some turkey or something before then and a nap
poor girl wipe your tears it’s alright
Ours was in the laundry room. The classic grey Dell
I'm considering making some pizza today with homemade dough I thawed yesterday. I'll probably take a nap at work though!
oh it’s Rav haha well what a nice surprise
i had geforce 9800 something something and dual core intel 4gb of ram
crap i could play only in games from eraly 00's
ours was downstairs in the weird fourth room on that floor, like, the bedrooms were upstairs and downstairs there was the entrance/hall room, the kitchen, the living room, and then a fourth room, arranged in a sort of square pattern where each one had doors to two other rooms
the fourth room was between the kitchen and the living room, it had a dining table, bookshelves, the weird sideboard that held all our important family documents and such, and the computer, with the screen facing towards the living room. my dad could be watching tv and just see what I was doing whenever, it was kinda awkward. they allowed me my own pc when I was 13 i think
they allowed me my own pc when I was 13 i think
tranner origin story
ours was initially one that my half-brother built for himself in the early 2000s, it had an athlon 64 and whatever gpu was the cheapest. then in 2011 we replaced it with a entry specced 27' iMac? which my parents used until it broke in 2022 and i got them a 2013 27' iMac from a work dumpster to replace it lol
I didn't get my own until 16 as a chaser
My psp browser history was wild though
i mean this was 2013, i already had a smartphone by then so they kinda figured there was no saving me at that point lol
Just bounce on it already
first trans porn viewed on psp huh
I’m just teasing
Hey lol <3
I had that (Dell) in the early 00's when I was a kid lol. It would play runescape though!
Idk the specs
Now I build my own computers
I used the dell until I started fixing laptops and things around when I was 9 and therefor had my own. I didn't build my first computer until I had a job in HS though
Hey that's not a bad dumpster find! Lol
no it's just all the trolls are americans
it's not alright anon qwq
Happy Thanksgiving babe
listen not-marie, this may be as alright as it going to get so hold my hand while you’re crying
Hey that's not a bad dumpster find! Lol
i mean honestly i wished it was a bit older, the 2013 model has the front glass glued on so I wasn't able to upgrade it with a cheap SSD like i did with their previous one (the front glass on a 2011 imac is just held there by magnets) so it's really really slow lol
First ever transgender contemplation (and also how I found Anon Babble) was finding links from my older brother to futa hypercock doujins on Anon Babble
Wasn't into that, but later led to discovery during the Anon Babble trap craze
Kinda wacky that porn was the only exposure but thats just kinda how it was in the 2000s
my. first was bailey when she was brand new as linetrap
If I have the energy before work I might finally post a pc of that black dress
That's true
Happy Thanksgiving <3
Oh yeah that's sucks. If they still use it or have it then usually 90% isopropyl alcohol will do solve any glue holding it on and you could still upgrade it a little
don't say that I'll just start crying again ;~;
yeah i've contemplated doing that, there's a spesific kinda pizza cutter shaped tool that you can use to easily break the glue, but then i would also have to figure out a way to glue it back together afterwards and that sounds like a really shit gig lol
no gf to bring home for thanksgiving
It's over
it’s okay to cry here hold my hand tho this is the world we live in
Do it!! E800 adhesive, it's not very expensive and it's super easy to use and a little goes a long way
I always forgot to tip a lyft driver until like a few hours after the ride I hope they don't hate me for those few hours
found a creature
they say awaawa
apparently there's premade adhesive kits, i'd maybe have to order one of those since the spots for the adhesive are kinda tiny
Gm to everyone else alone for thanksgiving
Louis belt around my neck, paycheck after paycheck
Trannies on deck, eat your bussy on the fuckin' main deck
Get my dick licked while playin' Yu-Gi-Oh!
From troons that don't know that I'm high from this dro'
"Hello from the other side" is about eating tranner booty from the back
You're late to awawaposting
Goodmorning <3
That might be a good idea. But that little needle tip on the E800 could almost certainly do it too, I use it for phone screens
I've got a Louis belt and will play Yu-Gi-Oh with you
Good morning miss Chilidog, how are you?
Hello anon
huh. :< somehow i've missed it
am i late to Aweboposting, too? youtube.com
yeah it'd probably be fine at least in the hands of someone more competent than me lol
i'm just kinda horribly clumsy when it comes to anything practical
Is today thanksgiving or is that tomorrow?
t. Europeanits
Now that's a quality creature
I'm okay, tired lol. You?
Ah okay, we'll get the stencil and do it then! Lol
Thursday, 11/28
yup! it's a Willow Ptarmigan / Willow Grouse, Riekko in finnish. they're kinda common in the north here. and also really territorial, i've been screamed at by them before when cross-country skiing in lapland.
Very cold but good. Have you been skipping your sleep again?
Shhh. I have to be at work again in less than 10hrs. I'll nap at work lol
I was wondering, do they let people sleep there since the schedules are pretty fluid or is it just something you pull off? Based either way tbhon.
Oh no we're not supposed to, I just get away with it lol
Very naughty miss Chilidog. How do people not notice you sleeping? lol
I try :P
There's some hiding places and occasionally sleeping while sitting up but facing away from people works
emo/goth whore or generic white college girl
before hrt i dressed in pajama pants and a hoodie only cuz i was a sad lil twink
also happy thanksgiving everyone please remember to be kind, help someone who needs it, and enjoy a tasty meal if you can
can you two faggots get a room already fuck
transbian polygen
Polyian transgen
reminds me of mantra and big gay dude
Literally who^2?
good morning or at least vaguely good-adjacent morning chasergen
i regret to announce its thanksgiving
Family holidays would be a lot more fun with a family
Idk about that
Good mornink puchu
It must feel weird for you to watch so many posters come and go and some of them hooking up yet you remain here negging and collecting lore
Maybe not but I feel like a weirdo being alone every family holiday. I really wanna marry a guy with a family that does thanksgivings and christmases and stuff.
goodst morningst anahn
i want to date neg-anon
And when does thanksgiving end?
new :3
happy thanksgiving! gobble gobble! :D
I'm sorry :(
I hope you get that someday <3
Midnight ig lol