Being a “trans woman” isn’t a real thing

Being a “trans woman” isn’t a real thing
Only the act of transitioning is real; going from one state to the other
Calling yourself a trans woman is an absolute cope for a failed transition, reducing standards to that lesser of a real woman to explain your uncanny appearance is no way to live

At the end of the day if you have to explicitly call yourself a trans woman and not a woman your transition has failed

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Seriously, what causes this

Causes what?

This is unironically true. Real transsexuals only called themselves transsexuals until they had the sex change (SRS). Then they were just normal men and women.

Where do you people come from?

When I was growing up whenever it was mentioned in comedies or whatever, it was always this fringe thing, but real, like they had a sex change and now they’re a man/woman. Now everyone knows what it is but it’s never real.

SRS is not a requirement. You don't need to have a roast beef rot pocket to pass.
I am American.. Sorry if this hurt you, but the truth often hurts.

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SRS has always been a requirement.


you're a bad person

sewing your penis to your balls doesn't make a vagina and doesn't make men women

I'm talking about transsexuals here. If you don't believe in transsexuality then I have nothing to say to you.

I don't believe in transsexuality.

Looking like a real woman is way more important than inverting your dick, a passoid with a dick is more of a real woman than a hon with an axe wound

She's cute. Who is the dorky guy? Did she dump him?

Transsexuals require both.

Ladies come in all shapes and sizes. The criterion for being a lady is not found at the intersection of her legs.

It is if you're a transsexual.

Looking like a real woman

Agreed, looking (and sounding) female is important, but many on this board seem to forget that there is a very wide range of what XX humans appear like. Cis hons are common, and their proportion increases as women age.

The standards of passing for the youngshits on this board are far too restrictive based on what I see dealing with foids in the real world.

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It is if you're a transsexual.

I'm not going to use your nomenclature. When I see a lady, she's a lady. I'm using only ladies and gentlemen to designate the two primary gender presentations, and that is irrespective of what's in their pants. I don't care and have no interest in the genitalia of 100% of the people I meet on a day to day basis.

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Facts don't care about your feelings.

The funniest part of this image is that they both look 100% like men.
Truly, only FtMs exist.

Buck Angel gets fucked in the pussy for money on camera and calls herself an adult human female.

Growing up into a man and then doing such drastic change.

Facts don't care about your feelings.

Your argument falls flat, I'm not your shabbos goy ben.

I navigate reality on the basis of sense perception and conceptual integration. The epistemology of facts is not at issue, nor germaine to this discussion. I encounter all different shapes and sizes and colors of homo sapiens. I am polite to everyone and in most cases their gender presentation has no bearing on the interaction, let alone speculation about their chromosomes or their genitalia.

I cannot even imagine the processes your mind engages in, but they would likely be completely alien to me.

The funniest part of this image is that they both look 100% like men.

Is picrel male or female?

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What a faggot.

Very ugly cis women still look like women

You have a very weird type of autism anon... Literally nobody cares what you have in between your legs. Passing with your face/body/voice is all that matters.

If a guy got on estrogen for several years and got SRS but looks/sounds like a man, everyone willl call him a man

If a guy got on estrogen for several years and looks/sounds like a woman but still has a dick everyone would call him a woman

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I'm talking about transsexuality, not modern transgenderism. Getting a sex change operation is a requirement for true transsexuals. Back in the day if you didn't get the surgery you were just a transvestite.
Most people who know you're mtf won't see you as a woman regardless of how you look like nowadays.

le axe wound

You should take an axe between your own legs, you deserve it

ok nobody cares about being tru-transexual either
maybe figure out how to advance medical tech 200 years so srs isnt a barbaric rot pocket
that will win people over to your "back in the day" 1950s drag queen troon religion

A drag queen is a man who dresses like a woman and performs as one; for a drag queen, presentation and superficial looks are all that matters. That sounds a lot more like modern transgenderism, which is the belief that you're a woman if you say you are one, than old-school transsexuality, which actually requires effort.
Also, if you don't care, why does me talking about it bother you so much? If you're not a transsexual then I'm not referring to (You).

100% true
I had a short relationship with a post-op mtf.
To me she looked like an average butch woman. But not even a single stranger gendered her female.
I remember how frustrated she was, i felt really sorry.

She still wouldn't pass if she was pre-op.

no one wants to fuck your axe wound

I'm not mtf.

ah yes


Transsexuals: Beautiful gorgeous srs queens that put in a lot of effort

can you please fuck off my thread, Nigga?

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Form follows function. A dick is just a clit on a piece of meat. It only comes down to balls, which in turn comes down to hormones.

You said that, not me. I never even mentioned attractiveness at all.
That has nothing to do with transsexuality.

I never even mentioned attractiveness at all.

That's the only thing that ever matters

To chasers, yes.