QOTT: what's your favourite thanksgiving food?
QOTT2: what are you thankful for today?
Question for Europeans: What do you eat on Christmas? Do you have turkey?
/chasergen/ gobble gobble edition
Mashed potatoes. Thankful to be in good shape physically and mentally, thankful that I don’t have the doomer curse.
i like the tough turkey leg skin
Stuffing or deviled eggs
I'm thankful that I'm getting double and triple time at work ig
Are you skinwalking her now? I thought she was you.
sweet potato maybe
I’m thankful that I get to be alive, that I get to spend time with friends, I have plenty of tasty food to eat and a comfy place to live for now, clean clothes, a good job, I get to be on hormones, I’m relatively healthy and in decent shape, I got to pet a dog earlier, it’s nice and cool outside and looks beautiful out with foggy rain, lots of stuff idk
why does pichu skinwalk random women? like not even a pinterest model or celebrity. just random women on social media. very AGP, very peculiar
Question for Europeans: What do you eat on Christmas? Do you have turkey?
varenyky, gholubci, kutya (the most based dish in the world), crab salad, olivier salad, meat and potato.
some of it is haram, but we aren't relegious enough.
no, we don't have turkey, but everybody should cook kutya.
you dont eat meat on christmas you idiot
That's bullshit, but I believe it.
it's correct, but most people that i know don't care
eu qott
we have sweetened carrot, potato and turnip casseroles, christmas ham (a huge fuckin pig leg covered in mustard), various graved and cold smoked and hot smoked fishes (no lye fish anymore thank fuck) as well as various other shit that i can't think of suitable english words for
its tradition, we fast as we await jesus
that stuff sounds good, I have googled it and it looks pretty appealing.
i'm familiar with Advent but Christmas is quite literally a feast day. Maybe you do that stuff on the 26th, I know some countries do, but don't act like I'm insane for talking about traditional Christmas meals containing meat when the whole point of Advent is to prepare for celebrations of Christmas.
Question for Europeans: What do you eat on Christmas?
also christmas isn't really a christian holiday here, some ppl might go to church but not most. we call it "joulu" too, from the same root as the world yule, and most traditions associated with it are still of pagan origin
I hope everybody has as good as a day as possible.
me too :3
I hope you have as good a day as possible too
Me 3
I hate being ugly
in our tradition you eat meat only after 12pm when christmas begins, but celebration starts the day before so can sound confusing.
and you should cook 12 dishes without meat, eggs and etc the day before.
are polish people so religious compared to others europeans?
transbian polyfag
yeah it must suck
ofc the racist transbian celebrates a racist holiday
by 12pm do you mean noon or midnight? midnight makes sense but 12pm intrigues me.
i'm thankful that i have haters who are so very bad at it that it's just funny
This accurately sums up the transbian accusations against lizzy (she's a manlover but very racist)
pray tell, how many other nations have crowned jesus as their king?
why are you calling autumn a man bro?
oh wait i never noticed that, i ghout like 12pm it's after 11pm, but everything is otherwise. i mean 00:00
sick today for thanksgiving and my new portable charger broke and i have so much work all weekend and i have no money in my bank account AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i need a man to beat up everyone i hate right NOW
it's literally fine to hate jeets when you're canadian
i would hardly call it racist, it's just natural defense of your nation's sovereignty. it's literally terrible over there
Stop self-negging, Pichu. Everyone can tell it's you.
i'm familiar with Advent but Christmas is quite literally a feast day. Maybe you do that stuff on the 26th, I know some countries do, but don't act like I'm insane for talking about traditional Christmas meals containing meat when the whole point of Advent is to prepare for celebrations of Christmas.
we are just better lezzy
happened in 2016
that's crazy
ok, are you religious?
i hate my stupid immune system why do i always get 10x sicker than any other human being alive i get so fucking shivery and delirious and stupid ugh
Tell me more plz
ok, are you religious?
why don't you ask your wife to explain this to you, transbian polyshit
chasers used to care for sick girls
do you belive in god?
get a job you useless neet
Why don't you find a tall building and jump off it? Remember, 150 ft or more is statistically a guaranteed fatality so shoot for that.
How was your ban bb boy? I missed you <3
i believe in the divine
bitch i have a job it's thanksgiving. why can't a girl get a bowl of soup and head rubs from a nice boy!
I wish Rav would talk to me like this
can you elaborate pls?
you got me confuse with someone else transbian polyshit. i am not thecuck or baldguywomandude
Welcome back spider, you sad pooner freak
bigguymandude jokes always make me giggle
Still do
no, im not
ok so a few points.
1, she's a fairly well-known youtuber. niche but with a big audience still. she isn't some random woman.
2, im not even skinwalking her. someone else told me about her by comparing the two of us. i have changed 0 aspects of my appearance since learning about her and following her on instagram. any shared traits are coincidental. neither of us were the first to invent "split dyed hair, glasses, and flannels" as an aesthetic.
3, im afraid to even ask how this is agp lmao, that's a reach
it wasn't me. there's a bottomcaser here who dislikes me. while i do often agree with her, that post was not me
Biggaymandude is from New Jersey, right? So why doesn't he use his mob connections to put a hit out on the negging pooner anon?
i believe in higher forces that ordain the world and i believe in the guidance of the figures they bestow upon us
well i'm right here >:(
believe isn't the right word, i *know* of them
Would if I didn't already have a trannid to take care of. Some other chaser should step up and take care of you
pichu my waifu how are you this fine evening?
you rly think some bald cuck who cannot get any sex from desperate trannies can do anything to me? lol?
I am a disgusting fetishist and I deserve the worst
lucky girl what kind of care do you give her
honestly kinda interesting but idk if you wanna talk about it. would you?
I gave her a good beating until she got her lazy ass out of bed. If you're well enough to post on Anon Babble, then you're well enough to drag your ass to the doctor and get some medicine.
you should not larp as acting kind to me while being incredibly rude to everybody else.
Right now she doesn't need much care because her mental health has improved a lot lately. I used to have to deal with her freakouts though
anon this isn't the type of sickness u need medicine for i just take tylenol and advil and shiver in bed until i feel better is all. also did you miss the part where i said i'm currently broke?
i meant with sickness >:/ glad to hear she's feeling better though!
I don't think she's been sick a single time since I met her actually. Good immune system?
i'm going to kill her and steal her organs...
you are not the only one i am nice to, but you just happen to be my favorite poster here. why this is so wrong to you?
It's the only way he can attack you.
i can talk but idk whats there to talk about
you are too paranoid man. i just simply like pichu. if i lived in america i would bang her.
Are Pichu's teeth gay?
pichu has nice teeth which indicate she is not useless transbian who lacks good dental hygene. idk why your so obsess with teeth as a good marker for being terrible person.
oh god you're right
You're the one that said Angel had gay teeth and that made her a transbian. Even your favorite poster doesn't like you.
What do you do for them?
my teeth are gay and so am i :)
guarantee i could make pichu fall in love with me at first sight. you jealous my method makes girls love me more than your cuck methods of being simp.
She probably knows how to wash her hands and doesn't touch her face when her hands are dirty. That's all it takes, I haven't gotten sick in over 10 years.
*sucks your teeth*
Pichu doesn't like you and never would. You are a terrible person and she doesn't want to rub your rot pocket. As far as being a simp goes, you are the biggest fucking simp in the gen. You derail entire threads with your retardation and someone should really just kill you and make the world a better place.
Q1 my momma makes these reaaally good crispy cubed baked potatoes, she puts onion soup mix n olive oil all over them n they’re to die for
She also made like 100 cookies last night
Q2 I’m thankful my phone didn’t break when I poured snoy sauce up the charger port and microwaved it
idk how to put it in words without sounding offensive or anything
but how do you "know" that something else exists? did you come to this in adult age or in childhood? was it influenced by your religious family?
i stay commited to love and truth
listen bro not gonna give your text of seethe a proper response but it sounds like your just mad pichu likes me more than you lmao. cope. she has begged for me to talk to her. she wants to have sex with me. she looks down on you as a weak man.
<3 You'd like that, would you? That's too bad <3
So nothing really
Negpoon cope. Sad!
my family is laissez-faire abt faith, i know subconsciously, prolly from previous lives
im not a mormon or a jehovahs witness
I don't really give a shit. I'm not interested in Pichu romantically or for sexual purposes. I just appreciate a nice Chao every now and again. Also post receipts Vlad.
Is this why I don't get sick?
sounds like your own headcanon because deep down inside you know the truth. the girls here love me. you weak men are the only ones threatened by me. cope.
fascinating pichu simping thread
well, our christmas food has its roots in it being a mid winter harvest celebration sort of thing, and also, we do "joulusauna" (yule sauna) as a tradition, just sauna in the middle of christmas eve. everything really happens on the eve, nothing on the 25th.
also a major christmas event here is when a guy in Turku gets up on a balcony and reads from a paper how criminal charges are going to be increased for the christmas period. that isn't even in the law anymore, but they still do it bc tradition.
Anon... I hate to break this to you, I reeally do... But when I say I love you it's satire... I'm so sorry, I thought you knew :(
oh that's interesting
and how does it affect your life?
You get no bitches all you do is collect lore
i know thats not true you polyamorous transbian you are desperate for any male attention and you would love a man like me to put you in your place. regardless you are disgusting to me. pichu is the one for me. she will be mine.
i guess im just at peace in the end
Team Rocket?
I love you Rav. I hope you get today off
oh gosh. thats gay,
bisexual people: exist
neganon: pic rel
He hates pretty much everyone though, not just bis
There's no such thing as bi.
bro you need to relax. pichu likes me and she hates you. get over it.
but im bisexual…
Morning everyone
Happy Thanksgiving
You heavily lean one way. You've only been in love one way. You're just a degenerate who will fuck anything.
he doesnt understand why i like you.
chasers how would you react if your tranner gf came up n asked you this? asking for a friend
what a disastrous thread. cease all disastrous behaviors now.
fascinating pichu simping thread
im convinced theyve never actually seen me
i basically wont fuck anything, but ive been in love both ways
im not them
I'd think it's pretty weird. Glad my tranner doesn't do that
How do you cope with that uncle/aunt who always gives you a weird look of disgust whenever they look your way?
Are you doing anything today? I hope you have a happy Thanksgiving.
Happy thanksgiving dude
what are you thankful for today?
not being homeless idk
What do you eat on Christmas? Do you have turkey?
normally pork or turkey, but all the smaller dishes like roast potatoes and red cabbage are more important imo. we also do stuff like baking cookies which is normally my favourite part
least mef 4channy
pichu i have so many pictures of you saved. you are my future alt gf with mutiple hair colors. pretty face and big pouty lips. i love you.
these comics are always so vomit inducing
im convinced theyve never actually seen me
idk i don't see why seeing you would make someone want to simp for you less
*walks out from behind a blade of grass*
thanks giving? didn’t we just do this in October? Oh bother, not again.
I’m fond of dandelions to eat and I’m thankful for ..good grief it’s raining. Again. My washing will get soaked. Bother. I’m thankful for *achoo* ..great, I’m coming down with a cold. Oh sod it.
What's this creature?
imagine getting sick when you dont even do anything all day or dont go out.
Canadian Thanksgiving is literally fake. You just copied us with nothing else behind it.
*accidentally steps on you
I like your creature i hope he does not get sick and its just a cold :]
it’s me
oh lovely, squashed again . just my luck
A girl on tinder want to talk to me, just one problem... should I ask her about her massive self harming scars?
This was so cryptic I don't even know what to reply in lithuanian
A cat on shrimpder wants to talk to me, just one problem... should I ask if he can fry rice?
this creetcher speaks with an english dialect, calling laundry "washing" and all that, what's he celebrating thanksgiving for? is he an immigrant of some kind?
Dominate him socially
Today is the most important feast of Autumn
so I’ll flip her over and have her for a meal ; )
Happy Thanksgiving Autumn!
You’re a wonderful dish indeed P :
Dominate him sexually
I think it’s a fae folk who wondered into this thread by mistake
Thank you anon :)
I probably taste of chicken!
You give me the ick :(
I love you too <3
Goodmorning <3
I probably taste of chicken!
I’m very excited to find out and I’ll keep on u til we’re both fully satisfied
is this how transbians flirt with each other?
that chaser is talking about rimming her until she cums
fuck my gay tranny life
There was a cute brit tranner on the milsim game I was playing last night with a stereotypical username like "something astolfo" but she was absolutely locked in and doing great callouts
locked in
caged, I assume