I'm convinced all tranny rights are going to be taken away. Now they are talking about banning hrt for off lable use

they were talking about that 4 years ago and are actively implementing it now, legislation has already been drafted and passed in many states citing that reasoning (using the exact same language as long earlier bills from Florida and the UK) which will itself be cited and used to fast-track new legislation that makes it illegal to even have

this is hell

I'm convinced all tranny rights are going to be taken away. Now they are talking about banning hrt for off lable use.

that's unfortunately their end goal

it's crazy watching the fall of the west in real time

you can always move out you know. nobody is keeping you trapped here.

Aaaaaaa!!! Let's scream about it on a Anon Babble thread! Aaaaaaa!!! Don't coordinate or put your talents together, dont study how to change these circumstance! Just aaaaaa!!! Sound like a plan?

Not that anon, but do you really need anymore hints that you shouldn't be living in a red state?

you can always move out you know.

for now at least

i'm considering but move where lmao
i'm saying the west is rapidly falling down to the standards of the second world lmao

just let them eat cake bro

I voted straight ticket republican. I thought they were going to kick out the immigrants, make my bills lower, and stop war. Not fucking come after passing hotties wtf

I cannot wait to see your face smeared on pavement, pickme

Land of the free home of the gay

kick out the immigrants,

nah they depend on them too much

make my bills lower,

who the fuck cares? the gamble republicans are making is that tax cuts and stock growth will overtake inflation

and stop war.

against russia maybe but trump literally has talked about sending the military into mexico

Uh people want to live where their idealogy is reflected in their government and laws. Is that really bourgeoisie? States matter, borders matter. Find a place to live where you're surrounded by likeminded individuals, this is so obvious to me.

sub-zero iq post

I will never understand people who think you can just fly to a country and start living there as if immigration isn't the most ridiculously slow and bureaucratized process, you don't need a proficiency in the language and culture of where you move to, and it doesn't cost a lot of money to relocate in the first place. Like yes, people literally are keeping you trapped here if you can't reach a certain bar and jump through a bunch of hoops, retard.

Okay you must be a genius then solve the conflict of parental authority concerning transgender kids. Do it now you're so smart. Half the population wants the government to take the kids away if the parents don't provide transgender care the other half want the parents to be left alone to decide. Should we have a civil war over this or just let retarded Florida people live in Florida? You're so smart you can resolve this and make everyone really happy right

rightoid anti-trans rhetoric deploying, iq dropping rapidly! common talking point patterns and whataboutisms engaged! complete divorce from reality imminent!

hurry anon you're so smart hurry up and solve these complex problems you know so much about!!

keep going

You were warned

falling for kaylabait

she's literally masturbating

Maybe your kind should have stopped promoting ftm top surgery at 15 and drag queen story time.

Fuck dude it's all your kinds fault.
Back in the day hottie mtfs existed and no one gave a fuck because we acted like regular straight women and made mens pps hard.

You have a ridiculously simplified view of reality to the point your view is completely useless. Of course anyone with half a brain doesn't want to go through the effort of engaging you. It's part of how idiots get away with believing they're smart. No one wants to take the time to educate them, especially when they know it's a waste. When people give you that look, and the conversation dies, you didn't win. They just realized you're a waste of time.

or just let retarded Florida people live in Florida?

the retarded florida people are in power federally and voted for a dude who's gonna make their houses cost more to rebuild when they get destroyed by hurricanes next year

Half the population

half the population doesn't give a shit

Glad you're conceding that you know nothing and have nothing to say and have no solutions

you're going to act so surprised when you get shunned and hatecrimed and I'm going to laugh so hard


tell me more

If I'm so obviously wrong surely you could come up with one thing to say?

Fuck you. Your kind ruined what being trans was

wahhhhh leopards eating MY face?

upbotes to the left

What country OP?

You are horrible

siiiiip yup you kids don't remember what being trans really was about

it's so funny because we're the same age and didn't even transition that far apart

she didn't even vote she's fucking with you retard

Uh huh and what are you gonna do about it? Despair? Fucking move somewhere else retard and if you're already in a blue state then stfu

legislation has already been drafted and passed in many states citing that reasoning (using the exact same language as long earlier bills from Florida and the UK)

wtf are you talking about? the only antitrans laws I've seen are about using bathrooms

they're not gambling, they know it's useless

you haven't even looked then lol


no Federal funds may be provided, directly or indirectly, to an entity which provides to any person any medical or surgical intervention for the purpose of assisting an individual’s disassociation from his or her sex

this includes tax breaks and other forms of subsidy, so basically any non-DIY provider in the US would have to stop offering gender-affirming care to anyone for any reason if they wanted to keep operating as a business (or potentially even a non-profit but that's a dangerous can of worms and might lead to conservative thinktanks/religious institutions being opened up to risk so they won't push that angle as hard yet)

le yawn let me know when any of these scary bills actually pass

are you fucking retarded? minors can't get HRT in half the country right now because of bills that actually passed, and in a lot of those states adults can't either, unless they are DIYing (which they are already targeting) and they have started introducing this shit at the FEDERAL LEVEL to be ready to pass as soon as the new administration and conservative controlled house and senate come in

please educate yourself

in a lot of those states adults can't either

Name them. If a state outright banned HRT for adults it'd almost certainly make national news

they're all stupid, the whole country, it should be the child's right to decide what they do with their body and life and nobody else

why should they be allowed HRT when people can't drink till 21?

can you please tell me how all this 'I am a woman' stuff works, btw?

I am a woman because I pass

so men who think they aren't women are trans because they don't pass. why transition then

i'm a woman because I perceive myself to be a woman

you have a penis though. how can you perceive yourself to be a woman if you're aware you have a penis?

I'm a woman because my brain is female

no evidence of this plus why do you need to transition then if your brain is everything that makes you the other gender?

it's not based on anything, it's just how I feel

so nothing to back it up then?