Say thank you to Donald Zarda.
He was fired after coming out at work - he was tandem jumping with a female customer (he was a skydive instructor), and he semi-jokingly told her, as they were strapped together, "don't worry about how close we are, I'm gay", and the woman told someone else who worked at the skydive company, and he was fired. I wonder who the woman who told on him is, and what her deal is, and how she feels about it now. Would be really interesting to see an interview with her, but that will never happen.
Anyways, he's dead now. He died in a skydiving accident. The Supreme Court case he was a part of, had two other plaintiffs, another gay man, Gerald Bostock, and a trans woman, Aimee Stephens, who also has since passed away since the case (which was pretty recent, 2020).